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There were only so many places a person could be! I ran up the stairs to the roof and that's of course where I come to find the person I'd ran all over the station for. "Herrera!"

Andy jumps from the picnic table she was laid over, enjoying the unusual amount of sun present over the Seattle sky. "Jesus Bishop, let a girl breathe!" She turns herself to face me.

I tapped the clipboard against my hand as I waited for her to get adjusted, "I need your help with tomorrow."

"Sure, what's up Cap? I don't have a pool so I'm out." I side-eyed her because she was staying at my apartment of course she didn't have a pool. "Maybe when you and Carina buy a house together we can have a pool!"

"How long are you planning on avoiding your husband?" Having to stay quiet during sex was hard, maybe I could push Andy and Sullivan to fix their crap.

"I'm not, he's avoiding me and believe me I wish I was in my own bed getting as much sex as I listen to on a daily basis." She jumped off the table and grabbed my clipboard to look at it. "This isn't the barbecue list."

"No, I need to plan a date. I owe Carina a date and I wanted it to be umm sentimental. She wants to know me more so..." I cracked my neck as she went down the list. She nodded at some and scrunched her face at others. "I'm not a plan a date kind of girl."

"No, but these are not bad ideas. Maybe take her to your favorite spots. Places that mean something to you. If she wants to know you outside of what she sees on a daily basis then just be intentional about where you go." Andy handed me back my clipboard. I looked at it and tried to piece together what she was saying. "Like the running trail."


"Maya." I frowned when I realized why she wanted me to take her along my running trail. "She'd love it."

"That's personal."

"Exactly." She wiggled her eyebrows and walked past me. "I'm going to ask Travis if we can use his pool for the barbecue tomorrow!"

She left me there to stay in my thoughts. I looked at my list and realized she was right, Carina wanted intimate. Personal. So I made a new list to show her the places that I would use to describe myself and hopefully it was enough to show I wanted to let her in. After redoing my list I went back inside, suddenly a laugh brought me into a focus. I poked my head up as I tried to figure out where it was coming from. It was in fact real and coming from the beanery.

When I went inside there she was standing in the kitchen with Ben, Travis and Andy. "H-hi?"

"Captain Bishop," she nodded at me with her small smile almost covered by her hair falling over her face, that she quickly tucked behind her ear, effectively beating me to the punch. Everyone looked at her confused because she referenced me the way she did. It was now an inside reference that made me frown. She twisted in her stool as I approached her and enveloped her in a hug, "Hope this is okay." Her soft sentence was almost hard to hear because I know it was because of me she felt unsure.

Being with Carina meant she would always go out of her way, to show me she kept me in mind or missed me, she always showed up and I loved her for it. "Yes. It's always good to see you." I whispered back, feeling her hug a little tighter. "What brings you by Dr. DeLuca?" I let her go but kept my hands around her hips to reassure her that I wanted her here.

"I came for my pot." She winked at me and I laughed. "No calls?" I shook my head, because there were none that got my blood going and I was growing to miss it. I turned and pulled a stool over so I could sit with her between my legs and stay near her.

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