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"How's Carina?" The name immediately made me look up at Andy who had been eating in silence in front of me for the last 30 minutes while I also enjoyed a bowl of oatmeal and read the updated safety protocols. I couldn't gauge her intentions behind the question, though she looked like she hadn't been sleeping. Sleeping at the station would do that.

"She's Carina... she's perfect, happy, beautiful and umm living with me." I said hesitantly.

"You're freaking out aren't ya-" A smile came to her lips and I laughed.

"Very much, her stuff is everywhere because she works crazy hours and I don't know where to put things so her boxes have been sitting in my living room for the last 3 days." There was still so much to get used to.

I had a personal life and I was trying to be bright and shiny about it, and trying not to fear the potential distractions it could bring. All while trying to stay positive and calm as I saw my space becoming an our space, and organization an us decision, not just my decision. Focus on the bright side Bishop!

"Oh Maya Maya Maya, you have entered a control freaks nightmare!" Andy was teasing me and I know she probably didn't mean it to annoy me, but it did. "It's nice though, right? Having your person there." Good save Herrera.

I released the tension on my forehead as I thought of my wonderful morning, waking up to the smell of her imported Italian conditioner invading my nostrils. "It- yeah.." having her there was more than nice, it's what made my apartment home. I fought the cheesy smile the thought threatened.

"Just take a breath kid, take a breath and go from there."

"I'll try- Why are you sleeping at the station?" I finished off the rest of my oats while she looked at me wide eye, "Oh come on Herrera, you were here before I was and had laundry going. I've spent more than my fair share of nights here- what gives?"

"My husband is a liar. He's a liar and he's also trying to get better and says it may be better for his sobriety if we took some time." She bowed her head and dropped into her hand rested over the table.

"So you need a place to stay."

"What— no Maya, I can't— you just moved in with Carina... I couldn't impose." She waved her hands in front of her.

"Your room is still there Andy, I'm pretty sure some of your things. Carina also cooks so good I forget my name- you can stay with us. You'd be helping me not lose my head with so much happiness walking around me." Andy was my family, the closest I had to a sister and yeah we had our spats but I'd never kick her while she was down.

"Thanks Mai.." her voice soft and I knew it was a genuine one.

"Anytime kid." I gave her a wink as I heard the alarm go off.


"Let's move Herrera!" I jumped to the charge. Always the first to the trucks, because if you're not first your last.

"Right behind you Captain!"

We both took off running but I couldn't hide the smile on my face as Andy replied to me. Our fight seemed so long ago now and I know she had not only come to forgive me but also started to respect me as her captain.

So was the rest of the team, everyone was on top of their game and our response to the incident was almost record breaking if not for the traffic that seemed hell bent on not listening to emergency vehicles.

Apparently PD gathered that some speed racer was swerving lane to lane when he hit the edge of another vehicle and spun him off into the lane of a Greyhound heading to Canada.

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