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Carina stifled a laugh before clenching her eyes and shaking her head at my request but I was done playing around. I was going to take her home and devour her body to my hearts content. I had been as good as I could be considering her shirt let me see every inch of her chest and abdomen but concealed the most mouth watering parts. It teased my imagination considering I knew the beauty that lied underneath.

The waiter finally made it over but before I could ask for the check again Carina spoke up. "Can we actually get dessert? The most popular one. Thank you."

The waiter nodded and walked off. I looked at Carina when I felt fingers teasing the veins on my hand. "I thought you'd be dessert?"

"I want to make a deal with you..." she rested her head in her hand over the table and looked up at me with her beautiful brown eyes. Any annoyance I previously had about her not letting me take her home started to fade.

I looked down and took her hand in mine, "And what would that be?" I said looking up through my lashes. Trying not to let my eyes wander to the way her breasts pushed together.

"You said you never feel guilty with me..." her eyes sparkled as she said that sentence out loud and I nodded because it was true. It's liberating being around her. "So indulge with me.. I promise to personally work you out later."

Indulge... No dessert. Shave off 5 seconds and you can have some tomorrow. "I don't know Carina, I didn't work today."

The waiter came back and put a plate down between us, "Buche de Noel, enjoy." I looked from the dish to Carina who squeezed my hand excitedly. I looked back down at the desert and crinkled my nose trying to rationalize it in my head.

"Here.." Carina cut off a piece and I thought she would feed it to me but instead put in her mouth. Her moan went straight to the heat already forming between my thighs, "So good! Now kiss me." My eyes opened wide and she pulled me from the back of my neck to her lips. Her lips were sweet, and her tongue immediately pushed into my mouth and I moaned at the sweet taste mixed with her. She pulled away, "Guilty?"

"No." I said still recovering from the mix of flavors I tasted over my lips. Trying to wrack my head around the PDA I was never a fan of.

"Good, eat a little with me. I'll eat everything you don't." She took another piece from her spoon and offered it to me. "You can say no.. I won't be hurt."

I looked from Carina's smile to the spoon and wrapped my mouth around it, slowly pulling every bit of it off the spoon. I looked up to Carina biting her lip and I smiled as I took in the dessert. It was delicious, I picked up my spoon to get another bite. I looked at Carina who went into it again, she was no longer pushing me.

"Tasted good huh" she put her spoon down once it was all gone.

"You taste better."

Her smile was infectious and she looked around and signaled the waiter down. "Check please!"


I walked Carina to her apartment and shuffled on my feet while she unlocked her apartment. The door fell open and my heart jumped into my throat at the anticipation but when she turned to look at me I didn't get pulled in by my jacket like I expected. "I had a great time Maya. Good night." She held her hand out to me and I just looked at it confused.

"I'm sorry?" I swallowed and looked at Carinas face that sat serious. After a moment she bit her lip and shrugged. It made me roll my eyes before I pushed her in and closed the door, pushing her until her legs hit the back of her couch and made her sit. I pulled her to me from the back of her neck and caught her lips with mine.

Are You Sure? (Marina)Where stories live. Discover now