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"Hi, don't hang up. I'm calling on official hospital business. Hence the work phone. I got the hint when you didn't text me back." Carina's voice echoed into my ear and I didn't really have much to say in response. It had taken the better part of a day but I was still processing what Carina had said earlier because I could see where she was coming from but couldn't shake the thought that she was wrong about my dad.

Although her opinions were unmerited, I wasn't mad at her but she had somehow thought I was. "What can I do for you Dr. DeLuca." Okay that didn't help ease anything Maya. "You know since this is an official call." That was better.

"I wanted to know if you'd donate some firefighters." Her voice was still passive but the question caught me off guard. Donate people?

"Donate firefighters? What ever for doctor?" I sat back in my chair interested in what excuse she had.

"The fire- it left the hospital a little financially hurt so we want to host a benefit for the hospital that could help raise money. Donors will be there and city officials. There will be an dance auction of doctors from the hospital and since your team helped fight the fire... I thought it would be nice to include you all to help us one more time. Show that community always stuck together." Her selling voice was 10/10. It hit right in the fire department's mission to help community.

"When you put it that way, I can't really say no. I'll have to ask my boss, but I'm sure A shift will be more than happy to help. When?"

"In a month or so, I needed to confirm your participation before the date is set." A month.. okay that gives me enough time to check in with Sullivan and pressure the team to help out. Be arm candy for the night.

Now that we had reached the end of that conversation I needed to make nice with Carina. "What about our date? We still on for tomorrow?"

"I- Ya- yes, if you still want to." I closed my eyes because I knew getting stuck in my head would push Carina away. I had even ignored her text.

"Of course I want to. It's going to take a lot more than an awkward conversation for me to not want to talk to you Carina." I sat forward and leaned over my desk.

"I'm sorry about that, bambina. It wasn't my intention to upset you." Her words made me feel better immediately.

"We're good babe. Don't worry. Are you going home?"

"Uhh yeah I'm actually putting a hot pad on my leg right now before I go home to my warm bed. Wished you were in it." I smiled knowing I had done well in my gift selection. I was about to answer when the klaxon went off.

"Gotta go Rina, l'll see you tomorrow" I hung up the phone after she wished me good luck. Smiling to myself as I ran towards the barn, why could I never be mad at her?


"I still smell like smoke" Andy pouted as we walked out of the station. She had showered twice and changed clothes.

"It's seeped into my pores and I wasn't even inside of it. I'm exfoliating with rose petals when I get home because I can't smell like smoke today." I was equally aware of the smell I could not get off my skin no matter how hard I scrubbed. "Note to self wear a hazmat under turnouts when fusion restaurant catches on fire."

We both laughed until Andy stopped me harshly with a hand smacking me dead in my chest stopping me. "Wait, why tonight? Do you have another date!?"

I rubbed my chest out and looked at Andy who looked just as shocked as when I told her about the first one. "Yes? Is that so crazy, I mean if one went well then a second is normal."

Are You Sure? (Marina)Where stories live. Discover now