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There wasn't a part of SPD that intimidated me, I'd been here on occasion and had worked with many of them for years. So as I sat with an impatient Carina pushing past pages of a 2016 People magazine, with a shaky leg that made it seem she needed to go to the bathroom, I couldn't help but laugh. It made me snort and I grabbed my mouth to catch it before it fully came out.

Her head shot over at me and had it not been for her hair tucked up into a messy but kept bun I'm sure it would have smacked me in the face, and by the look on her face I knew she wished it did. "I-I'm sorry my love, this is just routine. We are going to go in, you're going to sign the paper and we will leave."

"That's easy for you to say. No one is questioning you because of your immigration status." She was right, I don't know what she is feeling, but this was just a formality. Her leg continued to shake and she ended up rolling up the magazine to tap against her black and grey striped trousers. I put my hand over hers and she stopped shaking and closed her eyes, "I'm just impatient we've been here for hours."

"It's been 5 minutes, okay-okay," She held up a hand like she wanted to strangle me, "I'm sorry, you're right— this is not just any paper but I'm right here and the lawyer is on speed dial. You've got this." I tilted my head to look at her and she sighed and set the magazine back on the coffee table. She recrossed her legs and rolled up the sleeves of her white chiffon button up. I offered her my hand and she took it to rest on her thigh.

"DeLuca?" A man in a suit came out to reception that looked familiar to the pictures I looked up on the internet.

"Yes," Carina stood up and grabbed her bag, neatly packing any all pertinent paperwork she'd need in any likeliness she'd need to present them.

The detective looked over her and I knew Carina was beautiful and by all accounts would attract attention but I didn't like how he looked at her. It was more than just the acknowledgement that she was stunning. "Pleasure to see you again doctor."

"Wish I could say the same," Carina snarked back and he laughed.

"Is she your friend?" He faced me and I smiled before holding out my hand.

"Captain Maya Bishop with Seattle FD. I'm Dr. DeLuca's partner." He nodded and looked back at Carina who grabbed my hand while he continued to shake my other one.

"So you're Captain Bishop, the talk makes sense now." I tilted my head a little confused by the statement, "All good things captain don't worry."

"Right, shall we?" He nodded and turned to walk us into the back of the station toward some offices. We walked into what almost seemed like an interrogation room.

"Now doctor, it is your right to have a lawyer present, but like I said over the phone this is just to sign the papers your lawyer has already looked over and signed them. Would you like to request one to be present?" He opened the folder and pulled out a small stack of papers secured by a paper clip.

"He said everything seemed good to go. That you are required by law to explain the specifics and future dates." Carina crossed her leg over and her hands over the table. Gone was the nervous woman who couldn't read a paragraph of whatever People magazine was gossiping about.

"Correct. This is a Temporary Restraining Order (TRO) considering the evidence and the statements from the witnesses you mentioned. If you sign, you agree to the period of 28 days, in which case a judge would need to reevaluate and see if a permanent one would be required. Should he rule against, you can re-petition for a new TRO, but only in the case of the harassment continuing."

"So she would essentially need to assault me again." Carina gestured in front of herself.

"Essentially. Let's hope it doesn't get to that extreme." He nodded and turned the paper towards her, "If that all makes sense and answers your questions, you can sign on the dotted line." Carina nodded and pulled the paper in to start reading it. "It says everything I just mentioned."

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