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It was a weird day, the sun was actually out and shining, I saw kids playing in the park Maya runs on what seems like every morning lately. Yet it felt bitter as I sat with Amelia in her office and felt like we still had yet for any concrete answers. "He's not even breathing on his own Amelia."

"But there is brain activity, I can't say he's brain dead. It's rare but it happens when people in a coma just don't wake up and then years later 'Poof' they do," she gestured with her hands.

"That's doesn't work for me. Maya is struggling, whether she would admit it or not, anyone who sees their father held up in a hospital bed for the better part of a month with no signs of recovery feels something. It's like he's using this as another form of mental abuse!" I push off the chair and I catch the words as I fully let them out, when I turn to see Amelia she is regarding me closely. "That's- I'm sorry, but I'm seeing the woman I love in so much pain that she doesn't even know how to process."

Maya covered for herself well, but her eyes never lied, her body didn't either. I could tell she was telling me she was fine, hoping if I was convinced she could maybe tell herself the same.

But I knew Maya, I knew when she didn't want to talk, or when she was doing it to please me. I loved her for it, but if she wasn't ready to dive into it, I wouldn't push. So wedding talk it was.

"What do you want me to do, unplug him?" Amelia crosses her arms and I move my hair around, yet she's waiting for an answer.

"I don't like that man. But no, I don't want you to unplug him. I took an oath and that means even the people who least deserve it."

"Has anyone tried talking to him?" I looked at her oddly as I stood over the chair I fixed into its original spot. "I know Mrs. Bishop sits with him and Maya stands outside his room, enters on random, maybe if she-"

"How do I ask her to do that? With all the pain and hurt he's done and say, 'Bambina, talk to him- maybe he'll wake up when he hears your voice.' It would crush her if he didn't." Maya already had this idea that Lane only loved her for the things she could give him. If he didn't wake up at her last ditch effort, I don't know how'd she'd reconcile that in her brain. "What are the chances he wakes up and doesn't face severe life alterations?"

"Pffff, his reflexes are positive- brain waves normal- pupil response is equal and reactive and he's decerebrate. There is a small possibility he wakes up and all he needs is rehab to regain muscle mass he lost from being laid up so long." She says almost measuring the words as she says them.

The chair creaks as I plump back down and I let my head fall into my hands, hair instantly falling over my face. "There's no news until there's news, what else have you talked about that keeps her busy?"

My eyes widened as I looked up to Amelia and I could feel the flush in my face. She laughed and I shook my head, sex hasn't really been a thing since we got back from New York. "We umm we talk about our wedding."

"Your wedding? Did I miss- DeLuca!" Amelia shoots out of her seat, "You did it!?"

"New York. We haven't really been in a place to celebrate so I haven't told anyone besides my brother." Her jaw stays open and finally closes before settling on the back of her desk, still holding my hand from when she jumped up because she was so excited.

"You should, I know it's hard but you can't stall your life. I was actually going to talk to Maya and Katherine about assisted living facilities. He has good insurance from the military and they offer many facilities for veterans." I squeezed her hand because that seemed like a logical next step, and any step would be good for her fiancée right now.

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