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It was still odd to be sitting across the table with my mother especially with Carina sitting right beside me. Her foot kept skimming over my leg out of habit and I would squirm.

Almost a year later and Carina still makes me nervous and makes my brain fuzzy with her scent, how someone could be my calm and become my absolute insanity was amazing. I loved her even if she left her shoes and clothes everywhere.

The table was quiet except for random questions Carina would ask my mom in regards to me or the wedding. As they talked about the venue, I cut a big piece of lasagna, it felt well deserved given I had already finished my salad. My mom stopped talking and watched me place it on my plate. "What?" I waited for the reprimand.

"Nothing sweetie," my mother turned back to Carina and smiled, "How's the therapy going?" I almost dropped the slice of deliciousness. Therapy?

"Oh umm," Carina looked at me, I didn't know she started back up. "It's going good, so far."

"Good," my mom said and looked at me, "I umm I got offered a job."

"A job?" I asked surprised.

"Mhmm it's a dentist office, I'd be a receptionist. I think it's kind of neat," she continued eating and I was just dumbfounded, my mother has never had a job in my life.

"It won't be hard for you?" Carina openly kicked me under the table. Ow! "I mean.."

"I know what you mean sweetie, yes, but it's at your old dentist's office— the one who did your braces? He's an old friend of the family and well he offered to help," she smiled, this was something exciting for her. Be happy Bishop.

"You had braces?" Carina sounded amused. It knocked me from my internal struggle with the information.

"Your teeth are perfect on their own?" I asked already knowing the answer, Carina was a natural goddess. The only thing not hers was the internal screws that helped keep her leg together a year ago tomorrow.

"I have great genes," she slightly lifted the edge of her mouth in a smirk and I rolled my eyes. No argument there, she'd have great babies. It's a shame I still don't want any.

"Well yes I had braces for almost 3 years and a retainer for like 10. Still find me hot?" I said back at her and she laughed.

"Yes, I still find you very hot. You have a beautiful daughter Mrs. Bishop." My mom smiled and looked at me with that maternal adoration. My cheeks blushed after being looked at by them both.

"Please it's Katherine, and she's always been my sweet little girl. Is your family coming to the wedding Carina?" Katherine asked and I glared at her.

"Yes, my brother will be there and my best friend from Italy," she replied even toned and went back to finishing the last of her plate.

"Your father won't?" My mother continued to pry and I looked at her telling her not to keep poking that line of questioning.

"He lives in Italy, but no he's said he's not coming." Her eyes stayed on the plate, it wasn't like Carina to go into herself.

"You talked to him?" I took her hand in mine and I could see my mom feel bad for asking the question.

"He called," she cleared her throat and reached for a sip of water. "He's not coming," her voice clipped, I knew I shouldn't ask further. Carina and her father had a very difficult relationship, one I definitely neither understood or asked much about.

Come to think of it... the only person I really knew in Carina's life was her brother and Gabriella, though I spent as much of the 3 weeks avoiding her as I could.

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