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Not that I didn't believe her but when I saw her standing there with her work bag and tights, I couldn't believe my eyes. She stood to the side to let him walk by but I was just fixed on the fit of her tights around her legs. The therapy was helping all around, she looked more toned. Not that she needed it but it made my mind wander. "So you weren't lying."

She narrowed her face, "No Maya, I just got out of PT and ran into your stubborn firefighter. I was taking him back to the ER." She gripped her bag trying to signal her urgency home.

"Did you drive here?" I didn't see anyone with her and it was late so if she was heading home, who was taking her?

"I'm not cleared to drive yet. Andrea got paged so I'm taking a cab." She half turned like she was trying to leave this conversation, "Wait you smell like smoke, did you get checked for smoke inhalation?"

"I— yeahhh I got treated already" I grabbed the back of my neck to look around trying to avoid her seeing I was lying. I needed to make sure everyone else got treated first. I felt a hand grab mine and pulled me the opposite way. "But the ER—"

"Shut up Maya, I'm the doctor here." My mouth sat firm, Carina had a way of commanding that didn't allow me to argue. In fact it intimidated and scared me a little solely because I knew she could tell me to jump and I'd do it because I would trust it was for my well-being. We went into an exam room, or rather she pulled me into one. "Can I get two wet towels please."

She closed the door, "Sit down." She limped around the bed and she looked back at me.

"I'm sat!" I said defensively jumping onto the exam table. Her hand crept over my shoulder softly then pulled me back hard. My heart was beating out of my chest after the intensity with which she forced me back on the exam table.

"Put this on your face while I listen to your lungs." She handed me the oxygen mask and she reached into her bag to pull out a small looking pen and her stethoscope.

I was more breathing in the sight of her ass bent over. It was firm and round and I wanted to see it without tights. Wondering what it felt like under my hands. "What if I need mouth to mouth?"

She shook her head and put the buds in her ears, "Sit up for me and take off your shirt."

I arched my brow at her and she looked at me dead set. I set the mask down and released my suspenders so I could take off my shirt, "this is one way to get to know me better." Carina didn't react and it hurt a little. I chalked it up to her being in doctor mode.

She reached for the mask and put it back onto my face. "This is going to be cold" she said as she connected the stethoscope to my chest, "Now take a deep breath." She listened as I inhaled every time she asked.

My heart was beating so fast so I didn't know how much she could actually hear my lungs but I hope it wasn't too distracting.

She looked up at me after she finished and smiled. I guess it was. "Your lungs sound good, do you have a sore throat?" She pushed on my neck then tapped my chin to open my mouth. The little pen was actually a flash light checking my airway.

"No. I barely inhaled any, that's why I wasn't so worried." The fire came up randomly while we were pulling people out for a gas leak in an apartment. Could've been way worse.

"Mhmm well you can put your shirt back on and keep the mask on for another 15 min." Carina put her things back in her bag like she was getting ready to leave.

I pulled her arm and held her by her waist into me, "Don't go." I whispered against her face pressing her to me. The pressure was soothing and arousing all at once, her proximity felt like a cure to any wound.

Are You Sure? (Marina)Where stories live. Discover now