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"Sei bellissima, sei forte, sei tenaci.." Carina had spent the night and as mind blowing as the sex was... we mostly talked.. a lot. Carina was smart, attentive, and very very sexy. Hearing her talk to me in Italian even if I didn't know what she was saying somehow motivated me to feel good about the day.

"I don't understand a word of this but somehow it's working" her hand played with my hair as she hugged one of her knees over my bed. After our excursions, she'd landed on my side of the bed and I didn't have the heart to tell her to move. Mostly because I knew it would smell like her when she left.

"Go shine your light bella.." her voice was soft and her eyes sparkled in a way that made me feel safe, "Tell your truth.. dammi un bacio."

My ears pinged up because I actually knew that one. I bounced up from where I laid on the bed, "Was that 'kiss me'?" She nodded and I instantly moved to find her lips. I could kiss her all day but the alarm I had snoozed went off again. I groaned. "I have to go."

"Me too. I have to go shower and change. I'm hoping to get cleared today but we will see what happens." I rolled off the bed and purposely fell over. It made Carina laugh and she seemed entertained when I jumped back up.

"Thank you for... just thank you." She started putting on her clothes and I just watched her. I needed to get ready but I didn't want to just dismiss her.

"Anytime. Especially now that I didn't require medical attention after sex." Her fingers buttoned up her blouse quickly and my head drifted. "Maya you're staring."

"Hmm" my head came back into the conversation after thinking how good those fingers feel inside of me. "I was umm thinking about-"

"About how good of a surgeon I must be given how attentive to detail my fingers are?" She bit her lip and I folded at the gesture, walking over to her tucking in her shirt.

"That was precisely what I was thinking.. did you want to show me how you do vaginal exams again?" I raised myself up to kiss her soft dark rosy lip, then the freckle over her chin, then down her jawline.

She slow laughed and backed away, "I need my energy for whatever pacer test Bailey will make me do to prove I can go back to work."

Pacers. The memory made me shiver as I remembered my childhood involved a lot of them, especially up and down football fields because my times weren't up to par. Going until I couldn't anymore, until my lungs felt like bleeding and then some. "Maya?" Her voice pulled me back and I looked up at her.

"You don't want a couple more days?" There was the worry I had developed for her well-being and it went beyond the general public concern. I don't know how I felt about it.

She rolled her eyes and walked around me as she finished her cuffs. I turned and followed her to the hallway where she grabbed her coat. "No. I have patients literally putting themselves on bed rest so they don't trigger labor and have to push for someone else. I basically run the department from a chair since the head of OB is always on vacation. I need to be back at work."

Carina loved her job and I knew it and seeing the passion with which she loved doing it was hot. "When can I see you again?"

"Talk with your friend and let me know how it goes," she said and I guess my disappointed face made her continue, "Depending how today goes.. we'll see. My schedule can be crazy too, once I'm back on rotation." I also didn't like that answer. I liked the idea of Carina being available to me but I knew that was an old way of thinking. Someone else's thinking engraved in my brain. Someone I had been thinking off a lot lately. "Stop frowning, call me later." She raised my face and kissed me hard but didn't deepen it. "Go get ready."

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