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Blood was pounding in my ears as I watched this woman openly flirt with Maya and she was letting her. It took everything in me to not rip her away from the woman who had been distant for the past 24 hours, as she seductively leaned in closer. What finally made me break the silence I stood in for the last 5 minutes was the flirty smirk Maya gave her and the way she bit her lip. Almost like she was trying to contain her enjoyment, it was the face of a person I didn't recognize as the woman I shared a bed with and who I let my guard down to.

Victoria and Travis stared at me as I opened my mouth probably waiting for a jealous outburst, but I would not give anyone the luxury of seeing me rip this woman to shreds even if it seemed she had the build to break me. It was a thing of pride, especially when I saw Jack watching me. "Si, Captain Bishop, interested?"

Maya looked up to meet my flat face and her bottom lip fell from between her teeth as realization that I was there watching the whole thing set in. She swallowed and looked at Andy who took a big swig of her beer. If she was trying to push me away, flirting with other woman would definitely be the best way at getting that done. I could tolerate a lot but I had enough self worth to not let myself get walked over by a beautiful woman with a heart stopping smile.

The woman turned around to meet me since I interrupted her banter. "Maybe next Wednesday, babes."

I smirked at her, and looked over her gracefully. Starting to circle her like I was about to tear her down a peg. I kept walking until I was between her and Maya. She followed me with her eyes and I took off my coat. Maya's firefighters were watching us, waiting for me to stake a claim I didn't even know if Maya wanted. I threw my coat over the back of her chair and unbuttoned the first couple buttons of my shirt.

Maya's eyes followed my body and it only validated who it was she wanted, my confidence only growing. "That's for her to decide. Certo, bella?" I flipped my hair to one side and finally looked to Maya, who was studying me as I brought a hand to her cheek, tracing it to her jaw. Only to pull it up to my mouth and kiss her deeply. Dragging her bottom lip with me as I let her go. "It's up to you."

Maya swallowed at me, her breath a little sharper as she turned to face the woman rolling her eyes, "I'm going to pass Charlotte." Maya put her hand around my waist and pulled me in to stand between her legs. "I'm good right here." Although that was comforting to hear, it didn't do much for the rage in my body because it wasn't decisive.

"Whatever Bishop, see you next time." She looked at me with an amused glare that I didn't return nor react from. I gave nothing away as she continued looking at me. She seemed to be waiting for some sort of reply. As was I, something along the lines of 'No, I'm taken,' but it never came.

Eventually I saw her begin to shy away, leaving to wherever in the bar she had emerged from. I was by all appearances a confident woman, a tough exterior I had come to build and comfortability with my body and attributes gained over time. Yet the one person I needed validation from right now was doing little to help.

"Hi.." Maya said into my ear and I moved out of her hold to face the bar needing something to cool the heat in my body. A tension only growing by having Maya so close. How she could think that was any sign that we were okay was lost in me.

"Can I get a glass of white wine please." Joe looked at me hesitantly. I wanted a drink, I wanted something harder, something that would make all these feelings slip away so I wouldn't have to go through this night just to go home and fight with Maya.

"Carina, don't." I gave her a look and she looked down. I was angry. Maya had been distant for the last day and this is what I walk into. I used to pride myself on not being possessive, yet I found myself fighting every fiber of my being to keep from being that way now. "Water instead." Joe nodded and immediately poured me a glass of sparkling water.

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