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The sound of paper rustling made me raise my head from the space it rested on Carina's bed. We didn't exactly talk once I stepped inside her apartment but I didn't think we would considering the eagerness of her voice over the phone. I turned on the bed and looked at Carinas half naked body sitting on the floor with pages spread all over her floor. "What are you doing?"

"Work." Her voice was clipped. She had her hair up in a messy bun with a highlighter in her mouth forcing the one word to be mumbled over it. She raised one of the articles to her face to read through it. I don't think I've ever been more turned on, the sight of the most beautiful woman I'd ever seen shuffling through medical journals after literally being tongue deep in my- "AHA! L'ho trovato!" - I found it! -

She jumped up and took the pen holding her hair up and started scribbling on it. Her phone rang and she answered it, "Dra. DeLuca... mhmm. Yes I know but she- but I-.... Okay I will sign the contract in the morning... Of course Chief, thank you!" I crawled to the end of the bed and ran a finger up her spine to her neck as she put her hair back up. Carina shivered and turned around like she was surprised to see me.

"Hi, remember me? Captain Maya Bishop.. I was the one you just had mindless sex with until I thought we both fell asleep" I trailed my hands over her shoulder and bit my lip because the smoothness of her skin felt nice under the pads of my fingers.

"Oh I'm sorry, was that you?" she turned over and leaned up to kiss me, I was a bit surprised when she deepened it. Moving me back until she was laying over me and her hands trailed up my body and gripped my breasts. "Oh.. I remember you now" she whispered against my lips and I pushed her off.

"You're not funny" I replied, knowing full well there was a smile plastered on my face because she amused me. I was always smiling when it came to Carina and it wasn't a feeling I was used to.

"Maybe a little bit" she pinched her fingers over her face from where she now laid on her stomach. "How was your day?"

"Great.. I had breakfast with my— with you and then I slept for a good while. Woke up, went for a run, checked in with B shift then now I'm back with you." I didn't know what Carina was to me. I had told her things about me I had not even told Andy and as much as it scared me it also was good to open up to someone and not feel judged for what I said. In turn she had shared a part of herself and I just found myself more mesmerized by the woman who I had almost let slip out of my grasp. "You?" I ran my hand up and down her arm.

"I spent the morning fighting to be allowed back to work. Then I talked with Amelia and was able to work something out with her so I could. Then I got on a case and guess what!?" she sat up excited about something she was fighting not to yell out.

I was stuck on her being able to work something out with Amelia. I wanted to ask what that was exactly but somehow I didn't think showing my jealousy right now would help. Carina was happy and I intended to keep it that way, for now. "You figured it out?"

"Mmm no, not yet but I am very close! The 'what' is, I got a promotion. Chief Bailey promoted me and I am over the moon because I thought leaving my job in Italy would be a step back but I am making it up in spares!" Her hands flared around her head in excitement.

"Spades babe, making it up in spades.." I got up on my knees and couldn't help but want to share in her excitement, "Congratulations Dr. DeLuca.."

"Chief DeLuca, bambina" she corrected me back, "Dra. DeLuca, Chief of OB/GYN at Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital the forefront hospital-"

"In the Pacific Northwest yea you got that and its so sexy.. I'm so happy for you!" I kissed her hard letting our chests press together, "Do I have to call you chief in bed now?" I joked against her lips.

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