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There was a part of me that was thrilled, the part of me that needed to make Maya feel wanted and loved. Yes, I could wait until we got home and plan something romantic for her. Who am I kidding!? I will anyway, I will think of many ways to compensate for my wrongs. We moved up a floor and I opened the room cautiously, it was empty.

I'd never been one for on-call rooms, the space felt limited, but I didn't think of that when I pulled Maya in and pushed her against the door. All I thought of was my longing, the lust in the kisses we shared on that couch. The thought seemingly mutual as Maya locked the door behind her. When I leaned in to reignite that feeling, her hands landed on my hips holding me at a distance.

"Wait, is this a good idea?" She asked, I could see the lump she was swallowing as her eyes fell to my lips. I brought her gaze up with my hand on the side of her face and thumb just below her chin. I licked my lips as I caught her beautiful eyes. "Should we wait?" Maya was nervous and small part of me felt giddy about it. To see her breathing full of desire and her body trying to calm itself down.

That's everything I didn't want, "Maya, I want you on my mouth. I want your thighs to shake against my cheeks. For my name to bounce off the walls because no one else could make you feel like I can. I want us to have the kind of sex that triggers flashbacks, so I feel like you are right there with me." I freed her shirt from the front tuck of her pants. Slowly opening them as her lips parted. She didn't say anything as I ran my nose across hers and slipped my hand into the opening I had made, "Can I?" I bit her lip and dragged it with me until it fell from my teeth. I traced my tongue from her chin to the curve of her sharp jaw, "Can I make love to you?"

My hand was paused just under her brief's waist band. I nibbled on her ear lobe and felt her legs adjust as I sucked on the soft piece of cartilage. "You are a bad doctor."

"I'm actually very good at what I do, don't you hear?" I teased my fingers lower, scratching at the short trim of hair over her pubic bone, "They call me Dr. Orgasm, Captain Bishop, and I could publish an article or two on this specialty."

I could feel her smile against my cheek, "And what specialty is that?"

"You," I went back to hovering over her face, I skated a little lower and her hand found my wrist, "Loving you... and making love to you so good you can feel how much I do— down to your bones." I looked at her closely, finding her bright eyes almost consumed by her pupil, "Maya I need you flush and hot against my body because even being a millimeter apart feels too much. I miss discovering new ways to make you cum so hard the only word you can think of is my name." My body was hot and I ached to feel her skin against mine, to taste the wetness I knew was just south of my fingers. "But I might miss screaming yours a little more," I whispered against her lips and smiled as she adjusted to spread her legs and alleviate the heat my words caused her.

"Carina, you— god, you unravel me." I pressed my forehead against hers, I could feel her heart beating against my chest— it could also just be mine because seeing her so undone, so undeniably mine, elevated my heart rate and made my mind foggy.

"Let me make love to you, bambina." I could see her nipples peaking even through her sports bra. I wanted them in my mouth. I had two hours before I had to be on the floor and I only wanted 30 minutes to cherish her and feel her again, 30 to get me through to tomorrow when I could see her again.

I nibbled on her ear and then I heard the sweetest English word. "Yes." To say my smile broke my face was an understatement.

"If you're sure," I winked at her as I removed my hand and pulled off her shirt, the sports bra following right behind. She worked on my slacks while I worked on my blouse. We both finished at the same time as I tore off the fabric and reached behind for my bra. The minute it released my hands I explored. They ran up and down her body, from the waistband of her jeans to the broad delicious feel of her muscles.

Are You Sure? (Marina)Where stories live. Discover now