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There were some nerves with having rough sex. I didn't want to over do it but I also knew Carina was good about communicating with me about her desires. Especially in bed, she'd tell me what she did and didn't like and I anchored on our ability to communicate and read each other— to tell me what was too much and what was okay.

Right now staring at the way she gripped the sheets and her heavy breathing against the bed told me she was turned on. I leaned over and undid her bralette needing unrestricted access to her back. "Take it off."

She wiggled around and threw it off. I reached for the waist of her panties and pulled them up before pulling them down. As predicted they were soaked and I knew mine were too. I climbed off the bed to remove my clothes. Carina quickly flipping over to see me undress.

"Face down. Get on your knees." She smiled as she watched my underwear hit the floor. "Are you being insubordinate, my love?"

"No." She looked back down and adjusted to sit up on her knees and support herself on her forearms.

"That's what I thought." I grabbed the clear plastic clipboard and adjusted to the weight of it in my hand. I set the papers on her night stand, for her to have for later. My eyes followed the glistening trail of her sex and how easily I could see her arousal without even having touched her yet. Her want for ME so evident, it did wonders for me ego and the throbbing between my legs.

"Capitana... spank me, I'm ready for you." A smile pulled my lips and I brought the clip board down on her backside. "Cazzo!" I wanted to kiss the red spot it brought to her skin but that would be against the point. "Please!"

I spanked the other side, "Please, what?"

"Please capitana, touch me." My sex throbbed because I wanted to— so bad. Discipline. I ran the corner of the clipboard down her back, over her ass and down the back of one of legs. "Mamma mia!" She grunted her frustration and it only made me hotter to watch her squirm around as I ran the plastic lightly over her skin. This is why I trusted her, because little did I know how much this would turn me on.

I moved closer and kissed the red marks on her glorious ass. She moaned at my touch and it only made me want her more. With a gentle bite I moved my face between her and buried my face in her arousal. "DIO!"

She pushed her self onto my face and moved it around to find friction, coating me in her wetness. There was a different pull that happened when I was between Carina's legs, a pull that governed my body. A taste so utterly ineffable that ruined me from even considering anyone else. Maybe I knew from the first night that I'd be devoted to pleasing this woman for the rest of my life.

Devoted because her pleasure was my pleasure. There was a constant ache to feel her nails against my back, her moans in my ear, and watch her orgasm for me and me alone. I pulled back from the heat between her legs to look over her smooth skin. Carina pushed back against me and I spanked her again. She fought back another moan. "I want to hear you." With another sting of the plastic she moaned loudly.

My eyes shut at the sound of her desire and I couldn't do it anymore. Setting the clipboard down on her back, I pushed my face in and ran my tongue over her. She jumped at the touch and her legs spread more making her pelvis fall, her skin likely sensitive after the spanking. My hands spread her as I teased her clit with my tongue, savoring how good she felt and tasted against my mouth. Carina was soaked, honey practically dripping on my tongue. She was practically in a split as I kept moving my tongue around, while her hips moved back and forth over me. "Faster Maya! Please, fill me!"

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