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The hospital was always cold when I walked in, something about it always smelling like antiseptic and some flowery candle to try and mask that detail never brought me much appeal. Yet it was Carina's favorite place, her domain, her world of endless opportunities to show off and be extraordinary and as I've done many times before, I walked up to the front desk to check in, "Captain Maya Bishop, I have an appointment with Dr. Carina DeLuca." That was a lie but one could argue I should always have an appointment, stopping by for kisses is as important for the doctor as it is for me.

"Go right ahead." The nurse said without looking up, she probably recognized my voice and the petition as she knew I would just wander through. "She's in the ER."

"Thank you." I tapped the front desk and headed for the ER, only to find that she wasn't there, I asked around and heard she had a delivery. Those took forever so I bit the bullet and took the elevator to go wait in her office.

As I stepped off I heard some commotion coming from the hallway. It wouldn't have turned my head if I hadn't heard something familiar, I was fully going to ignore it and keep my path straight ahead to the offices, but I recognized one of the voices. A voice that called every primal instinct in my body.

"Hey let go!" I squinted as I started walking closer when I saw a woman I didn't recognize grabbing Carina by her white coat.

"I don't have a problem with you. What is a problem is your attitude, this is my floor and as you've stated- you're no longer an OB scrub nurse." Carina gestured her arms in front of her before adjusting her coat.

"I don't think you know who you're messing with." I barely heard the woman say through her teeth.

"Okay- Shannon relax." The whole world stopped, including me, in my tracks, just a few feet away. This- this was the bitch who offered Carina drugs! Now this woman is grabbing Carina like she was a jacket off the rack. The red was building. Breathe Maya... breathe.

"Fuck off, don't you have some other doctor to kiss up to. DeLuca and I have things to discuss." She directed at the man who was also trying to control himself. I looked closer realizing it was Adrien— what the fuck is he doing here!?

"What's left? I've been clear. Continue to raise your voice and I will have you removed from the floor. If you'd like we can discuss what hospital will even let you on a rotation if you continue to try my patience." My head turned back to Carina who was remarkably even tempered considering everything. I started approaching again.

The woman stepped back under Carina's tone, I'd been on the other side of that one and the look she was getting was not one to mess with."You wouldn't dare."

"Oh no?" Carina dropped her hands and put them around her hips, "Provami e vedi dove te arriva." Adrien shot his eyes at Carina, surprised by whatever threat left her mouth.

"I wouldn't try me DeLuca. You're forgetting I know your secret." She pointed at her nose and I had enough. There was no way she knew for sure, she had no proof besides an assumption. Don't do it Maya, don't do it...

"Then try me." Everyone turned to face me. "Go ahead. Threaten her again and see where it gets you." It was taking everything in me not to lay her out. I clenched my fists in my jacket to hide the fact that they were probably white from the lack of blood flowing to my fingers.

"Maya." Carina turned but I walked up straight to put myself between Carina and this piss of a woman, keeping just enough distance to react if necessary.

"Who the fuck are you?" She looked me up and down. I couldn't help but laugh at her attempt to intimidate me. Little did she know I ran into fires for a living, I had to command a team full of big personalities on a daily basis, it would take more than some pointed stares to get me to back down. She was 5'5, could not weigh more than Rina considering her height, and looked as though she maxed out at 15. I was utterly convinced I could bench press this woman if I had to.

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