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"Hey.." the word crept into my ear and I let my eyes flutter open to look at the woman lying down next to me. "I planned a day for us. Care to join?" My eyes finally focused and I stretched out over the bed while a groan left my body, Maya knew I hated being woken up. "Babe."

"Maya. It's early." I readjusted on the bed and snuggled back in. She cleared her throat and I shot up, "Cosa!?"

"I planned a day for us and the first place needs to be early." Anger washed away as I realized she was dressed in her jeans and thermal long sleeve. "I promise coffee and food is the first stop."

"Fine." I pulled the sheets off and started to get ready. I put on tight white t-shirt and my high waisted button up dark wash jeans. Pulling my hair into a half bun before throwing on my leather coat. "Is this good for what we are doing?"

"You're perfect." The final remnants of annoyance fading with her little crooked smile. She stood up grab my hand and pull me from our room. Andy was in the kitchen when we emerged.

She gave me a knowing smile, "Enjoy the day you two."

I raised my eyebrow as Maya grabbed her keys and we left the the apartment. "Can I know where we are going?" I asked as she opened the door for me to get into her Jeep.

"Caffiso first then you get a run down of the itinerary." I smiled at her choice of coffee. It was a small coffee shop I loved and went to when I couldn't make my own coffee.

Maya jumped out of the car to run inside a grab the order she had apparently placed while I got ready. Considering it was raining I didn't mind. She ran back over and jumped into the car, "The rain wasn't planned."

"Should we leave it for another day and go back to bed? It's not everyday we have a shared morning off. Last was a couple of weeks ago at the barbecue." I tried to convince her. I would much rather cuddle into her for hours, listening to her heart beat.

"Nope, here drink. I want my Carina back and I can't have her when you haven't had coffee." She handed me my cappuccino and I rolled my eyes.

The coffee was divine, it was the perfect temperature too. It did brighten my mood considerably as I looked at Maya with her hair a little wet from the rain, eating her breakfast croissant. "So what's this you've planned for us."

"So." She shifted in her seat, "I know you've probably been to all the cliche Seattle spots, but I thought I could show you some of my spots. If you'd like to know a little more about me."

I couldn't help but be shocked, my eyes widened and shook my head in slight disbelief. "I- Yes! Yes, I'd love that!"

"Okay, good. Next stop is the arts and crafts store." She smiled as she kicked her car into reverse and we headed off onto this adventure. I couldn't help but smile and pay more attention to the streets we drove by. When we got to the store I was going to get out when she stopped me, "You don't have to, I placed an order ahead of time for the same things."

I looked at her confused and she threw on her hood before jumping out of the car and jogging across the lot to the store. It was a few minutes later when she was running back. "You're going to get sick if you keep running in the rain."

"Shh- here hold the bag for me and put these in there too." She handed me a brown paper bag from her back seat and I looked inside to find some non-perishable food.

"What's this?" I looked at her more confused than ever.

"It's something I do once a month or every couple of weeks. Depends." She said simply as she started the car and started driving again. We drove past the apartment and the station until we got to a park that was not very far away. I recognized it from the time me and Maya went running. "Hold on."

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