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"Waiting for a battalion chief opening Bishop?" The question pulled me off of my phone. I furrowed my brows at the silly question.

"Gibson aren't you on laundry duty? I remember we had that sewage incident last night so I know we all have some sets that need washing." I get that he was mad but it's not like we were in love for him to still be playing the wounded ex.

"Righttt.. sorry Captain Bishop" he said in a sarcastic dry tone before standing up from the table and leaving me and Vic.

Once he was out of earshot I heard Vic clear her throat at me. "Spit it out Hughes."

"Dude I get everyone is still being weird but if you make yourself unapproachable then it's going to stay that way." She meant well. She's been the only one to see my side of things from, well not in the beginning but after a few beers.

"Look I didn't tell him to go screw Rigo's wife. He wants to keep acting hurt like I took our dog and left him then that's on him. They said they could work together but at this rate Gibson is going to get transferred if he doesn't get it together." It was the truth, even Andy was surprised when I didn't fire him after the mess he made.

"Well to him, you kinda did take his dog even though he never signed the papers for it or you know did anything to get the dog. So just ya know.. let him and Andy see the freaking dog is in good hands." I couldn't help but laugh at her comparing captaincy to a dog but I get where she was coming from.

Carina still hadn't messaged me and I was getting anxious. "I'll keep that in mind. Listen if someone says they will call you and it's been over a week. Should I just call them?" I considered Vic one of my best friends, though that term I tended to use very loosely since friends can also be competition. She didn't strike me as the latter so yes a friend.

"Did someone 'Bishop' Maya Bishop! Oh my god, you have to tell me who!" She practically jumped over the table but stopped herself when someone walked into the beanery. It was Andy and I missed my friend but somehow giving her space felt like what she needed. "Spill."

"Vic, I need you to answer my question first." There was no point in dishing about Carina if there was no next time. I just thought our night was enough to maybe break her rule.

"How many times have you told someone you'd call them and then actually did?" She made a fair point but now I was hurt. Crap, rule one was don't get overly attached and here I was.

"Once." It was actually once. It was Carina, she told me to find her number and I did. Now here I am fighting the need to text her and see how she's doing. "It was this person."

"Hmm you like them.. how did you leave things?"

"I umm had mind blowing sex then walked home after she kicked me out of her apartment.." saying the words out loud made me realize how silly I sounded, "Okay! In my defense she is going through a medical thing right now and has a lot on her plate."

"Like dementia? How else would she forget to call you?" She laughed after the first question and I couldn't help but roll my eyes because she had made another point.

"I also told her I wasn't looking for a relationship and more of just a hookup situationship" I looked at my phone that was laid open at our messages. Hoping I'd see a typing bubble to see if she was at least thinking of me.

"Maya.. you like this girl. You wouldn't care if she called you if you didn't. Just take her on dates and stuff. We like that crap. Call it dating. Dating gets you laid and phone calls." She pushed her finger into the table and wiggled her eyebrows at me in an effort to mark her point.

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