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The sunlight pushed through our curtains and stirred me from where I laid buried in Maya's neck. Her quiet deep breaths hit my face ever so softly, my hand intertwined with hers as it sat crossed over her chest while her other hand was splayed across the other side. I loved the pull we had for each other, even in our sleep.

We could go to sleep facing opposite directions after whatever little spat we had and wake up buried in each others scent, legs tangled together, and free limbs under each others clothes. I hoped Maya knew how much I loved waking up to her hand wrapped around my breast, mostly because I could see the way touching me brought her such comfort- I hope my body will always do that for her, even when I'm 80 and not as perky.

This morning proved no different, as I found my hand laying just under the waistband of her flannel pajama bottoms. I quietly ran my thumb over the skin just under the pads of my finger and felt her stir a little. Maya's free hand came to the one I had tucked under her bottoms. It made me smile as I slid my hand lower to avoid her stopping my secret touches. I teased her pubic bone over her underwear and she sighed with her eyes still closed. "Someone woke up in jolly teasing spirits."

"Your skin is so soft.." I teased the skin just above her underwear line and she shifted a little.

"So you're going to tease me because of it?" I chuckle into her chest and raise my head ever so slightly to see her piercing blue eyes, a little swollen from sleep, already looking at me. I'd wake up to these eyes the rest of my life, my ever present happy place- my home.

"You tease easy." I mocked her and brought her hand up to my mouth, letting me kiss each of her knuckles and suck her biggest knuckle.

She pulled it from me and rolled on top pressing me into the bed with her body. "Today is about giving and you are taking away my sanity with each flirty little grin of yours."

"Oh I have a very BIG gift planned for you tonight. Right now I need to start cooking-" She interrupted my words with a bruising kiss that swept my mind blank.

Her hands traced my arms and pushed them up over my head and intertwined our fingers. Her lips ran over mine and I felt the feeling they produced up and down my entire body. Pressure rose in my center from the position of her thigh and when I opened my mouth to moan she pushed her tongue in to look for mine.

I was helpless to the passion of her mouth, to the pressure of her body, and weight of her need evident from how hard she pushed my hands into the pillow under my head.

I chased her lips as she pulled away and let me go, my chest rising and falling quickly as I pulled air into my lungs and she crawled off of me. "Go cook then."

"What!?" I lifted onto my elbows still trying to catch my breath after she pulled all the air from my lungs. My eyes followed as she lifted off the bed to grab some leggings from the closet and her running shoes. "Maya!"

"How you feel now- that's what I feel when you tease me. Now I'm going to go run off the Carina size ache between my legs." With that she head to the kitchen for her water bottle and before I could go yell at her she was out the door. I looked around baffled, with my center slightly wetter than when I woke up. With a loud groan, I went to brush my teeth and busy myself with the food prep.

It was 45 minutes later before the front door opened and a heavy breathing blonde in a sports top and her leggings walked inside- headed straight for our bedroom. Right as I was about to go give her a piece of my mind, I got a phone call. My eyes widened and I answered it quickly since Maya would be showering- Maya in the shower... Focus!"Hello?"

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