Chapter 4: Naruto and Hachishakusama part 2

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Konoha Three years later)

It had been three years since Naruto left the village, Three years since Jiraiya had been looking for Naruto after the blond had been kidnapped by the spirit. For three years Jiraiya searched everywhere for naruto all over the elemental nations and yet still no luck to where the spirit has taken him, He found nothing, no one hasn't seen him.. it's like this spirit took naruto off the face of the elemental nations disappeared without a trace.

Jiraiya was certain naruto was still in fire country Since it was a large country and he could not search the entire country looking a kid.

With a heavy sigh, Jiraiya looked at the Hokage Tower from the Gates that he recently entered. He had to return to the village and face Tsunade's legendary wrath. Over the past three years he had "lost" all connections with Tsunade as he searched for naruto. He couldn't lie to her, he thought it was best to avoid speaking to her, Even if one of her messages got to him he never replied.

He started drinking a whole bottle of Sake until it was empty as he put up a straight brave face and tossed away the bottle going straight for the Hokage Tower to face Tsunade.

( Hokage Office)

Tsunade sat behind her desk doing paperwork. She detested doing the paperwork, but it was a duty to complete them, thus she left no choice but to do it. The paperwork was something of an everyday occurrence, She had to do it everyday and each day she would get a headache from seeing big loads of paperwork. It just never ends just when you think she was done Shizune would bring another load of paperwork much to her dismay.

Tsunade sighed and leaned back to her chair ever since Naruto left the village she stopped consuming sake, She did so much work without spending her time drinking, Sure did miss her sake and would savor it in peace without no one disturbing her.

Thinking of Naruto she did missed seeing him barge in her office Calling her "Baa-Chan" demanding for a mission, She missed every little annoying thing about him. Even the fact he would always run away whenever she wanted to check his physical health. As he hated hospitals she missed having to have Shizune or Sakura chase him around the village to return him to the hospital.

Three years it has been , Three whole years without seeing that big smile on Naruto's face.

She also hoped that Jiraiya was training him to his best, She wanted him strong, Strong enough to protect himself from the Akatsuki and to be at least Jonin level.

Jiraiya has not yet give her any progress report on Naruto's training. Something that was odd and unusual Jiraiya would have been sending her reports and notes of Naruto's training every two or three months since he left and it's been three years and no report.

The window of her office opened as Jiraiya made his entrance he did not get anywhere near Tsunade fearing for the extreme Ass Kicking he was going to receive from her as he stood by the window.

" I'm home!" He started with a large grin on his face wanting to take a slow pace at what he was going to tell her.

" About time you showed up pervert!" She spoke with annoyance staring at him.

" So... Why haven't you made any contact with me and why ignore my messages?" Tsunade asked with a stern expression seeing a bead of sweat roll down Jiraiya's face.

" We-Well you see Hime i have been busy that i did not have the time to respond. none the less here i am! this beats by responding by letter as you get to see my handsome face!" He said with a big smile hiding his nervous expression.

A large tic mark formed on her forehead but it vanished when she spoke.

" So how is he? why isn't he here with you?" She asked watching him closely.

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