Chapter 24

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With Taeko Uzumaki)

The Girl was sharpening her sickle and Scissors.. plus getting her Butcher knife so she could gut the Shinobi like a fish.

After sharpening her weapons she assembled the Yokai Generals the Consisted Zabuza Momochi who is a red Oni Demon, Haku who is now Yuki Onna, and Kimimaro Kaguya The spirit of Gashadokuro.

These three are Hachishaku-sama's Yokai Generals and guardians of Uzu. Each Yokai General now had an army Edo Tensei Uzu Samurai.

Zabuza has 80 Uzu Samurai's

Haku has 60

Kimimaro has 50.

Taeko stood in front of her Mother's private army that she risen from the dead, as she spoke.

"Listen up all of you, we have unexpected intruders on our island... My father is going to deal with Konoha, Kayako and our house pet will deal with Kumo, now you all are going to handle The Akatsuki..." Said Taeko grinning behind her surgical procedure mask.

"What do you want us to do with the Akatsuki?" Said Zabuza who hefted up his sword.

" Maim them, kill them if you wish... but mother would want them either dead or captured Now go Carry out mother's orders!" Taeko said clipping her scissors as The Three Yokai Generals and their soldiers marched out to prepare a ambush on the Akatsuki.

( With Kumo)

Killer Bee, His team Along with Cee and two squads of ANBU were the first ones to reach the island and were now on land being prepared for anything.

"So this is Land of Uzu... it's a peaceful island" Said Omoi with Samui nodding in agreement.

"Yes, it is a cool island" Samui said with Karui frowning

"Now is not the time to complement the island, We have to find Yugito..." Karui said as she drew her sword..

Killer Bee was just looking around trying to detect Yugito's chakra.

"Yo Gyuki, anything yet?" Thought Bee looking straight forward.

" Yes.. it seems we are not alone Bee, I sense Yokai Chakra..." Gyuki said as Bee frowned

"Yokai Chakra? so the Nibi is here?" Bee replied

"No... it's not the Nibi's.. this Yokai chakra is different and it's full of rage..." Gyuki said as he sweated a Little

Before Killer Bee could reply he along with his team were disturbed by a strange Croaking sound.

A Shiver went down Their spines when they heard the Croaking and death rattle get louder they heard bones snap as they looked up on a tree branch seeing a Girl Covered with blood with her pale skin and black lifeless eyes.

"Never shouldn't have come here!" Spoke Kayako Uzumaki as she croaked twisting and snapping her bones.

"What the Hell is she!?" Said Omoi while his team and Cee's Anbu squadron prepared themselves.

"Leave or Die!" Threatened Kayako.

"We aren't leaving no where pale bitch! not without Yugito!" Spat Kurai while grimincing seeing Kayako's hard stare.

"So be it... i will take your lives! for Mother and Father! come my pet!" Kayako Said as a black cat Appeared in blue flames.

Karui laughed

"A mere cat fight us? do you have any idea who we are!? we are Kumo!" Said Kurai holding her sword with Omoi doing the same thing.

Bee was watching the cat and if could see behind his shades his eyes were widened.

" Gyuki... tell me your not the only one sensing or recognize this chakra!?" Thought Killer Bee Hoping he was wrong.

" No... it can't be!?" Said Gyuki looking shocked.

The Black Cat hissed Swaying it's two tails as Blue Flames consumed the cat The fire died down revealing a woman with black hair and having the Nibi's eyes she had Blue neko ears and blue fire twin tails, her feet had claws and her hands .

Killer Bee stared hard at the cat woman who looked just like Yugito!

He wasn't the only one shocked, Karui, Omoi, Samui and Cee had the same reaction.

"No... it can't!?" Said Omoi as his lollipop fell out his mouth.

"No way..." Said Samui looking shocked

Karui froze in shock.

"Yugi-Yugito!?" Shouted Bee

The Nekomata Woman Yugito stared at her Former friends with a blank expression looking lifeless as she hissed lowly at them.

She no longer had her blonde hair, it was replaced with black.. her eyes were like the Nibi's no longer wearing her purple kunoichi outfit which was replaced with a pale purple Yukata with cat paw prints colored dark blue.

"Yugito! is that you!?" Said Kurai Hoping to reach her former friend.

"..." Was Yugito's response while Kayako smiled petting her Black cat as Yugito purred.

"What have you done to Yugito!?" Demanded Bee who did not rap or rhyme not one bit.

"That is my mother's doing... not mine... your 'friend' belongs to us.. she is our family house pet." Replied Kayako.

"Yugito! it's us! remember us!" Pleaded Omoi

"It's pointless... My mother had altered Yugito's mind... she only obeys my mother, my sisters.. my father and Even me. As much as i would to tell you more just to rub it In your face it's time you all die for stepping on my mother and father's home.. Yugito kill them!" Kayako commanded.

"At once... Kayako-sama" Said Yugito in a emotionless voice as she lunged at her former friends with her claws out.

(The Beach Side of Uzu)

The Konoha team made it before they could even head to the forest they found themselves surrounded by a giant ring of fire!

"What the hell! why is there fire!?" Said Kiba with many wondering the same thing.

"I thought I've made it so simple for you guys to not come here and find me... just what part of Leave me alone don't you understand!?" Said Naruto with his voice filled with anger holding his Ryujin Jakka Muramasa as the blade was coated in fire, Hachishaku-sama and Hinata were besides him along with Sadako and Taeko.

"Nar-Naruto!" Said Jiraiya seeing those cold blue eyes glaring at him and the others.

"Hin-Hinata!" Yelled Sakura along with Ino as the two looked shocked at her new appearance.

"Now that i caught you all here explain your reasoning for coming here when i made it perfectly clear not to look for me and that I wanted to be left alone SPEAK!" Yelled Naruto glaring at the Konoha group who shivered at his look.

To be continued.

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