Chapter 17

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In Konoha Hospital)

Tsunade, with Shizune, Jiraiya, The Jonins, Iruka, Anko and Konohamaru and his friends alongside The Rookies of Konoha all gathered in one room looking at their leader who was holding the scroll which contained Naruto's message for them. This Included Teuchi and Ayame they were called for this just to hear Naruto's message. Tsunade Opened up the Scroll and started reading what Naruto had said.

Hello Hokage-sama,

I bet you and the others are pretty surprised to get a letter from me within this scroll, in this scroll i placed your Necklace inside i wanted you to have it back, Hachi-chan had told me what this necklace does and she suggested i give it back to you. But for right now let's cut to the chase about what im really saying in this message, this goes mainly to you, Jiraiya, Hatake and My friends you tried to endanger them.

Please, don't come looking for me can't you see I'm living a happy life with Hachi-chan and our family.. i don't want to return to that shit-hole for a village I've had it, I'm through being the village's scrape goat now you had the audacity to send toad fool , Hatake and my friends after me to bring me back to a village that hates me! I'm not coming back whether you like it or not I'm done being a Shinobi and want to chase after my goal of being Hokage.

Im very, VERY not happy with all of you, after learning my heritage Hachi-chan told me on my 16th birthday, you all lied to my face and were never there for me! The only people i will accept who's been there for me is Old Man Teuchi ,Ayame-nee chan! and Iruka-Sensei. this also includes my three 'true' friends who accepted me and never shunned me. and I'm referring to Shikamaru, Choji and Hinata-chan,

As for Konohamaru, Buddy i think you will do great as Hokage do me a favor and train hard enough to be the greatest Hokage ever live in my current Dream for me pal.

To Old Man Teuchi and Ayame-nee chan: I'm doing great don't worry Hachi-chan has me well fed with Ramen that tastes as good as yours, i want to thank you two for being there for me.

Iruka sensei, thank you being the only Academy Teacher that never shunned me or saw me as a Monster. i hope someday I see you please don't worry about me or come for me.

To you Tsunade Senju.

Please don't send any more Shinobi after me or a attempt to seal away Hachi-chan,

Because if you do, I won't be merciful when I fight them.

To Hatake and Jiraiya.

From what Hachi-chan told me, the both of you knew my 'father' she's told me the truth about everything, You, Kakashi, Hiruzen and Tsunade lied to me and kept me in the dark about my heritage and rightful knowledge of my real family.

Hatake I no longer acknowledge you as my sensei and have lost Respect for you, you knew my father and could had trained me, You barely trained me during our genin exam, And on our mission to Wave, don't think i know about your little private lessons to teach Sasuke everything you knew. You even humiliated me and berated my Skillset for the upcoming Chunin exams finals, you brushed me off to Ebisu who doesn't even like me casting me aside so you can train Sasuke, Well I'm through being your student, And tell Sakura that she can go fetch Sasuke herself because I'm not doing it.

And to my So called Godfather Where the hell have you been for the past 13 years of my life!? huh?! oh no need to tell me knowing exactly where you've been! you were peeping in bathhouses and writing porn while i lived a horrible life in the village, you forsaken me just to peep, write porn and chase after Orochimaru!. The moment we started this training trip all you did was left me alone in a motel and didn't teach me a thing while you went to go peep at women! You left me alone for 13 years! i spent 13 years without no one in my life! aside from Teuchi, Ayame and Iruka!. I will Never Forgive you, and i no longer want nothing to do with you, Kakashi and Tsunade, I'm through with all of you and Konoha together! So do me a favor for once 'Godfather' Leave me the hell alone!.

I'm staying with Hachi-chan for the rest of my life and if any of you try to interfere in my new life and drag me back to that hell hole of a village i will vent out all of my pent up Anger i have held so long to unleash on all of you! And you better BELIEVE IT that i will unleash that anger upon you.


from N. Uzumaki.

Tsunade could only cry tears at what she read, though she wasn't the only one, Kakashi, and Jiraiya were...

"Sensei... please forgive me, I've been a blind fool..." Thought Kakashi holding back his tears in shame at how much of a failure he had been as a sensei to Naruto.

Jiraiya kept his glance on the ground unable to show his teary Expression deep down he was truly hurt by what he heard from Naruto in the message.

"Minato... Kushina... I'm sorry... what a failure I've been... to protect your son... i doubt i will earn your forgiveness if I go to the afterlife" Thought Jiraiya clenching his fists he prayed that Naruto wouldn't hate him... but in truth Jiraiya deserved every bit of it, due to him leaving Naruto alone and it was nobody's fault but himself.

Shizune who was next to Tsunade had tears in her eyes.

Sakura and many of the rookies looked on in shock at what Naruto said in the message, Sakura took it the hardest, Naruto never considered her as a friend? and he even told her that she can go chase Sasuke herself.

The only ones who took it better was Teuchi, Ayame, Iruka, Shikamaru, Choji and Hinata who held small tears but wiped them away a little Happy that Naruto considered her, Shikamaru and Choji as his real friends.

Konohamaru and his friends couldn't believe their boss gave up his dream of being Hokage and is passing it to Konohamaru himself... they were a little sad that they could no longer see their boss again.

Nobody said a word after hearing Naruto's message and they wondered what to do now after reading it, would they leave Naruto be? or try to bring him back to fix their mistakes and amends only time will tell.

To be Continued

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