Chapter 56: Final Act

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The battle upon Uzu still was raging on.

The main forces were now focused on Hachishaku-sama trying to keep her away from Mako for him and his granddaughter to prepare the Jizo seal.

She has murdered every Monk, Priest, Priestess, Samurai and Shinobi who got in her way.

"Grandpa she's coming!" Said Mako's granddaughter

"I know! But they must keep her busy! We are almost finished with it!" He replied back hoping they at least keep stalling her.

Getting annoyed with the amount of enemies who keep coming at her she raised her fist with a white bubble formed around it as she hit the air with cracks as she sent a tremor at the many hordes who keep coming at her, killing some and knocking them away in the process.

"PO PO PO PO PO!" She chanted as the skies turned dark, so did the clouds, Lightning flashed and thunder rumbled

She created another white bubble in her fist and decided to ground pound as she sent a tsunami of cracks upon the ground tearing apart the area around her.

( With Sadako)

Lu Bu ran his Halberd right through Madara Uchiha and then pinned him to a Tree.

Seeing that his enemy is pinned to the tree with his Halberd, Lu Bu grinned as he amped up his fists with Chakra.

Madara was struggling as he tried to pull the Halberd out of him only to widen his eyes seeing Lu Bu come at him with Chakra infused fists, The Uzumaki Warlord began to brutally beat the hell out of Madara with his fists, delivering great pain to the Uchiha. Lu Bu didn't stop he just kept punching and punching Madara's face's damaging it to the point where it would look disfigured. Punching harder with enough force to fracture his skull, Lu Bu unloaded all of his Strength and power to his fists as he grabbed Madara by the hair and yanked him off the tree and slammed the Uchiha into a Rock this time, he even smashed Madara's disfigured face into the rock three times and then turned him around and pinned him to the rock with his free hand and proceeded to keep punching his face in.

Madara at this point, you could hardly tell if he was still alive because Lu Bu had disfigured his face and bashed it in. Lu Bu kept going to work on Madara with a few more punches as Lu Bu pulled back his fist to deliver the final blow and charged it up with Enough Chakra, he thrusted his fist As it finally went through Madara's head causing the head to explode in the process.

Madara's headless body fell off the rock Lu Bu had pinned it too as it instantly turned into ashes.

Sadako and her forces had won the battle, they ended Orochimaru's forces, now it was time for them to regroup with Hachishaku-sama. Victory indeed.

( With Kayako)

Kayako and Raige-Onna had trapped the remaining shinobi alliance in the forest.

As the girl was now fighting Onoki. He tried blasting her with his particle release yet she evaded them swiftly.

Raige-Onna assisted her by firing a Thunder Bullet from her Thunder Pike at Onoki who quickly dodged it just in time however before he could try and attack her he realized Kayako leaped in the air with her hair tendrils out as she caught him in them.

"Grandpa!" Shouted his Granddaughter who ran to help him but Raige-Onna got in her way and knocked the teen over with her pike and pointed it at her face.

"Don't move." Raige-Onna said coldly as she watched Kayako to attack Onoki.

She forced her hair tendrils inside his mouth and eyes making the old man scream as she was tearing his insides from the inside with her hair tendrils.

Kurotsuchi Looked horrified at the sight of what is happening to her grandfather

Kayako then tore him up with her hair sending his pieces everywhere with blood splattered.

( With Naruto)

Naruto lunged at Obito with his sword who dodged and weaved.

Naruto then surrounded Obito in a large ring of fire keeping him in place, as the ring of Fire sent its flaming tendrils at Obito who used his Kamui to suck it in his pocket dimension. Yet more and more fire like tendrils were coming at Obito from all sides. Naruto jumped in the ring of fire and tried to slash at Obito who blocked with a giant shiriken. The flames from the ring of fire grew hotter as it was starting to bother obito who didn't like this intense heat that was burning him up. And he couldn't keep using his Kamui to protect him any longer.

A homing fire ball blasted at Obito who barely dodged it as Naruto dashed forward at Obito who pulled out Kunai.

Obito backer away and fired a barrage of Wood spikes as Naruto cut each of them with his blade as he slashed sending a flaming crescent slash at Obito who got hit to the side by it.

"Argh!" Grunted Obito

"How does it feel? How does it feel to be attacked by the one you've wronged for 16 years!?" Questioned Naruto as Obito didn't answer him and tried to attack him with a black receiver rod with Naruto blocking it with his sword pushing Obito back causing sparks to fly as the Two glared at one another.

5 flaming Tendrils came to assist Naruto who lunged at Obito who backed away, only for one tendril to actually come up close and striked the side of Obito's face burning his one good Sharingan eye.

"AAAAAHHHHH!" Screamed Obito clutching his half burned face. He moved away avoiding Naruto who tried to behead him.

Naruto raised his sword up a bit as he charged at Obito, picking up his black receiver he saw Naruto charge at him.

"No! I will not lose to you!" Roared Obito who charges at Naruto as well with his black receiver.

Both of them let out a battle cry as they both rushed pass each other after they delivered their attacks.

Naruto received a slash on his cheek as he turned over to look at Obito.

The scarred Uchiha was motionless as he stood, a line of Fire was horizontally on him

"N-No! This- can't be! I've lost!? Rin!? RINNN!" Were Obito's last thoughts as he split apart from the slash Naruto delivered and burned to ashes.

"You reap what you sow." Naruto said to him watching Obito who was now ashes.

"You did well son." Praised Minato

"Thanks Dad. Let's go check on Hachi-Chan!" He said as he, his mother and father teleported to the location with the use of Minato's kunai.

( With Hachishaku-sama.)

Earthquakes shook the whole area from Hachishaku-sama.

As she continued to fight so many.

And she had help that finally arrived Taeko returned leading her Uzu Samurais to go assist her mother

"Let's go! Everyone keep them away from Mother!" As she slashed down three monks with her chainsaw.

Sadako and her forces arrived to assist Hachishaku-sama.

"Let's go help mom guys!" Sadako Exclaimed as she and her forces went to go attack.

Naruto and mom and Dad arrived as well.

Hinata arrived with her two lions flanking besides her.

Hachishaku-sama smiled that everyone was now here and she could focus on the East Monk.

She slashed and hacked any remaining enemies that were in her way as she finally reached to Mako and his granddaughter she raised her sword coating it with her Quake power.

"Grandpa!" Screamed his granddaughter in horror that Hachishaku-sama was now infront of them going to kill them.

"This ends here and now. Join your monk comrades in HELL!" Roared Hachishaku-Sama as she flared her Yokai aura.

"It's finished!" Mako yelled as the Jizo seal statue began to brighten

Hachishaku-sama widened her eyes.

To be continued

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