Chapter 49: The Yokai War Erupts

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Uzu Beach)

On the beaches we're Thousands of Uzu Undead Samurai's with their swords, spears, axes, halberds, bows and arrows, crossbows. On the side lines we're Taeko's Demon Rat summons and Scorpion Summons.

Speaking of Taeko she is Infront of the army with holding her Foot long scissors and butcher knife with her chainsaw sheathed on her back.

Her sister Kayako is besides her with Yugito at her flank.

They wait for the fleet to come ashore and attack.

"Show no mercy to them. Kill them all!" Taeko told all of her soldiers as they nodded prepared for battle.

(Uzu Forests)

Sadako Uzumaki and her forces are in the forests. She is accompanied by Zabuza, Origami-Onna, and Cowhead with a portion of 4 thousand Uzu Undead Samurai's. Sadako even brought her Television to bring out her summons.

Since she is tasked to take on Orochimaru's forces.

Origami-onna sent a paper bird to see has Orochimaru's forces entered the field yet.

(Shinobi alliance fleet)

"Alright! This is it. Don't fear them we can win this!" Shouted Asuma as he is accompanied by lots of Konoha Shinobi, with Fire lord daimyo Samurai's, monks, priests and Kumo and Iwa Shinobi.

The Hyuuga Clan were on his ship with many branch members with the lead of Hiashi Hyuuga and Neji Hyuuga with Hanabi at his flank they are here to kill Hinata.

And in 5 minutes their ships reached the shore and opened the latches as Lots of Samurai, Priests, Monks, Priestess's and Shinobi from all nations charged at Taeko's forces.

Taeko and Kayako grinned as they yelled out.


All Undead Uzu samurai charged, Kayako joined the battle with Yugito now following her.

Taeko lunged forward as both forces clashed as the war began.

Battle cries! Swords clashing and clanging.

4 Monks tried to attack Kayako with their staves only for Yugito to turn into a large black cat with multi colored eyes and flaming two tails as she clawed the monks.

Two Samurai tried to slash their swords at her, but Kayako's hair acted on its own and strangled the two samurai's making them go blue.

Taeko was surrounded by 20 samurai.

They all charged at her with their swords. She blocked their swords with her Scissors as she slit the throat of one of the samurai's with her butcher knife.

Three more tried to stab her from behind as she blocked and attacked them with her scissors. She stabbed her butcher knife into one of the Samurai's head and fought with her scissors beheading them, cutting off their limbs, stabbing them.

One more samurai tried to attack her with a spear, she unsheathed her chainsaw and cut him in two halves.

She lunged at a few more samurai and priests.

"Fire away!" Shouted a Head Priestess as her and many Priestess's drawn out their bows and arrows and fired their spiritual arrows As it rained the sky and hit many Uzu Samurai killing them in the process along with some demon Rats and Scorpions.

"Scorpions! Demon Rats! Pursue and destroy!" Shouted Taeko after stabbing a monk in the chest with her chainsaw.

A few Demon Rats started attacking random enemies, jumping on them, biting them, scratching them and even eat them.

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