Chapter 45

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Hachishaku-sama's lair)

"Yes... Minato I knew..." Hiruzen admitted closing his eyes in shame as the temperature in the room dropped below absolute zero

Minato leaked mass killer intent as did Kushina. Naruto glared at the Sandaime Hokage as The Senju Brothers could only glare at their student in great disappointment and disgust, Mito was very furious scowling at Hiruzen.

Hachishaku-sama could only have a smug smile watching this.

"I trusted you, I trusted Jiraiya and Kakashi with Naruto's well-being... I asked for one simple thing Sarutobi and you couldn't even DO THAT!" Minato yelled in anger keeping the Sandaime pinned to the wall.

"Why...? Why? WHY was my wish not honored!? I specifically said I wanted Naruto seen as a Hero! And for him to be loved in the village! This was not what I wanted for him! I didn't want him to be hated! I did not want him to be beaten an inch of his life! So answer me Sarutobi! WHY!?" said the enraged Yondaime

"Minato... Please you have to understand what I did was the hardest decision I had to make. If i told them-" Hiruzen tried to say but Hachishaku-sama cut him off

"Tell Minato-san the truth Hiruzen... Tell him of what you have planned for his son." She said making everyone turn to her even Naruto to her.

"What is she talking about Hiruzen?" Questioned Tobirama Senju with others wanting to know the exact same thing

He sweated it seems he had no choice but to spill the truth.

"It was for the good of Konoha, due to the fox attack the masses called for Naruto's death the moment I told them that you sealed the fox into him, I couldn't tell them that he was your son at the time if word got out Iwa and Kumo would seek vengeance upon Naruto out of spite and kill him. Plus we were at our weakened state and couldn't risk that which is why I didn't reveal his heritage." Hiruzen spoken seeing the glares still increase

"And if that was the case then why not hand him over to Jiraiya? Or Tsunade!? They could have protected him and take him out of the village!." Hissed Kushina glaring at the old man who condemned her son to hell.

"Tsunade had left after the death of both you and Minato.." He answered as The Senju brothers and Mito frowned it seemed they were going to have a long talk with Tsunade.

"And what about Jiraiya..?" Sneered Minato

"Jiraiya didn't want nothing to do with Naruto at that time... He left the boy with me.. To go handle his spy network and well you know about his 'research'" Hiruzen answered

Minato's rage had skyrocketed at that, and he could tell Kushina was beyond furious and he couldn't blame her.

Naruto was shaking in rage as well.

"I was a fool for entrusting him as godfather to Naruto.. When I see him we will definitely have words!" Minato stated and that was a promise.

"Tell him more Hiruzen," Hachishaku-sama said sternly

"I don't know-" He said only for her stare at him with hate

"You know what I'm talking about you placed Naru-kun in the orphanage where they mistreated him for the pass few years of his life growing up.." She said shocking Minato and Kushina along with The Senju brothers, Mito and Hinata.

"How do you know of this?" the old Sandaime asked surprised that she knew.

"I was there when he was 6 years old, you have forsaken him to the orphanage for him to be beaten, mistreated and bullied by other kids. That was until I found this." She said pulling out a document which froze the Sandaime with fear.

"How did she get ahold of that! That was supposed to be locked in the hokage vault!" He thought with fear watching her give the document to Kushina.

Kushina widened her eyes in horror as she sent a loathing stare at the Sandaime.

"You Son of a Bitch! You heartless MONSTER!" She screamed wanting to kill him

"What is it kushina-Hime?" Minato asked as she showed him the document only for his anger to rise tenfold

It was an order that all orphanages were to treat Naruto in a way that he could become submissive, Hiruzen hoped in the future when Naruto was a shinobi, he would be completely submissive to those in power of the council and him. It would also prevent Naruto from lashing out when he was beaten or abused in anyway. Which is another reason why Sakura was on Team 7.

Mito, Hashirama and Tobirama along with Hinata could only look horrified by this information as they saw the document.

Naruto's anger began to skyrocket even more at this as the Kyuubi's chakra began to leak.

Sarutobi looked up at Minato's enraged face with a pleading look.

"Minato you must understand if naruto grew resentful of the village he would have lashed out, possibly destroyed us with the Kyuubi's power I could not allow that!" The old man said as Minato grabbed him by the throat

"And you would allow my son to be abused and tortured like a criminal!?" Hissed Minato with his grip on Hiruzen's throat tightened

"Pl-Please Minato" He gagged feeling his throat being crushed.

"Give me one reason why I shouldn't kill you..." Minato said coldly holding out his tri-Kunai.

"Don't kill him Minato" said Hachishaku-sama making everyone turn to her in confusion

"Why not? He deserves it!" Demanded Kushina

"Because we need him alive for the time being" Hachishaku-sama said

"What for if I may ask?" Questioned Tobirama Senju

Hachishaku-sama turned towards Naruto and said

"For War, and the destruction of Konoha"

That caught everyone off guard including Naruto.

To be continued

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