Chapter 16

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With Zetsu)

"Choke him harder Kayako, tighten your hair around his neck" Spoke the Cold voice of Taeko Uzumaki glaring at the near death beaten Zetsu as Kayako's hair tightened around his neck harder strangling him as if he was caught in a hangman's noose. Sadako was in the background watching her two sisters torture Zetsu.

Taeko held up her Scissors, as the blades were coated in Corrosive Yokai chakra.

Zetsu was gagging and gagging hard due to him being strangled by hair.

"You will talk, Akatsuki." She said raising her hand in a gesture to tell Kayako to hold him as Taeko stepped forward and jabbed her Scissors in Zetsu's chest making both halves scream as the Corrosive Yokai chakra fried their nervous system and was burning them in the inside as She amplified more Yokai Chakra into his body burning him up in the insides making him both scream in absolute agony.

"We will never talk! you won't get anything from us!" Exclaimed Black Zetsu in pain.

"Never! we will not speak a word!" Said White Zetsu defiantly at Taeko who narrowed her eyes.

"Then I'll just have to make you talk" She said Coldly while pulling out two butcher knives and started gutting Zetsu like a fish as both halves screamed.

"Kayako summon your cat, to roast him alive" Taeko said moving away as the black two tailed cat appeared as it hissed at Zetsu opening it's mouth breathing a blue wave of fire on the plant man burning him to embers!

"AAAAAAAAAHHH!/ AAAAAAAAAHHH!" Screamed Both Zetsu screaming in pain being burned alive as Taeko did a hand gesture telling the cat to Back off.

"It hurts! it hurts like hell! what is this!? the Nibi's fire!?" Screamed White Zetsu.

"Are you ready to talk now?" Asked Taeko with a ice voice staring her emotionless eyes at him.

"Do-Do your worse bitch! we're not scared of you!" Exclaimed Black Zetsu Trying to ease the pain but the fire was so great that it was actually hurting him.

"Oh you will be" Taeko said pulling out her Sickle ready to Chop him.


Both Halves screamed much harder as White Zetsu screamed much more as he lost his left arm, seeing the stump of it on the floor now being burned by Kayako's cat.

"OK! OK! PLEASE STOP! NO MORE! I'LL TALK!" Pleaded White Zetsu who couldn't take it anymore he couldn't stand the pain.

"Then speak! or else!" Taeko demanded pointing her sickle at his neck.

"Why have you come to our location? tell us now!" She commanded amplified her sickle with Yokai chakra.

"Please no more pain! we were just following orders! please i beg you to spare us! if we tell you everything!" White Zetsu pleaded not wanting any more pain.

Kayako narrowed her eyes as her hair tightened on his neck.

"We shall see about that, you are our prisoner now and I'm the one interrogating you, until mother gets here. Leave anything out and i will increase the pain" She said watching him with a cautious stare.

"Don't you dare tell her a soul!" Yelled Black Zetsu as he screamed feeling a butcher knife run right through him.

"SILENCE!" She yelled at Black Zetsu while keeping her attention on White Zetsu

"Our Leader sent us too look for the Kyuubi Jinchuriki, the Gobi and Nibi! seeing how Hachishaku-sama has them here! please we were just following orders! we wanted to go against it knowing how terrifying Hachishaku-sama is! but we had no choice!" White Zetsu said feeling Kayako's hair get tighter around his neck.

"And now you're going to pay the price for coming here once mother is through with you" Taeko said with a evil grin behind her surgical procedure mask.

"This is a minor setback! You can't stop us! not until we completed our mission for our Mother!" Said Black Zetsu defiantly while Taeko shot him a quick glance.

"Who?" Asked Taeko with both halves of Zetsu grinning eviliy.

"Kaguya, Mother to the Sage of Six Paths, She is the Moon Goddess and Mother of Chakra itself! our purpose was to carry out her will! once the infinite Tsukuyomi has been projected! she will return! which is why we of the Akatsuki are dead set on capturing the Jinchuriki and remove their tailed beasts! to revive the Ten tails!" Said Black Zetsu with Taeko having a blank stare.

"We told you enough! now just kill us and be done with it!" Said White Zetsu.

"Po... Po Po... Po Po Po Po Po Po Po Po"

Zetsu felt their Blood freeze when they heard this chant as they cocked their glance in the dark shadows seeing Hachishaku-sama walking out of it in a Scary way and she was smiling eviliy like a devil which would had made Zetsu piss himself.

" Step aside Girls," Hachishaku-sama said as all three of her daughter's obeyed as Zetsu fell flat on the ground looking up at Hachishaku-sama in fear seeing her tower of them.

"Wa-Wait! Please!/ Don't kill us!" Said Zetsu together as Hachishaku-sama said nothing as two Golden- Red chains appeared out of her back with hooks as they latched onto Zetsu's body as it started to drain not just their chakra but their life force and essence

"AAAAAAAAAHHH!/AAARGH! " Screamed Zetsu in absolute pain as White Zetsu looked down widened his eye in shock he was melting!

"What's going on!? my lifeforce! it's fading! she's draining us dry! NO! NO!" Screamed Black Zetsu in thought seeing his own body start to melt.

"I'm Melting! Melting! make it stop! Save us Obito! Save us Madara! SAVE US MOTHER!" Screamed White Zetsu Letting out a ear piercing shriek as he was successfully drained and melted.

" NO! I REFUSE TO ACCEPT IT! NEVER!" Thought Black Zetsu feeling his life almost gone.

"MOTHER! HELP! MOTHER! MOTHEEERRRRR!" Were Black Zetsu's last pleas and screams as he was successfully drained and melted just like his white half.

Hachishaku-sama completely absorbed their life force, their essence along with something else as she grinned a ear to ear Smile.

"How was it Mother?" Asked Taeko.

"It feels great" Replied Hachishaku-sama turning around shocking all three of her daughter's when they saw her eyes change.

To Be Continued.

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