Chapter 23

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With The rookies)

The Rookies, Jiraiya, Kurenai and Asuma are on a boat sailing towards Uzu seeing the island up ahead they were getting close in a about a two hours they would reach land on the island and get Hinata quickly as possible before Hachishaku-sama harms the hyuuga girl.

"How much longer until we get there!" Said Kurenai looking out into the sea.

"We have about two hours to reach to Uzu! once we get there" Said Jiraiya with confidence

All the rookies were there Even their newest member Sai also a member of Team 7.

Sai was picked by Danzo to join and retrieve Naruto... or Hinata as the pale boy remembered what his master told him

( Flashback Root HQ)

Sai was on one knee in a bowing position as his master Danzo had his back turned not even looking at the pale boy.

"Sai, you are to Join the konoha rookies on their next mission to retrieve the Hyuuga Heiress Hinata" Said Danzo in a emotionless voice as Sai nodded.

"You are to try and capture the Kyuubi jinchuriki when the rookies along with Jiraiya of the Sannin and Asuma and Kurenai deal with Hachishaku-sama." He said with the pale boy nodding

"Do not fail me..." The old man said

"As you wish Danzo-sama" Said Sai as he walked off to do what he was told.

( Flashback End)

They had to try and get Hinata from Hachishaku-sama they preyed that they weren't too late.

Jiraiya stared off at the island ahead of them as he wondered why not just get Naruto back.. he wanted the boy free from Hachishaku-sama's clutches... he wanted to fix the bridge he and Naruto once had... he wanted to fix his amends for the sake of Minato.

( In the Skies)

The Akatsuki were riding on Deidara's large Clay Bird that consisted of Pain, Konan, Kisame, Itachi, Sasori and Deidara himself. They were heading for Uzu as well to retrieve Zetsu... that is if the plant man was alive and to capture one of the Missing Jinchuriki Hachishaku-sama has.

"Soon this Hachishaku-sama will know pain" Said Pain himself .

( Elsewhere)

On another boat consisted Kumo, Team Bee, Killer Bee was on a boat with his team Kurai, Omoi and Samui on a mission to find Yugito and save her from Hachishaku-sama along with them was Cee and a good portion of Kumo Anbu 2 Squads should Hachishaku-sama be too much to handle.

"We're coming for ya Yugi" Said Bee he was going to save his friend and die trying to get her from Hachishaku-sama.

( Uzu at the moment)

Hinata was getting used to her new Yokai form her legs were big, strong and fluffy, her coat to her rabbit legs were colored lavender shade as her fluffy paws were lean with claws.

( An: Remember she's a combination of That rabbit girl from killing bites and that bunny girl Carrot from One Piece i might make her a little like Kaguya)

"Yes you are a Yokai Rabbit, you have the ability to jump in high places and jump Pretty high in the air, you can did like a rabbit, you even have claws and enchanced senses... like a rabbit like your ears you can hear alot better" Explained Hachishaku-sama as Hinata looked at the Woman.

" Now let's show Naru-kun what you look like" Hachishaku-sama as she grabbed Hinata's hand leading the girl upstairs.

( With Naruto)

He was pacing, wondering and worrying about Hinata as he stopped seeing the doors opening revealing a brand new Hinata as a Bunny!

"Hin-Hinata!?" He said shocked and blushed at her appearance as she blushed and looked away.

"Now no need to be shy Hinata, give him eye contact" Said Hachishaku-sama as the Hyuuga girl did so and stared at Naruto as he came to her.

"How-How do I look Naruto-kun?" Hinata asked looking at her future lover.

"You... you look... so adorable! may i touch your ears! can i!? can i!?" He asked wanted to touch those lavender rabbit ears of hers as she nodded meekly, he touched them smiling and inhaled her scent that she smelled like lavender.

Hachishaku-sama smiled watching the scene rubbing her pregnant stomach as she felt a kick from her twins inside her.

Hinata was blushing as she felt Naruto hug her as she hugged him back.

"Welcome to the family Hinata-chan!" He said as she smiled feeling accepted and welcomed into this Yokai family.

"Thank you Naruto-kun..." She said with her rabbit hears twitching.

Before Naruto, Hachishaku-sama and Hinata could do anything else Taeko Uzumaki walked in the living room with a look on her face.

"What's wrong Taeko-chan?" Asked Naruto looking at his daughter.

"We have Intruders coming to our home..." She said in a monotone with the three widening their eyes..

"Who are they?" Hachishaku-sama's asked

" Konoha and i believe Kumo is also here" Was all Taeko said as Naruto scowled with Hachishaku-sama narrowing her eyes.

"They're here for me..." Said Hinata

"What should we do father? this is your call?" Taeko said seeing him sigh and narrow his blue eyes

"I will go after them and I'll deal with them myself!" He said looking at Hinata and Hachishaku-sama.

"I'm coming too Naruto-kun... " Said Hinata as Hachishaku-sama nodded seeing she would have to come too.

"And Kumo?" Taeko asked

"Send Kayako after them, she can kill them .. and have her take our house pet to fight against Kumo" Hachishaku-sama spoke seeing her daughter nod.

"The Akatsuki are also coming" Said Taeko with Hachishaku-sama scowling further and Naruto.

"Assemble the Yokai Generals and the Edo Tensei Uzu Samurais to fend them off" Commanded Hachishaku-sama as Taeko nodded

"Let's go... it's time i see my former friends... I'm giving them one chance to Leave peacefully... and if they don't leave then so be it... i told them that I wanted to be left alone and they have the nerve to come here" Said Naruto as he grabbed his Uzumaki Clan Blade Ryujin Jakka Muramasa, The Legendary sword that was wielded by great Uzumaki, This Sword Belonged to Uzumaki Yamamoto the Shodai Uzukage, Naruto found this weapon in a Uzu- Treasure Vault as Hachishaku-sama trained him kenjutsu style since she wielded a sword too.

Her sword can cause and create Earthquakes she even has the power to destroy the world if she wanted too without her sword she can still cause earthquakes.

Ryujin Jakka Muramasa can manipulate great fire with such embers that it can reduce all creation to ash.

It now chosen Naruto as it's wielder and master.

Only an Uzumaki can wield such a Legendary weapon.

Now Naruto and his Yokai family with Hinata Included were going to beat the hell out of the trespassers who stepped on Land of Uzu.

Unexpected Guests were not allowed to come on this island.

To be continued

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