Chapter 52: Edge of the Yokai War

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With Sadako.)

Sadako Uzumaki and her forces we're advancing greatly. As they decimated half of Orochimaru's forces.

Hanzo the salamander was slain by Skarlet Uzumaki Lu Bu had ended the revived kages.

Itachi was still fighting his younger brother who Is losing, as the Uchiha avenger glared at his older brother who couldn't understand why was he losing?

"What's the matter? Ran out of chakra and ran out of options as well little brother?" Itachi asked with a blank look making the Emo Uchiha glare.

"Damn it! After all this training with Orochimaru, I'm still not strong enough to kill him!" Growled Sasuke narrowing his eyes at his brother he even went into his curse seal mode and still can't beat his brother.

"It seems I will use my final trump card, the Susano'o " Itachi said now animating his Susano'o in its imperfect form, glowing orange like red

Sasuke looked worried that his older brother has the Susano'o he backed away.

"Give up now Sasuke, you are no match for me." said Itachi as Sasuke could only scowl at the older Uchiha.

"Never! I will never give up! Not until I avenge my clan that you have slain that night! I will avenge Father! Mother! Our aunts! Uncles! And cousins! That you killed!" Sasuke said with defiance and glaring at his brother with all the hate he could muster.

He charged up a Chidori and charged at his older brother.

Itachi just glared

"So you have chosen death, farewell Foolish little brother." Itachi said as his Susano'o manifested a sword. Known as the Tosaka blade.

Sasuke was closing in. His Chidori must pierce through his brother's Susano'o

Before he could successfully touch his older brother, Itachi brought down the Tosaka blade and vanquished his younger brother in one slash.

Uchiha Sasuke was no more.

Having ended his little brother he now goes to help the rest of Sadako's army to fight Orochimaru.

Orochimaru was seething in rage when he saw Itachi kill his future vessel.

"That son of a bitch Itachi! How dare he kill my vessel!" Orochimaru growled with rage as he was so tempted to go down there and fight the Uchiha Heir.

"Do you think it's wise to do that? We need to summon Him! " said Obito who is talking sense into the Snake sannin to not go down there and face Itachi.

The Snake sannin snarled he will definitely make Itachi pay for killing his prized Student and future vessel.

"We must do it! So we can end the battle once and for all!" Orochimaru said as he weaves handsigns.

"Edo Tensei Jutsu!" He shouted as a Coffin rose in front of them.

The coffin lid opened revealing a red armored man with long black hair.

Walking out of the Coffin was Uchiha Madara.

Now the battle just got red hot.

( Uzu Tower)

Hashirama widened his eyes as he sensed a familiar presence. As he wasn't the only one who sensed it.

"You sense it too brother?" Tobirama said

"Yes Brother... He's back... Madara is very much alive and is on the island." Hashirama said it seems he will have to fight his former best friend

In the courtyard Stood Hachishaku-sama. The sandaime Hokage, Taeko and a bound and cuffed Asuma Sarutobi.

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