Chapter 18

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Konoha at the moment)

Nobody bothered to utter a word after hearing Naruto's message as they stood silent and just replayed his words to make sure they heard right.

"Naruto... are you sure this is what you want?" Were Iruka's thoughts worried about the boy he saw as a little brother or son sure he understood Naruto had a hard life but wanting to stay with a Urban Legend that preys after Children and is happy? he wasn't the only one thinking the same thought so were Teuchi and Ayame.

Jiraiya still kept his saddened expression on the ground not wanting to show his tears as he replayed a few memories of why Naruto shouldn't forgive him.

"Now you calling him your godson? after all those years of loneliness he went through? What gives you the right to even call him you're godson when you neglected your duties to look after him on your student's behalf" Spoke Hachishaku-sama in his memory.

"It's too late for that... Naruto-boy will probably never forgive you. You had thirteen years to be by Minato's Tadpole but for what? just to chase after Orochimaru and go peep at women? what makes you think Naruto-boy will forgive you or anyone else who wronged him... perhaps Naruto would be better off with Hachishaku-sama then you and Konoha..." Were Pa's words in Jiraiya's memory

After hearing those words played in his head he glanced looked up at a picture of the Yondaime looking into the eyes of Minato, Those Blue eyes were filled with Anger, Disgust, and Disappointment that made Jiraiya flinch looking away from the picture unable to stare at it any longer.

"So what can we do now... are we just going to let him go?" Spoke Anko who was the first to break the silence.

"I don't know... i am not sure the slightest..." Spoke Tsunade in a sad tone

"But! We can't just leave him with her! what if Hachishaku-sama is influencing him to say this!" Said Sakura not wanting to believe what everything Naruto has said.

"And what is this Heritage He spoke of?" Asked Shikamaru staring at Tsunade while many of the Jonins stared at him.

"Shikamar-"Said Asuma but paused when Jiraiya raised his hand

"No Asuma... It's time we tell them the truth" Spoke Jiraiya making the others in the room look confused at what he said.

"Jiraiya-sama are you sure we should tell them?" Spoke Kakashi already aware of what Jiraiya meant

"It's time they knew..." The Toad Sage replied giving Tsunade a knowing look as she sighed putting the message down and stared at everyone in the room who was looking at her.

"Know what truth about Naruto-kun?" Said Hinata wanting to know exactly what truth there was about her crush.

Seeing that Tsunade had no choice but to reveal the secret as she began telling everyone in the room the truth.

15 minutes later

Everybody had wide eyes and were silent staring at Tsunade, Kakashi and Jiraiya.

"Well this is even troublesome... i had a feeling that Naruto could be related to Yondaime-sama... after staring back and forth at the picture of Yondaime-sama and Naruto" Sighed Shikamaru.

"So... Naruto-san isn't just a Jinchuriki.. but also the Yondaime's Heir? and why doesn't the village know about this?" Spoke Shino

"Sarutobi-sensei felt like it was best to hide Naruto's Heritage until he was old enough and strong enough or at the very least a chunin... you see if word got out that Naruto was Minato's son then all of Minato's enemies outside the village will come for him and kill him out of spite and revenge, Minato made alot of enemies during the Third Shinobi War" Explained Jiraiya.

"Please understand why this had to be kept a secret" Spoke Jiraiya.

"Oh we Understand perfectly Jiraiya-san," Spoke Hinata in a brand new cold voice causing him to flinch with Kurenai looking at her student in shock.

"So all these years we have been told lies of the Kyuubi's defeat and so called demise Naruto was going through! Being a scrape goat for the Villagers to mistreat! Even restaurants shun him out so they wouldn't Serve him food!" Spoke Choji in disgust.

"Choji Take it easy! you have to understand! many have lost close friends and family members on the night of the Kyuubi attack, My father did everything he could!" Said Asuma

"Excuses! Grandpa was the Hokage! he could have done more to protect Naruto-nii Chan! that's nothing that can justify what Boss was made to go through in his life by our own very people!" Spat Konohamaru very upset

"Permission to speak freely Tsunade-sama" Spoke Hinata with Ice making many flinch at the coldness in her voice it was clear that she was Angry it all made sense to her, Tsunade, Jiraiya, Kakashi and everyone else who wronged Naruto in anyway was their fault that he was not coming back hiding his heritage from him, leaving him all alone making him lonely and unprotected it just wasn't fair.

"Permission granted" She replied

"Naruto-kun trusted all of you, including the Sandaime, he spent his entire life growing up alone with no family to call on his own always wondering if he had any family left, Naru-kun's life was a living hell villagers ignored, rejected or just down right hated him and even went so far to hurt him! how do you think the Yondaime feel if he were alive to witness this!. I don't Blame Naruto-kun not one bit on why he isn't coming back! you are to Blame! he has every right to be Angry! and Disgusted maybe even Hate you!" Shouted Hinata with tears running down her face.

"Hinata-" Spoke Kurenai but flinched when she saw Hinata blaze her Byukugan in fury.

"All we're doing is taking away his happiness! and Hachishaku-sama is his main happiness! and you want to simply take that away from him?! he was already denied happiness in his terrible childhood! and you want to destroy his one Chance of happiness?!" Ranted Hinata she couldn't help but envy or feel jealous that Hachishaku-sama was starting a family with Her 'Naruto-kun' that was her dream to be and now she lost hope in having that dream.

"I have never been Angry before in my entire life! i have lost Respect for you, Jiraiya, and Kakashi-sensei and anyone else who wronged Naruto-kun!" Spat Hinata before running out the door.

"Hinata has a point... i agree with her it will be awhile before I can look at all of you ever again, might as well leave Naruto Alone" Said Shikamaru who turned away walking out the door with Choji following him nodding in agreement.

"Hinata is right, If Naruto is safe with this Hachishaku-sama... and is happy then we should just leave it alone" Said Iruka who was now leaving with Teuchi and Ayame following him

The tensions were now heavy, It seemed that Hinata , Choji, Shikamaru, even Konohamaru, Iruka, Ayame and Teuchi were disgusted and very Angry.

Jiraiya and Kakashi could only look down.

Tsunade's Expression was shadowed

It seemed that things have just gotten much worse Than it could have.

To be Continued

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