Chapter 40

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What did you say!?" Spoke Tsunade in a dangerous tone glaring at the old monk hoping she did not hear what he just said

"Uzumaki Naruto must die.. after Hachishaku-sama is sealed away" Mako Said causing Tsunade to rise up from her chair walking towards him but Jiraiya stopped her before she could knock out the monk's lights out.

"LIKE HELL I'LL KILL HIM!" Roared Tsunade in anger lashing out as Jiraiya tried to hold her back.

"Tsunade... it must be done... the boy you loved has to die..." Said Mako as he could hear Gaara uncorking his sand as he glared at the monk.

"No way, that I'll never kill Naruto. Sealing Hachishaku-sama is one thing but I refuse to kill Naruto!" Gaara Said with killer intent leaked

"Please listen to reason! It must be done for the greater good! If you don't kill him he'll be a much bigger problem than Hachishaku-sama!" Mako Said trying to reason with Tsunade and Gaara

"NO! I refuse to do it! Instead of killing him why not alter his memory forgetting about Hachishaku-sama!" Tsunade Yelled she was not going to budge and she definitely wasn't going so far to kill kushina's son.

"Because even if you did alter his memory it won't change a thing... his bond with Hachishaku-sama is too strong he has to die" Mako Said Seeing Tsunade growl

Mei felt conflicted about this while Onoki and Ay has different reactions they agreed on ridding of Naruto along with Hachishaku-sama

"Hokage-San your jinchuriki must die. He's too dangerous to be left alive he'll make a attempt to free Hachishaku-sama again" Said Onoki with Tsunade giving him a scornful look

"Of course you'd agree with killing him! But I don't! He is my godson!" She shouted While Jiraiya remained silent as he thought it through as much as it pains him.. it has to be done Hachishaku-sama completely has Naruto in her claws and there was no way he could get Naruto to see reason of Hachishaku-sama's true colors.. if Jiraiya goes through with this will be ever face Minato and Kushina in the afterlife? Will they ever forgive him for what he is forced to do kill his own godson?

"Minato... Kushina... I hope someday you will forgive me for this... but for the greater good it must be done and the fate of the world rests in our hands if Hachishaku-sama continues" he thought with regret holding his tears back he wasn't very proud of what he has to do.

"Tsunade... He's right... it must be done" Said Jiraiya Making her finally turn her head towards him In shock and horror even Shizune and Gaara

"WHAT!?" She shouted not expecting him to actually go with this plan

To be continued

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