Chapter 9

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Sometime ago in Kumo)

There laid Yugito Nii who was serverely injuried from fighting both Hidan and Kakuzu who were capturing her so that her tailed beast could be ripped out, The two marched over to her but suddenly they paused hearing a sound.

" Po Po Po Po Po Po Po Po Po Po Po Po Po Po Po Po Po"

As soon as they heard that sound a shiver went down both of their spines and cocked their heads behind their shoulders widening their eyes in shock that it was Hachishaku-sama! behind them with a Nodaichi sword in hand. Yugito was barely conscious and stayed awake long enough to know who this woman was and why did she look Pregnant while the Nibi in her Mindscape shivered in fear.

" Holy Shit! it's the Old 8 foot Bitch that Zetsu told us about!" Hidan spoke seeing her have a cold expression.

The temperature went cold when Hidan called her 'Old' Sure She can change her appearance of an old elderly woman or Beautiful Young Woman but she did not like being called 'Old'.

" Shit! Zetsu was right! she is real!" Said Kakuzu looking at her in fear.

" I believe you two have someone that belongs to me.." Spoke Hachishaku-sama in a cold tone

" You want the Nibi Jinchuriki? What for!?" Demanded Hidan

" That is none of your concern... Give her to me and Maybe I'll let the both of you live" She said with Malice looking at them with ice cold eyes that would have froze the ocean.

" I'm afraid we can't do that... She's ours and Pain-sama would not be pleased if we returned with nothing" Said Kakuzu seeing her unsheath her Nodaichi sword Shirauo as the blade shined in sunlight.

" Good i was hoping you'd say that, I'll spare you his wraith by killing the both of you and see him personally! " Hachishaku-sama said deathly as if she was the Shinigami and lunged forward at the two and nailed Kakuza's chest stabbing his heart in the process before pulling out and raised her sword up in the air going to cut the money hungry akatsuki member in two while Hidan jumped forward with his scythe.

" Take this you big bitch!" Hidan cursed but widened his eyes when he saw her hair move in Tendrils and swore her hair was barbed Hooks as they latched onto Hidan and tossed him away as she focused on Kakuzu who was in pain after losing his heart he looked up and feared worst when he saw her raise that sword seeing she was going to chop him in half.

" Shirauo" Hachishaku-sama spoke in a deadly Voice that had never been heard of before as she slowly put the sword against Kakuzu's head seeing the blade go right through him! His eyes widened

" AAAAAAAAAHHH!" He screamed in pain and agony

" Kakuzu!" Said Hidan reaching for his scythe getting up to save his partner

" Slow Ballad..." She spoke in a tone of Hollow and emotionlessly death and was cutting him down vertically slowly in a gory way as Blood squelched everywhere.

Yugito looked on in shock and Horror at what she was seeing.

" You Bitch! you will pay! Jashin-sama will claim your life!" Hidan spoke but saw her hair shift and turned into barbed Hooks as they latched on to him, Hachishaku-sama stared at him with a impassive cruel Expression.

" Is this the best you got? it seems your so called Jashin-sama has forsaken you, Now Die!" Spoke Hachishaku-sama as her hair Hooks mercilessly and brutally ripped Hidan apart piece by piece tearing apart all of his flesh and Internal organs as she vertically and horizontally cut his head into tiny little hundreds of pieces killing him.

Yugito felt sick to her stomach from watching the brutality this woman has done as she looked up in Horror seeing Hachishaku-sama tower over her injured body.

" What... are... you...?" Spoke Yugito terrified seeing this woman was not a woman and could tell she was something else.

" I am your Savior and New Master" Answered Hachishaku-sama who was covered in blood from ripping apart Hidan and picked Yugito up before putting the woman to sleep as Hachishaku-sama turned towards the shadows and Narrowed her eyes seeing Zetsu who had witnessed the whole thing, He even looked horrifed and was too scared to move.

" Why don't you take off and tell your 'Pain-sama' that if he wishes to cross my path again and try to hunt after my Naru-kun there will be Hell to pay" She said deathly with her deadly glare with a huge amount of killing intent towards Zetsu who nodded dumbly fearing for his life he sunk in the ground not wanting to stay around and piss her off to go report to his leader.

Hachishaku-sama vanished carrying Yugito with her.

(With Taeko)

Taeko Uzumaki was in fire country sneaking into the Daimyo's palace holding her Foot long Scissors.

She used her intangibility to walk through walls and was going for the Daimyo's Office as she opened up her beige trench coat and pulled out lots of high chakra powered Explosive Seals and was setting them all in the Daimyo's office should he walk in here and placed some in his bedroom just incase.

She left now heading to kill Chiriku and every Monk and Priest that were loyal under the Daimyo she had to finish this before the Hokage gets here.

She grinned her ear to ear slit mouth under her surgical mask as she disguised herself as a Maiden and still walked forward to find her prey.

To be continued

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