Chapter 12

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With Jiraiya and Company)

In the campsite Everyone was sitting in a circle around the fire while eating their breakfast watching Jiraiya waiting for him to tell the Tale of Hachishaku-sama.

" Listen and pay attention... since all of you don't know about Hachishaku-sama I'm going to tell you all about her" Jiraiya spoke.

" Many years ago in the sage of the Six Paths lived a urban legend named Hachishaku-sama, Hachishaku-sama was not a person she was some sort of monster well... a Yokai... At some point she was a human.." Explained Jiraiya seeing everyone still looking at him listening waiting for him to go on with the story.

" Human? she was Human?" Said Tenten

" She was Human years ago in the six path era she was known to live in a sacred Village and teach young boys on how to be men. Sometime ago she was forgotten and since the village no Longer worshipped her she disappeared and was never seen again... her death was unknown.. no one never heard or seen her again" Jiraiya continued

" So... is this Hachishaku-sama Scary?" Asked Choji who was eating his chips listing to the interesting story

" She's Scary... all right much Scarier Than the 9 tailed beasts combined, Even the Shodaime and Uchiha Madara fear her" Spoke Jiraiya with everyone gasping at this.

" She's really a monster..." Spoke Ino who was shivering as everyone else sweated at the thought of facing her.

" Hachishaku-sama changes Her appearance of that of a beautiful young woman, or sometimes old but she would always be abnormally tall, and would always have a creepy chant... It goes ' Po Po Po Po Po Po' Once Hachishakusama took an interest in a person, they were hunted to death in just a few days; and the last known victim of Hachishakusama had been fifteen years previous." Jiraiya said with everyone paying attention at what he was saying.

" Hmmm" Shikamaru thought.

" Something on your mind Shikamaru?" Spoke Jiraiya noticing the Nara Heir thinking.

" Well, this is sort of troublesome, but here's something i want to know? if she has such an interest in Naruto does that mean she wants to kill him?" He pondered with everyone tensing at that.

" No... i don't think she wants to kill him she has him hidden.. somewhere... and she's doing a good job at hiding him and cleaning up her tracks so we couldn't find her or him..." Answered Jiraiya with a sigh not even his Spynetwork could detect her.

" How do we kill this Hachishaku-sama?" Said Kiba with everyone wanting to know how to necessary 'kill' The Urban Legend.

" She can't be killed..." replied Jiraiya with everyone widening their eyes in shock as if Jiraiya grew a second head at what he said.

" She can't be killed!? then how do we defeat her?" Said Iruka who was worried

" Hachishaku-sama is eternal... from what the toads told me, is that Hachishaku-sama is immortal... the only way to defeat her is to seal her away inside a Jizo seal" Explained Jiraiya with everyone now nodding in understanding.

" So listen up... all we need to do is find Naruto and get him away from Hachishaku-sama as quickly as we can before she gets to attacking us all, once we have Naruto we head back to konoha hide him and alter his memories of Hachishaku-sama... but we must keep him hidden until i seal away Hachishaku-sama" Said Jiraiya putting out his plan as everyone listened Hoping this plan workes.

" Was Hachishaku-sama sealed away before?" Asked Sakura.

" Hachishaku-sama was supposed to be trapped in a shrine near a sacred village, having been sealed in by four statues of Jizo, a protective deity of children, each placed to the north, south, east, and west of the structure. The village had some sort of agreement with it's neighboring villages, wherein they were given some advantages to make up for the fact they had to watch over the monster. However... four great Monks had tried to seal away Hachishaku-sama but their fates were unfortunate Hachishaku-sama challenged all four of those Monks. The first Monk she encountered was the West Monk... then second she encountered the North Monk... those two weren't so lucky she killed both of them... The South Monk almost stood a chance but his luck ran out..." Said Jiraiya with everyone looking in awe at the tale he was telling.

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