Chapter 31

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Konoha gravesite)

Finally reaching her destination Taeko had unhenged her disguise after killing a Anbu unit that was stationed to guard the gravesite. This very gravesite before her was the resting places of Konoha's Hokages.

Looking from each Gravestone from 1st To 4th Hokage along with Uzumaki Kushina who's grave was besides the Yondaime's grave.

"Summoning Jutsu: Demon Rats!" Taeko shouted summoning a small box that contained hundreds and hundreds of Rat Demons as the box opened releasing a swarm of Rats who looked vicious and twisted.

"What is your bidding Mistress Taeko-sama" Spoke the Rat leader named Nezumi who is the biggest rat and is the size of a inuzuka Dog armed with sharp teeth and claws

"I want your rat brethren to dig out the Coffins of the 1st from 4th Hokage along with Uzumaki Kushina's. After they are dug up deliver their coffins to Mother" Commanded Taeko as the rat nodded.

"As you wish Mistress" Nezumi said as he squeaked and hissed at all of his rats to dig up the graves of Hashirama Senju, Tobirama Senju, Sarutobi Hiruzen, Minato Namikaze and Kushina Uzumaki.

Taeko stood there watching, she understood digging out the 1st, 2nd and 4th along with Kushina but why the 3rd Hokage? She wondered why did her mother want the 3rd? she'll have to find out once her mission is complete.

"Stop what your doing!" Came a angry voice behind Taeko as she turned her head back looking to see a certain Jonin with one eye and defying silver white hair glaring at her.

"Ah! you must be father's other sensei... Hatake Kakashi... mother has told alot about you" Remarked Taeko seeing the man sneer at her.

"So... your The woman responsible for the deaths of every priest, monk and priestess including the Fire Daimyo!" Kakashi countered as his right hand made a sound of chirping birds and intense lighting.

"So you've heard of me?" Taeko mocked with a grin behind her surgical procedure mask.

"Step away from my Sensei's coffin! along with the others including his wife! why are you disturbing their resting place?" Asked Kakashi keeping his eye on her.

"That's none of your concern... I'm just following Mother's commands.." Taeko said pulling out her Sickle and chain.

"I won't let you defile the graves of the Hokages including my sensei and his wife! i don't care if you are Naruto's child! your just a Demon spawn! and a mistake!" Said Kakashi with Taeko looking amused as she chuckled darkly.

"And this is coming from a hypocrite of a sensei who focused solely on the damn Uchiha when should have trained Father as well" Taeko said with a slight sneer with Kakashi narrowing his Sharingan eye at her.

"Kakashi-sensei!" Yelled Sakura who appeared with a team of Anbu with Sai at her side.

"Sakura!" He replied seeing her bring reinforcements.

Taeko narrowed her eyes dangerously at Sakura with murderous intent she remembered how her mother told her about Sakura who always constantly abuses her father.

"It's you!" Yelled Sakura who remembered Taeko.

"Haruno..." Taeko said coldly glaring at her father's abuser.

"It's her! Naruto's daughter! what is she doing here!?" Thought Sakura feeling a chill run down her spine.

"Stand down! your surrounded!" Said Kakashi with Taeko grinning behind her surgical mask

"Never. i don't know what will father do to this village since it's up to him.. but i know who i will punish who harmed him throughout his childhood!" She said flaring up with Yokai chakra getting into a stance with her sickle and chain.

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