Chapter 1

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The young fae heard his brother call out to him. He knew he wasn't supposed to stray away from the fae kingdom, but being the curious prince he was, Haechan wanted to become familiar with every part of the Paitha lands.

As the future ruler of their lands, it was a duty of his to learn the names of every villager in their respective kingdom. His mother, Doyoung, taught him that it was important to create trusted bonds with their people. But Haechan didn't only want to create bonds with their kind and the elves. He wanted to become a trusted ruler amongst every race. Hence why he chose to ditch his guards and explore the other kingdoms.

However, he wasn't able to get far. The linkage between him and his brother was quite strong, informing the older fae about Haechan's little escape.

"Mother and father will feed me to the wolves if you die out here!"

"Don't be dramatic, brother," Haechan chuckled as he jumped from the willow tree that became his hideout from the guards that were ordered to watch him. "They don't feast upon other races."

"Under the queen's order I'm sure they will," his brother rolled his eyes, taking ahold of Haechan's wrist.

"I'm not a child, Lucas," the young male whined. It was true. He wasn't a child. Not when he was about to be eighteen in less than twenty-four hours.

"Yes, I know," Lucas dragged the beautiful young fae behind him. As his older brother, Lucas often found himself looking after the young male when he wasn't training. Haechan was quite the clever one when needed to be, and unfortunately, the guards of the royal family were no match for his cleverness.

"Renjun is waiting for you on the training field," Lucas informed Haechan as they approached the gates of the palace.

"I do not recall training being an activity for today,"
Haechan said, watching his brother signal a guard to bring a horse for them. "And why can't I fly to him?"

"Flying makes you tired, and may I remind you that you have a birthday celebration tonight."

Ah, yes. The most important coming-of-age celebration for the royal Fae family. Not only because Haechan was the last born, but he would also finally find his mate that will rule by his side in the future.

"Then why must I train if becoming tired is forbidden for the day?"

"You ask too many questions, my lovely brother," Lucas chuckled as he helped the younger Fae sit comfortably on the back of the horse. Once he was done, Lucas joined his brother, sitting in front of him to take charge of the horse's direction.
Haechan was hardly able to enjoy the cool breeze blowing into his face before seeing his beloved friend wave at them from a short distance.

"Haechan!" Renjun beamed upon seeing his friend's arrival.

"Are you here to steal me away for the rest of the day or train with me?" Haechan quickly questioned the elf as the horse slowly came to a stop.

"Did this idiot say you were going to train just hours before your birthday?" Renjun helped the younger prince onto the ground. "It's a pleasure as always to see you, prince Renjun," Lucas said as he held the elf's hand and kissed the top of it.

"Stop it," the tip of Renjun's pointy ears turned red from the contact, causing the two brothers to chuckle at his helplessness. "If I wasn't so afraid of your mother I would've skinned you like a roasted pork by now," the elf threatened as he pulled his hand away.

"I do love a good roasted pork," Lucas chuckled.

"Is this what having a mate looks like?" Haechan giggled from the interaction between the two boys. He always thought his brother was rather lucky for being mated to Renjun. Knowing that your mate has always been with you your entire life makes the pair even more compatible.

"Annoying? Sort of," the older Fae responded, earning a hard nudge into his stomach from his beautiful mate.

"Since your brother thinks I am annoying," Renjun gritted through his teeth while looking at Lucas's small pout, "I think it will be best if he stays with my mother and father to help finish preparing for tonight."


"Let us go, Haechan," Renjun dragged the young prince behind him. Once they were inside Haechan's bedroom, the two friends began laughing uncontrollably.

"To think a warrior like my brother can look like a helpless tiger," Haechan said in between his giggles.
"Only in front of the two most important persons of his life," Renjun added to which the Fae agreed.

"Must you two play around all day?"

"Chenle!" Haechan held the velvet ruffles over his chest. "My heart nearly stopped."

"Dramatic as always, my prince," Chenle chuckled at his friend.

"As if you are any better," Renjun scoffed, walking over to the prince's closet to pick out his attire for the night. As his hand landed on the handle, an electric shock ran through his fingers, making the elf jolt back in surprise. "See!"

"Kun taught me how to do that trick recently," Chenle proudly said, his smiling dragging from one ear to the next.

"I'm proud of you," Haechan clapped for the young warlock. "I felt the same way after Lucas taught me how to make hearts with my fire element. It can not be considered worthy, but for me it was as magical as the willow forest."

"You two are as pure as they come," Renjun commented. "Now," he pulled opened the closet, "shall we see what-"

"Haechan!" The young Fae giggled because he knew who was calling him and why. "Were you going choose your outfit without your mother?"

"Your majesty," both Renjun and Chenle said in unison while bowing to the Queen.

"You boys flatter me even after being so dear to our family," Doyoung ushered for the two to rise. "We ought to respect you, your majesty," Renjun said with a blush.

"I suppose," the queen showed a gentle smile. "Let us not waste another minute now. My beautiful prince must look stunning upon first impression with his mate!"


It was a very short introduction chapter, but this is only the beginning my beautiful readers .

Bare with me as I take you along this journey of my first supernatural book!

I also want to thank my sister for helping me plan a lot for this book earlier today.
She truly is my number one supporter <3

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