Chapter 24

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Haechan's POV

I knew I was in trouble the moment my Mother requested for me to join him in his study. Within myself I knew that my Mother would never physically harm me, but that didn't mean I did not fear his wrath. Especially, given the turn of events. Thus, when the study door closed I immediately prepared for the end of my short and miserable existence.

However instead of my mother unleashing his wrath, He once again embraced me into a tight hug and said, "Be honest with me, are you hurt?"

Not realizing how badly I needed the comfort of my mother, immediately relaxed into his arms and felt tears start to prick behind my eyes. For a moment, I truly thought that I would never see my family again and being in my mother's arms again only proved how close I truly came to death.

But instead of saying this out loud I swallowed the thick lump in my throat and said "I was....but I promise I'm okay now."

My mother then gently pulled me off his chest and ran a hand through my matted hair like he used too when I was younger. As he did this he looked at me with tears in his eyes and whispered " I-I thought, he trailed off briefly, "I thought we lost you." 

No longer being able to keep the tears at bay, I finally let them fall freely down my face. I couldn't help but feel guilty over the pain I caused my family even though I knew it wasn't my fault. If I had fought a little harder or even smarter I never would've gotten injured to the point I had been.

Seeming to read my thoughts my mother spoke up and said "Do not cast any blame on yourself. Your father and I raised you to be one of the best fighters in Paitha, but that does not mean you can win every battle. Do you understand ?"

Taking a deep breathe, I nodded my head in understanding. With a sniffle my mother then said, " tell me why would you risk staying with a hunter and bringing him to our kingdom?" "And before you try and tell me it was because he saved your life and you only want to return the favor you should know that I already know it's more to the story...."

Upon hearing this, I contemplated if I truly should tell my mother the truth. For now he may be calm but that might change if I tell him who Mark really is to me. Yet a part of me knew that my mother would never judge who the Moon Goddess destined for me to be with. So with that thought I decided to speak truth and said "A part of it is because he saved my life, but not to return a favor...I stayed with him and brought him here because....He's my mate"

I watched as my mother took in a sharp breathe and pinched the skin between his eyebrows. Something he always did whenever he felt stressed or overwhelmed. A moment later he said to me "and you're sure the hunter is your mate ?" "I have never been more sure of anything in my life, Mother." my mother then gripped my shoulders and said "Does he know ?"

Once again feeling tears threatened to spill from my eyes I looked down and whispered "No...he doesn't know. How could I tell him when he hates me ?" Pulling me into another hug I heard my mother say "He doesn't hate you my love. I'm sure the bond is making him confused about what he was taught his whole life. But I promise he doesn't hate you."

With a shaky breathe, I looked at my mother and said "Then why does it feel like he does? Why does it feel like the Moon Goddess made a mistake in pairing us ?" My tears once again fell freely and my mother started to gently wipe them away and he said  "the Moon Goddess never makes mistakes my love...that boy is your mate for a reason."

Before I could express my doubts any further the door to my mother's study was thrown open as my brother came rushing in and slamming his large body into mines. I felt his body trembled as he said "DONT EVER DO THAT TO US AGAIN!" he then grabbed my face in between his hands with tears flowing down his face and said "I'm never letting you out my sight again."

Chuckling softly I hugged my brother and told him "I missed you too." "Let him breathe Lucas or you'll crush him." Our mother said as my brother sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck.  "Is it true that you brought a hunter back home with you?" My brother asked me.

" I did...he saved my life by the way so don't try and scare him." With a sly grin Lucas said "I would never little brother" as he ruffled my hair.

Not long after my father finally joined us and said "Mark is settled in the guest wing. I also insured that the first group for the search party left to look for his brother."

Feeling instant relief I said to my Father "Thank you..." I watched as he gave my mother a swift kiss on his temple and wondered for a moment if Mark and I would ever get to experience what my parents have. It seems my brother must have felt the same as he suddenly spoke up and said "I want to ask for Renjun's hand in marriage. I think it's time and it might help raise the morales of our people."

Both my mother and father seem ecstatic at Lucas's announcement as they both said in unison "We think it's time too."  My brother smiled at them as he turned to me and said "only if your okay with that ? I can put it off until you feel more settled."

With a swift shake of my head I quickly told my brother "don't be ridiculous! You and Renjun deserve happiness. We all please do it as quickly as possible."

Giving my brother a warm smile I then said to my parents "I think I should take a bathe now...if you don't mind. We can finish talk once I'm done and have rested a little." It was my mother who responded and said "Of course my love...take all the time you need." Upon hearing this I gave a tight hug to each of my family members once again. Showing them just how grateful I was to be reunited with them.

But as I reach my father he softly whispered in my ear "last door on the left" and with a final wink he pushed me toward the study door.

I should have known that my Father would have seen the true intentions of me wanting to leave the room so quickly. Of course he would have guessed something more was between Mark and I than what I had initially lead on. So with that I mentally prepared myself for facing my mate since arriving to my home. But first I needed a bathe. If I was going to face his wrath then I should atleast look good while doing so.


I just want to clarify that all the chapters are basically happening at the same time if you see them jump from one couple to the next 😭

Please don't be confuse! I hope you guys aren't 🥹❤️ sister and I are working really hard to finish this book by December; so if you guys see me updating this alot please don't fret.

I am indeed finishing my other works, but those ones are only written by me and being a college student is HARD! <3

Love you guys !!
Stay safe

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