Chapter 45

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Mark followed silently behind Haechan and his family as they walked through the halls of his home. His mind was a mess to say the least as he barely registered the fussing the Queen was giving to his son's.

Now that the vampire prince and the other two males were found, The Queen had made it his personal mission to give his son's not only an earful but a headache on how their actions were unsafe. But Mark could barely make out the Queen's words over his own thoughts.

He was still wrapping his mind around the fact that the creatures he had once hated were nothing like what he was taught they would be. And the fact that his younger brother was now one of them. Mark had already vowed to himself that he would protect Hendery and Haechan until his last breathe. Which meant he had to figure out a way to explain to his father why Hendery would no longer be coming back home or why he would soon follow.

Yet Mark knew that deep down his father was the least of his worries. With every step, a sinking feeling began settle within Mark's chest as he played out the outcome of his and Hendery's disappearance sudden. Mark was so lost in thought that he hadn't realize the three males in front of him had stopped walking until he almost ran into Haechan's small form.

Mark only had half a second to recognize that they were outside of the room that he had occupied when him and Haechan first arrived to the palace as the Queen said, "unfortunately this is where we must leave you to the rest for the night."

Mark gave the male a subtle nod and a swift bow that earned a soft giggle from Haechan. Mark's gaze landed on the pretty male as he caught him casting a wink in his direction. Yet before he could say anything, Haechan had already turned on his heels to follow his mother and brother down the hall.

Sometime later Mark found himself still on edge as he laid against the silk sheets of his bed. Sleep would not come easy tonight. The boy had gathered that much as his mind still raced with the thoughts of what he had to face once he went home. However, a soft rapping against his window cut his thought short as he got up to find the source of the sound.

He had barely gotten the window open, when he noticed Haechan's strawberry blonde locks whisp past him. Mark found himself chuckling lightly as he shut the window and said, "is there a problem with the door?"

Haechan gave a blinding smile to the male as he responded "No, but my Mother seemed insistent on keeping me in my room for the night. Luckily for you though I decided otherwise." He continued with a devilish smirk.

"Lucky me indeed..." Mark responded as he crossed the room to where Haechan was standing. With every step, Mark could feel Haechan's gaze run up and down his striding figure and as he finally approached the fae before him; his hands found purchase against Haechan's delicate waist as he pulled the fae into his own body.

Soon enough Mark found himself inhaling Haechan's honeysuckle scent to help calm his tremulous mind. Seeming to sense his uneasiness, Haechan snaked his small hands from his sides to cup Mark's face as he whispered, "what's wrong?"

For a moment, Mark contemplated on whether or not he should be truthful about his own thoughts. But in the end he figured that Haechan had already guessed as much from his demeanor alone what had been plaguing his mind which why he decided to say, "Hendery and I have been gone too long....I have to go back soon before anyone comes looking for us."

Mark watched as Haechan visibly tensed at his words. "Are you having second thoughts?" the fae male asked quietly.

At the words, Mark gently pressed his forehead against Haechan's own and said breathlessly, "you are the one thing I'm sure of..." with an exasperated sigh the hunter continued "I-i...the thought of leaving you physically pains me but I can't risk your safety much longer."

Haechan only nuzzled himself closer at Mark's words. He could feel how through the bond just how torn Mark was about the road before him and he wanted nothing more than to ease the restlessness within his mate. So to do just that Haechan tightened his grip that had embraced Mark's strong jawline and forced his brown gaze onto his own and said, "I am with you...No matter the distance...I am with you".

The words were not of comfort but of a promise. Mark could feel it resonate within his bones as he drank in the essence of the fae before him. His chest fell rhythmically and rapidly as a blazing heat rushed through his body. Unable to resist the wildfire within his veins Mark crashed his lips onto Haechan's own and the two descended into a game of lust and dominance.

Haechan couldn't breathe. Not as Mark devoured his lips with such vigor that it left him feeling lightheaded and delirious. With each flick of his tongue, Haechan found himself being lost in everything that was Mark. As his rich pine scent flooded the fae male senses, Haechan found himself barely remembering his own name as Mark own slipped past his own with a hiss the moment the male pulled the patch of skin between his neck and collar bone into his devilish mouth.

And by the time Mark trailed his tongue up the length of Haechan's neck back towards his mouth as his knee found purchased between his thighs, the fae male had lost all sense of reality. Haechan was a moaning mess and his euphoric symphony was driving Mark insane. He couldn't touch him fast enough. Taste him quick enough as he coaxed more sounds from the fae.

Suddenly, Haechan let out a moan that his entire body rut against Mark's clenched thigh. The hunter let out a growl so feral that made Haechan question if he was even hunan at all. Yet before he could voice this, Mark placed a warm hand around his exposed throat and said thickly "You'll be the ruin of me, won't you?"

With his heart now beating wildly within his chest, Haechan gave the male before him a hooded glance that was sure to be nothing but full of lust and said "Yes".

The grin on Mark's face had Haechan core flooding warmth and he found himself almost letting himself go entirely as Mark whispered against his ear "then it's only fair I ruin you first."

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