Chapter 54

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"there's no rush to do this right now if it's too much, you know?" Jeno placed his hand on Jaemin's lower back. they were in the vampire kingdom, wondering eyes judging the two as they made their way to Taeil's mansion.

"i'm not some damsel who seeks comfort, jeno." Jaemin answered in an instant, his shoulders were tensed and his voice was clear with sternness. the alpha could sense that Jaemin was trying his best to keep his mind steady, but he knew the vampire. he knew him better than anyone ever could.

"i didn't say you were," jeno moved his hand to intertwine with jaemin's. the whole reason for coming here together was to discuss the next step in revealing their relationship to the other royals and the rest of the land. "it's okay to fear the unknown."  jaemin turned his head to meet jeno's dark blue eyes. they were the definition of honest, inviting him to relish in the wolf because they were bonded together. Jung Jeno was his mate now and nothing could possibly change that.

"my father may be a self-centered asshole, but he truly showed me a great amount of support thus far." this made jeno smile as they approached the entrance. it was a good way to lighten both of their moods. "by the way, you're a brave wolf for walking through all of those fiends," jaemin praised the alpha as he straightened his vest.

"why should i be bothered by them when i'm simply escorting their prince?" jeno said, clearly amused.

jaemin raised an eyebrow from the unexpected response. "aren't you clever—"

"master jaemin." the two were suddenly interrupted. the person eyed them with open disdain as they continued to say, "i see you've brought a wolf with you as well."

"it's always a pleasure to see you too jongin." jaemin brushed pass the other vampire with his hand still interlocked with jeno's. "is my father here?"

jongin cleared his throat as he said, "he's been waiting for your return seeing that you insisted on staying with those...," he looked jeno up and down then scoffed.

"well, can't say that i'm sorry. i was simply attending my princely duties."

"you?" jongin mocked. "you hardly appreciate the work your father does here let alone uphold the duties given and entrusted to you." it stung to hear the words coming from one of his father's most trusted guards. "it's rather selfish of you but that isn't my place to speak upon."

jaemin went to answer the other vampire but jeno quickly beat him to it as he said, "i believe that isn't any way to speak to your prince. considering ranks, king taeil would rid you in a heart beat if he was to hear the foolish words that are directed towards his son."

"you mutts should obey the command to speak when spoken to." jongin gritted through his teeth. "back off."

"is that a threat?" jeno went to grip the vampire's cloak but was quickly pulled back by his mate. there was a mixture of aggressive pheromones scenting the air which, without a doubt, started to affect jaemin in an unpleasant manner.

"no, but i won't hesitate to make it one."

"enough!" jaemin's voice echoed through the mansion's walls. if no one knew he had returned they were fairly certain now. "you two fools reek of pheromones right now and if i stand here any longer the two of you will find yourself cleaning up my dinner from last night. i hardly ever gave a shit if you liked me or not, jongin, but you will respect my mate and the second alpha of the jung pack."

"mate?" jongin paused his bickering with the alpha. "master jaemin, are you insane? if your father finds out—"

"if i find out about what?" jaemin knew that voice all too well. it was calm yet stern and powerful enough to bring every other vampire to their senses.

"father," jaemin stood upright. he was actually relieved to see his father once more.

"king taeil." jeno said as he bowed with respect.

"my lord," jongin greeted.

"you only call me father unless you have done wrong." taeil pointed out as he slowly came down the stairs. "follow me to the dining hall, jaemin. the two of you will keep each other's company until my son and i are through."

"my lord, you are not possibly okay with having a mut- wolf parading around your corridors."

"exactly, my corridors," taeil's eyes darkened with anger. "you will treat him as you would treat any other guest of mine. after all, he is indeed apart of the head families."

"as you wish, my lord." jongin forced a half smile.

jaemin followed his father silently until they arrived in the dinning room where taeil instantly embraced the young vampire into his arms.
"thank the moon goddess you're okay." taeil breathed out in a shaky voice. his cold hands trembled against the prince's back as he continued to hold onto him. "are you alright? is the child—"

"father, please," jaemin chuckled. "do you think of me as weak? we just saw each other only a few days ago."

"i know, i know," taeil pulled away from the other. jaemin tried to decipher the edgy tone of his father's words but it was of no use in that moment.

"the child is alright," jaemin assured him. "taeyong has been ensuring our wellbeing so you have nothing to fear. i'm sure he has spoken to you about me spending my pregnancy within the wolf grounds."

taeil nodded, sadness engulfing his eyes as he turned towards the window. "it's for the best, i know. but i can't help the feeling of regret and guilt."

jaemin was confused by his father's words because what was there to be regretful about? he didn't have a mother so that left taeyong, his now mother in law, as the second best option to help him with a safe pregnancy. "why?"

"nevermind that," taeil brushed aside his thoughts. "there must be an important reason as to why you've been granted permission from bed rest to visit me. are you causing a ruckus?"

"quite the opposite," jaemin smiled. "everyone has been very supportive there, especially alpha jaehyun. who would've thought considering the tension between you two. anyway, i wanted to ask your opinion about sharing the news with the rest of the head families and the kingdom."

"absolutely not," taeil shook his head.

"what? why? do you think they will deject us or something?"

"jaemin, your pregnancy is a rather unlikely and unusual thing. your child will be a hybrid so things are about to become extremely complicated for you, dangerous if i dare say."

"then must i hide my child too once they are born?" jaemin questioned in disbelief.

"of course not."

"then why should i hide it? i am fully capable of protecting myself!"

"jaemin, please!" taeil raised his voice. he knew exactly who would kill to get ahold of the unborn child growing inside his son's body. "trust me on this, okay?"

"you always say trust you but you never explain shit to me!"

"enough!" there was a silence that followed them, forcing king taeil to sigh before saying, "you are allowed to tell the other head families."

jaemin's face lit at his father's words. he quickly ran over to hug him as he bargained, "xiaojun and yangyang too?"

"i suppose."

"thank you, taeil." the young vampire continued his words of appreciation as he pulled away from his father and began to leave the room.

"jaemin," taeil called out to the other. "don't forget to rest plenty."

"if only the rest of the kingdom knew how much of a softy their heartless vampire king was." taeil could hear the playfulness in his son's voice which gave him a warm feeling that he hadn't felt in years.

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