Chapter 52

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Haechan watched helplessly as his mate stormed out of the room. He knew that Mark had issues when it came to his father but nothing could've prepared him for the storm that erupted moments ago. And it seems as though not even Hendery could've been prepared for the hell Mark had unleashed on their father.

Speaking of their father, Jongdae stood almost lifeless as his gazed fixated on the door to exit the room. The male had a defeated look on his face that Haechan knew came from a broken heart. One that wasn't caused just by Mark's rage-full outburst. Hendery must have notice the same cause he then said to his father "it wasn't your fault dad. Mark's just...angry."

With his eyes still fixated on the closed room door, Jongdae dryly responded "Is it true? Are you a vampire?" Hendery visibly tensed at the question and glanced to the Fae Prince. Having Mark know of his existence was one thing but his father? That was an entirely different situation. One that might just endanger him and his new found family. Yet despite this, Haechan found himself giving Hendery an encouraging nod. Mark may have thought that Jongdae did not care for him or his brother but that wasn't the feeling he got when he looked in Jongdae eyes.

He didn't see a person that only cared about themselves or had ulterior motives. He didn't even see the loathe and hatred he saw in Mark's own eyes the day they first meet. All he saw was a man whose soul was somehow broken and the only thing keeping him together was the very thing Mark claimed he didn't care for. It was because of this that Haechan felt Jongdae deserved to know exactly what happened to his sons the moment they left home.

The fae prince silently hope that Hendery somehow understood this with the slight nod he gave him and he almost sighed with relief as he heard Hendery say to his father "It's true. I got turned the night Mark and I left." Jongdae now fixed his gaze on Hendery as he took in everything that seemed different about the male. Haechan watched as Jongdae facial expressions changed rapidly from shock to acceptance and then finally regret. The males voice cracked as he said to his son "this is all my fault. I shouldn't have let you go that night. Neither of you."

Hendery gave his father a sympathetic look as he replied "trust me, this isn't your fault. Everything that happened that night until now was solely because of the decisions Mark and I made." Hendery then glanced at Haechan who caught on to the silent plea in his gaze as he said "Hendery's right. Although I'm sure none of them expected the night to turn out the way it did." The fae prince offered the older male a soft smile to which Jongdae gave a subtle nod as a reply.

But Haechan knew the older male wasn't fully convinced that he was entirely blameless for this new reality he was now living in. Still a bit confused about the whole ordeal Jongdae then asked Hendery "I understand now why you wouldn't come home but I'm still trying to figure out why Mark also decided to stay?"

Ignoring the flash of panic on Hendery's face, Haechan responded "it was because of me. The night Hendery was turned, Mark had found me and saved my life."

Both males now looked intently at Haechan as he continued "I was in a terrible state when he finally managed to get a better look at my wounds. And instead of leaving me to die he helped me."

The fae prince then locked his gaze with Hendery as he said "by the time I had regained consciousness, days had passed. Mark left immediately to find you but it was too late." Hendery gave Haechan a look of understanding one that said that he didn't blame the fae prince for what transpired that night. Taking a deep breath, Haechan continued and said "when we realized Hendery was missing I convinced Mark to let my family aid him in his search. They've been trying to work out a story for Mark to tell others once he returned home since then."

Haechan knew that last part wasn't entirely true. Although he and Mark did discuss what he say to his friends and family about Hendery's "death" when he did go back; he didn't divulge that he and his mate were also discussing what he say to everyone when he revealed he too would be leaving.
Haechan felt that Mark was the only person who could break that news to his father no matter how angry he may have felt with him.

Jongdae remained silent after Haechan's confession. The fae prince could see that Jongdae was doing his best to digest the information he had just received. He could practically see the male struggling to accept that not only was his youngest son turned into a vampire but his oldest son who had a deep hatred for the Fae kind had not only spared the life of one but nursed it back to health. And on top of all that, Haechan could still sense that Jongdae still blamed himself for all the things Mark spewed at him in his moment of anger.

Not wanting to see the male suffer in silence any longer, Haechan said "maybe I should look for Mark, he-" but Hendery cut the male off as he said "No, I'll look for him. I need to feed anyway." He then gestured Haechan to follow him to the exit.

As they arrived, Hendery gave his father one last look of sympathy as he watched him stare blankly throughout the room. He then store his gaze away and whispered to Haechan "I'm sorry about Mark, he has a horrible temper when it comes to our father."
He sighs heavily as he continued "i would be gotten here faster if i had known Mark would've confronted him."

Haechan only shook his head as he responded "I'm used to your brother's temper by now so you have nothing to apologize for." Now giving a soft smile to Hendery, the fae prince continued "I think you should go hunt and I'll find a way to get the closure your father and brother need."

Hendery gave a soft laugh as he responded "I've been trying to get them to do that for the past ten years. I'm not sure if it's possible at this point." He then looked at the determination on Haechan face and found himself saying "But something tells me you just might change that."

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