Chapter 33

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Haechan's POV

This was it. This was the night I would take my last breathe and the one thing that plagued my mind was regret. I should've turned back the moment Mark called out his name the night we shared our first kiss. Fear had me running away from the one person I should have given the benefit of the doubt too and now it had me doing the complete opposite. Instead of running like I did days ago, I was now rooted to the spot I stood in amongst the chaos as I watched a creature aim to deliver a killing blow.

Instead of defending myself, the only thing my body was able to do was conjure up one last image of my mate's face as I closed my eyes and braced for the sharp pain that was sure to come with the imminent assault headed towards me. Yet instead of feeling an impact my body was once again showered in blood as a I opened my eyes to see none other than my mate with a dagger in the neck of the creature that was about to attack me.

Not believing the sight in front of me I shakily said "M-mark?" With rapid breathed my mate slowly raised his head to my direction and locked his gaze with my own. In the moment our eyes locked it was as if all the chaos and bloodshed that surrounded us faded into the background.

The air between us was thick with emotions as relief, fear and anger danced between us but instead on acting on these emotions Mark took my face gently between his two hands and said to me "Are you hurt?"

Letting out a brief sigh I said to him "No I'm fine" as I placed one of my hands on his chest that was slick with blood. Panic seized my body as I realized the blood that was seeping through his shirt came from a wound on his chest. With my voice shaking I said to my mate "You're bleeding!" Mark only glanced down at his wound and said offhandedly "It's just a scratch..."

Before I could I comment anything else, Mark gripped my wrist tightly and said "Haechan we need to-" his words were cut short as I forcefully pushed him out of the way from a creature that had started to sneak up on us.

Finally being back to into reality, I formed several daggers made from ice and planted them into the creature's head. Turning to Mark once more I said as I motioned to the turmoil behind me "We have to help them!" Mark stared at me for what felt like an eternity as he seemed to have an inner battle with himself about what he should do. Finally he locked his gaze with me once more and gave firm nod.

With that Mark and I moved through the pandemonium of what was supposed to be an event filled with love and exhilaration. Instead it was now a night of terror and loss and as the last of the nightmarish creatures fell and silence had settled amongst the room it was clear the nightmare they had just experienced was far from over.

In fact it had only just begun. Soon enough the silence was broken as I heard both my parents call out simultaneously "Haechan are you alright?!" In a breathless voice I said to them "Yes I'm okay" as I scanned the room for my brother. I released a sigh of relief once I saw him hugging Renjun.

After scanning the room briefly to ensure anyone was badly injured, I turned to my mate who was now accompanied by who I assumed was his brother and Xiaojun and said to him "Mark you should sit down and relax until we can get someone to look at your wound."

This seem to only annoy my mate as he said begrudgingly "I told you it's just a scratch, I'll be fine. Are you s-" Mark's words were cut off abruptly as Jaemin screamed "HELP!" as he carried Chenle's Limp body. Kun, Jeno, and King Taeil all rushed to the two the boys side.

Someone had asked Jaemin "what happened?!" But I couldn't decipher who it was as the blood roared in my head. Chenle was unconscious and I found myself frozen with fear once again as I numbly watched Kun pour healing magic into his brother's body with tears in his eyes. It was Jeno who gently pulled Jaemin off the ground and asked "Jaemin what happened? What's wrong?"

In the time I have known Prince Na Jaemin I had never seen him become riddle with fear or be plagued by remorse. Yet as I watched the interaction between the alpha to be and the prince of vampires dread filled my body as I realize that Na Jaemin was in fact terrified of what he was about to say.

However before he could speak, the young vampire hunched over and started bringing up the contents of his stomach the same time Chenle began murmuring "J-j-jisung". As if on cue, the Luna of the Jeong pack tightly gripped his husband arm as he exclaimed with wide eyes "W-where's Jisung?!" The color on Alpha's Jaehyun's face seem to completely disappear as he tensed up while visibly trying to mindlink his youngest son.

I watched as Jeno took a shaky breathe and said as calmly as he could "Jaemin have you seen Jisung?" The vampire, who was shaking violently, now looked at Jeno with a sorrowful expression as he muttered "I-I'm s-sorry...J-Jisung....was kindnapped."

At this Jeno's chest fell up and down rapidly as he shaked with an uncontrollable anger. His brother who had been standing next to Shotaro fell to his knees as he placed a hand over his quivering lips. Seeing the two boys react to their brother's disappearance was heart wrenching. But nothing compared to the gut wrenching cry Luna Taeyong had screamed as Jaemin continued to mutter apologies over and over throughout the room.

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