Chapter 42

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Author's POV

Hendery found himself lounging in one of the decorative arm chairs that had to belonged to none other than the Vampire King as they waited to hear any news on the missing Prince. It had been almost two hours since the young male decided to go off on his own and for each second that passed, Hendery could feel the worry and anxiousness settle thickly in the room as Xiaojun passed back and forth.

Unfortunately, the sounds of his feet moving against the lush carpet was setting Hendery's teeth on edge. Not to mention that he was beginning to get dizzy watching the figure of the petite boy flutter in and out of his peripheral vision. Deciding that he could no longer stand to watch and listen to the vampire put himself into a state of panic, he said to Xiaojun "at this rate you'll create a trench within the floor."

The vampire barely cast a glance in Hendery's direction as he continued his incessant pacing. Figuring that enough was enough, Hendery sprang from the chair and gently grasped Xiaojun's hand within his own and said in a gentle tone "pacing like that won't make them walk through those doors."

At the words, Xiaojun finally stopped moving and looked at the male before him. He didn't notice it before, but now that he was truly looking at Hendery he realized that male was covered head to toe in the blood of the creatures that attacked the Fae palace. Xioajun felt a flicker of guilt surge through him as he realized that he was so caught up in worrying over Jaemin's whereabouts that he didn't realize that his mate needed a shower.

Yet Hendery wasn't complaining. Xioajun's was sure the feeling of the dried blood on him had to be uncomfortable to say the least and not once did he even recall Hendery cringing at the sight or feel of it. Even with their hands intertwined, the male still seem unphased and Xioajun found himself consumed with more guilt as Hendery said "I'm sure he's fine."

The vampire found himself staring Hendery in disbelief. He was sure that being covered in blood and separated from the one person that connected him to his human life had to be frustrating. Yet Hendery was trying his best to offer some type of comfort to him despite what he might be feeling. At this thought Xiaojun let out an exasperated sigh and said to the male "I'm sorry...I've been so worried about Jaemin that I didn't even think to ask if you would like a shower or a change of clothes".

Hendery let out a deep chuckle that had Xiaojun's core flooding with warmth. He was still reeling from the sudden sensation when Hendery said "I honestly wasn't thinking of it either." now offering Xioajun a soft smile the male continued "You must care about him a lot to worry that much about his well-being."

At that Xioajun rolled his eyes and responded in a deadpanned tone "I'm not worrying about him. I'm angry with him."

"Of course that self-centered asshole thought it was okay to sneak off and not tell me or YangYang about where he was going or what he was up too" Xioajun continued with a snarl. Hendery let out another deep chuckle as he said "so you are worried."

Xiaojun yanked his hands from the male then as he said feistily "you can call it whatever you wish." Turning towards the door that lead to the mansion rooms Xiaojun cast a glanced over his shoulder at the smirking male and said "come on."

With an amusing tone, The vampire heard Hendery respond "where are we going exactly?" Xiaojun paid no mind to the male as he kept his pace and said "I'm taking you to get cleaned up since the blood that you seem so content with is making me nauseous."

As they entered his room Xiaojun made his way to the armoire he had delivered to hid room a few days ago. He vaguely registered Hendery's light footsteps as he shuffled through the clothing to find something suitable for the male to wear. Finding a plain white top and brown trousers suitable enough he shoved them into Hendery's hand and said "You can wear these when you've manage to scrub all that blood off of you. Meet me downstairs when you're done."

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