Chapter 57

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"Be nice" Haechan's words reverberated in Mark's mind as he slowly made his way to the room he was avoiding since yesterday. Mark still had his reservations about speaking with his Father and if he was completely honest with himself he didn't think that anything Jongdae could've him could erase the years of animosity he had against him. He wasn't even sure if he was willingly to think otherwise but deep down Mark knew that Haechan was right.

He would never fully let go of the bitter feelings he had towards his Father until they had a conversation. No matter how painful or fucked up it may be. Reaching his destination quicker than he wanted too, Mark pushed open the heavy oak door to a scene he never thought he would come across. Jongdae was sitting with a smile on his face as he watched Hendery bicker playfully with a blonde vampire that was sitting next to him. Mark noted that he hadn't seen his father smile since the day everything changed between them and here he was smiling almost contently at his youngest son.

The scene was so foreign to Mark that if you had told him that his brother, who was now a vampire, would be bickering and giving another vampire a look similar to the look he gave Haechan earlier that morning and that their interaction alone to seem to break Jongdae's self pity bubble; he would've put together more than a few choice of words.
Yet as soon as Jongdae notice Mark standing at the doorway of the room that very same smile fell instantaneously. A deafening silence filled the room as the two males stared at each other only to be broken by the blonde vampire saying "I'll give you guys some privacy."

Hendery move as if to stop the male but the vampire only shook his head and said softly "make amends with your family" as he began to exit the room. As the vampire made its way towards Mark, the hunter couldn't help but notice his looks compared to his brother. Where Hendery looked as if he was the embodiment of night with his dark hair and eyes against his pale pigmented skin, the male before him had to be the personification of moonlight. His silvery blonde hair and black eyes were stark against his milky skin. He could honestly see why his brother had shown interest in the male.

As the vampire went to slip by Mark, the hunter gripped on his wrist and made him meet his stare. Hendery let out a hiss that could've only been a warning but Mark ignored him and said to the blonde vampire "you're the one who turned Hendery". The vampire leveled his gaze at Mark not wanting to show any weakness in front of the male as he said "I am." Another round of deafening silence entered the room and everyone seemed to be on edge until Mark let go of the blonde vampires wrist and said quietly "thank you...for saving my brother's life."

Mark could practically hear his father and brother let out a sigh of relief as the vampire before him said with a smile "hopefully he doesn't make it a habit" as he finally exited the room. At the sound of the door closing, Mark then placed his gaze on Jongdae and said coldly "you have five minutes to explain all the fucked up shit you did since mom died." "Mark!" Hendery exclaimed in a warning tone. "What Hendery?! I honestly don't give a shit whether I come off cold-hearted or not. I'm not here to coddle a grown ass man, I'm here for answers." Mark said trying not to raise his voice.

He then made his way in front of his father and seethed out "five minutes, that's all you get Jongdae" with a glare. Jongdae took in an audible breath as he stared at his oldest son. He could feel his heart breaking at the disappoint he saw in Mark's eyes but not wanting to waste the only chance he might have at fixing their relationship he said to Mark softly "nothing I say will ever change the fact that I failed you" he then put his gaze on Hendery as he said "both of you" with his voice slightly cracking.

"We all know that by now Jongdae. I don't want to discuss shit we've already established! What I want is for you to tell me why you abandoned us to begin with?!" Mark said not quite helping the rise in his voice. Hendery went to say something at that but Mark cut him off and shouted "NO! You've played mediator long enough!" at his brother.

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