Chapter 8

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( a/n italicized words mean an inner monologue is happening, ex: hello.)

Taeil glared after his son with a low snarl emanating from his chest. If it's one thing he despised it was blatant disrespect and Jaemin knew this. It was one of the few rules he made sure that not only jaemin but his entire kingdom followed.

"I'll deal with him later," he thought. For now, Taeil hastily made his way back to his kingdom for two reasons. The first being he needed to ensure that Jaemin was, in fact, on immediate lockdown at home. He knew the young prince would hate him indefinitely if he kept him home against his will. But Taeil didn't care, in fact, he would welcome the hate. He might even relish in it if it meant that his son was safe.

He couldn't even begin to fathom the hell and utter chaos he would unleash on Paitha if Jaemin had so much as a scratch on him caused by another creature. Which brings him to the second reason he was in such a rush to get back to his kingdom. He needed to gather the best guards he had to help aid the King and Queen in the search for their youngest son.

Momentarily, thinking back on the meeting he just had with the royal families Taeil shuddered involuntarily as he recalled what was discussed in the Royal meeting room.


Taeil causally suntered into the meeting room as him along with the other heads of the leading families were summoned by King Johnny and Queen Doyoung.

Usually Taeil had a cold aura of indifference when it came to being around the other head families. He didn't dislike them, no not at all. He could tolerate their presence more than others on a good day. What he didn't like was being concerned in the affairs of others. He made that mistake once and it almost cost him everything.

But tonight, instead of internally seething about being summoned into the affairs of the Royal Fae Family, he was unnerved. Taeil was a being that wasn't easily scared, but as he felt the dark energy radiating off of Doyoung he found himself being terrified of what was to come next. Soon a voice snapped him out of his terror struck trance.

"What's going on and what happened to Haechan?" Jaehyun questioned.

At the mentioned of his son's name, Doyoung immediately tensed up and more waves of dark energy began rolling from his tense form. Johnny quickly grabbed his wife trembling hand and began rubbing small soothing circles in his hand as whispered to him "be calm's going to be okay".

It was Yuta who spoke and said, "Prince Haechan has been injured, from the looks of it savagely, and presumably kidnapped". As he uttered those words a deafening silence fell amongst the room. The color had all but drained from Taeyong's and Sicheng's faces while their husbands both clenched their fists and jaws as the revelation sank in.

Taeyong then took a shaky breath as he said "k-kidnapped?"

Johnny, who now was all, but holding his wife together by gripping his shoulders, answered the werewolf in return. "We tracked Haechan's scent to the willow forest." He took a deep breath and briefly glanced at his wife as he continued, "as we approached, that's when we discovered the blood and the remains of what appears to be some sort of creature from the wastelands."

"The only evidence of Haechan presence being there was his blood splattered across the ground. He was no where in sight and any evidence of his abductor was also not found."

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