Chapter 21

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Haechan's POV

I awoke as the first set of daylight came streaming in onto the forest floor below. A comforting weighted warmth pressed over my stomach and I glanced down to notice Mark's arm draped across my torso. I didn't dare move as I welcomed his presence and lush pine scent. But before I could take full advantage of the situation, a sharp snap echoed A few meters in the distance from our camp. Immediately Mark and I Spranged to our feet and turned to the source of the sound.

More movement began to echo throughout the forest and Mark subtly pushed my body behind his as we waited for the source of the footsteps to reach us. Suddenly, about 20 knights reached our clearing and stopped their footfalls the moment they spotted Mark and I.

The lead knight then spoke in a breathe less voice "Your highness? Is it truly you ?"

Letting out a shaky breath, I looked at the knight and nodded slightly. The knight then removed his helmet and said, "My prince what are you doing here? Your parents are worried sick and your brother has Been on the edge of insanity since your disappearance! And who is this human you are traveling with ?!"

I frustratingly rubbed my face as I spoke and said "That's not important right now, Wonho. I promise I can explain ev-" however before I could finish Mark cut me off and said "Hold on, what does he mean by your highness? Who the fuck are these guys?"

It was Wonho who spoke and said to Mark " You are speaking to the future leader of this realm, watch your tongue human."

I quickly stepped in between Mark and my Mother's lead knight and said, "He is unaware Wonho and formalities are unnecessary really."

I offered a small smile and continued "This human-" my speech was cut once again as I was pushed out of the way and grabbed by another knight. I watched as Wonho and three other knights aimed their swords at Mark.

Terror seized me as Wonho said, "Your Highness, this human is a hunter!" I then screamed at the knights "Let me go! And drop your weapons NOW!" But my pleas fell on deaf ears.

The only person who seem to hear me was Mark as he said " Didn't you hear him? Let him go!"

Wonho looked at Mark with distaste and shouted "Quiet! You will be coming with us to answer any crimes you may have committed."

I watched as Mark raised an eyebrow and sneered "I'm not going anywhere with you" Suddenly, Mark lunged at Wonho and punched him. Wonho staggered momentarily but it was the opening that Mark needed. I watch helplessly as he fought his way to get to the knight that had me detained by my wrist.

In my peripheral, I notice a knight drawing a small dagger and I felt the surge of rage course through my body. I then screamed "THAT'S ENOUGH! ALL OF YOU, STOP!"

The fight immediately stopped and I controlled my breathing. Once I felt calm enough I looked to mark with a plea in my eyes and said to him "Please don't fight them....just come with us" Mark hesitated for a moment and my heart stopped at the thought of his refusal so with one last plea I said, "trust me."

Mark and I looked into each other's eyes and with an exhale I heard him whisper, "okay".

Doyoung's POV

Hours bleed into days and days turned into weeks. I hate this feeling of hopelessness that has consumed every fiber of my being. For two weeks, I have grown accustomed to the feeling of dread that's always present in my chest. Accustomed, to the constant headaches from the lack of sleep and the stress that weighs heavily on my shoulders. I have even grown accustomed to the sorrow and anguish that crawl down my spine every time I pass Haechan's room.

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