Chapter 22

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It would've been fine.

It would've been fine if Jeno used the excuse of Prince Haechan's absence for his lack of coordination during training. But that wasn't the case. It was because his mind was occupied by someone who wouldn't even give him the time of day.

"You seem distracted," one of Jeno's pack members said to him.

"Do I?" Jeno frustratingly brushed his damped hair back. It really would've been fine if he hadn't caught a certain vampire tangled with said pack member just days ago behind a well-known brothel house.

"Something wrong?" Changbin asked. Jeno knew it wouldn't be fair to take his frustration out on the poor beta; heck he didn't even have a clue as to why he was frustrated, but the thought of 'what if' kept crossing his mind.

"Nothings wrong, Chan," the alpha breathed out. If there was one thing Jeno hated the most, it would be the act of being impulsive. And that was one thing he could never be as the future pack leader.

"Alright, alpha," the beta playfully nudged the other's side before starting up his run around the field again. It was as harmless as a bee sting, but right now Jeno considered it enough to snap at the wolf.

"I can see the fumes coming from your hair, Jeong Jeno!" That voice. That sweet and delicate voice that always comforted Jeno in the way his mother own would.

"Winter," Jeno grinned upon seeing the beautiful omega. She was one of the alpha's childhood friends and potential mate. Everyone in their pack knew how compatible they were on and off the field, but Jeno always insisted on waiting until his wolf agreed to mate with Winter. Not that he didn't like her, because he did a lot, but his wolf always went silent the moment she came around.

"Why do you look so scary?" Winter approached the alpha. Normally, the omega would train at a different time of the day, but Winter always aimed for a head start.

"You are imagining things," Jeno shrugged.

"Right....," she dragged, "anyway. Will you stay and watch me today?" Jeno knew the omega meant no harm behind her words, but his gut forced him to feel unsettled about her request. It was as if his wolf was accusing him of cheating on their mate.

"I'm afraid to say that I'm busy," Jeno decided to say.

"With what?" Winter flipped her blonde hair out of her face. Jeno wasn't sure if it was okay for him to admit that Haechan was still missing. Sure, he liked Winter, but she wasn't a part of the head families, so he couldn't exactly be honest about what he was going to do.

"My father called for me," is all he said. And of course, the omega no longer pushed the topic.

"Well, if we must part ways...may I look forward to seeing you tonight at the mating circle?"

The mating circle. It was a special time for unmated wolves to gather around and sort their future partners. It was how Jeno's mother and father found each other; and many of the pack members hoped the same would happen for Jeno, their future alpha.

"You may," the alpha smiled at Winter before waving goodbye to her. He needed to remove himself rather soon because of the restlessness of his wolf. Maybe because the mating process was hours from now, Jeno thought, but his wolf was growing impatient and he knew why.

As the young alpha continued to clear his mind, the scent of lilacs infiltrated his senses. It was so familiar and so powerful that it made his wolf howl in excitement.

"Well don't you look like shit," Jeno heard a voice say in a taunting manner.

"Do you ever have nice things to say?" The alpha turned to face the male.

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