Chapter 23

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Jungwoo's POV

Exhaustion. This was the main feeling that settle in my bones since the Fae prince has been missing. I was stretched beyond my magical abilities than I was truly showing to others around me. But it didn't matter, because finding Prince Haechan was my top priority even if that meant pushing myself beyond exhaustion.

This is why I'm currently on my way to the Vampire Kingdom. Ever since Prince Lucas brought the arrow he and the elven prince found my mind was left in a slump. Whatever was on the arrow shaft was unlike anything I have ever came across in my immortal existence. The residue on the arrow had something on it that resembled human blood but something else entirely mixed with it. Something I have never seen in any of the creatures of Paitha. So, as I made my way to the vampire kingdom, I hoped that Taeil's advisor could help me identify what exactly the mystery substance may be.

Upon arrival to King Taeil's mansion, I immediately asked one of his guards to summon Ten to the mansions foyer. As I patiently waited for Ten to arrive, I quietly took in the ambience of Taeil's home. It was rustic yet modern and I was honestly surprised by the vamp's taste. For someone who usually looked so nonchalant and uncaring, he sure seem to put a lot of thought into the details of his home. Still lost in admiration, I heard the foyer door open and as I turned around instead of greeting the vampire King's Advisor I instead came face to face with a young and bashful vampire. A vampire that immediately peaked my interest.

"I don't suppose we've met before," I said as my posture tightened. He looked young, but that didn't hide my desire to approach him.

"We have," the vampire tucked loose strands of curly hair behind his ear. "But I admit that my presence is quite....forgettable."

I was sure there was no way I would have been able to forget a face like the vampire's. This was almost like the first time I saw him.

"I might have to disagree with you on that....," I waited for him to say his name.

"Lui YangYang."

"Nice to meet you, YangYang," I held my hand out with a smile. "I am the advisor for King Yuta and Queen Sicheng—"

"Kim Jungwoo," YangYang finished my sentence as he took my hand in his. "As I said, we have met before."

"I see," I retracted my hand with a subtle blush creeping onto my cheeks.

"May I question the reason as to why you are here?" YangYang blankly stared back at me. I had almost forgotten my intentions for coming to the vampire kingdom.

"Oh, apologies. Is advisor Ten here?"

"I'm afraid not. He hasn't been back at the mansion for awhile." That's odd. I knew my visit went without notice, but for advisor Ten to be missing in action during our current situation was quite unlike him.

"Well as of lately, it's not technically unlike him." Now it was my turned to blankly stare at YangYang. "Did you just read my thoughts?" a slight blush then formed on YangYang's face as he said sheepishly.

"Forgive me, I don't intentionally do it. Some vampires can read minds and I'm still getting use on how not to read someone's mind by accident."

I chuckled to myself at the young vamp confession. Cute I thought and this seem to only cause the male's cheeks to darken to a deeper shade of red.

"So...if you don't mind me asking, why exactly do you need to meet with my Dad? Not to pry but I might be of help and I would hate for you to waste such a long journey from the Elven kingdom."

Feeling my heart flutter slightly at his thoughtfulness I said to the male, "actually I was hoping he could help me identify a particular substance I discovered on an old weapon of mines. I'm afraid I haven't had any luck identifying on my own."

This seem to spark and interest in the young vampire as his red eyes suddenly lit up.

"Really?! Then I can definitely help. My dad just happens to be training me in apothecary. I don't mind helping you out...only if you're okay with it of course."

Cute, considerate and smart. As I thought this to myself, I contemplated YangYang's request. It would be a waste of journey if I returned home with no new developments and if he truly was being trained in apothecary underneath Ten then I don't see why he couldn't help. At least that's what I told myself as I agreed and said, "okay Lui YangYang I'll take you up on your offer."

Of course it had nothing to do with me being intrigued by the handsome and shy natured vampire. And of course it wasn't because of the way my heart seemed to skip a beat as I heard him say, "then allow me to be of  your service Kim Jungwoo."

The pleasure really would be mine.

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