Chapter 31

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"You know...there's no need for you to cling to me." Jaemin whispered to his mate softly. They had just finish having a conversation with prince Haechan; well more like Jeno had finished up his conversation with the prince because Jaemin decided to keep his distance. He knew his mate and the Fae had an entirely different bond than he did with Haechan. Seeing that the other was alive and standing within the walls of a celebration was enough answers for Jaemin.

"I don't want you by yourself," Jeno simply told him.

"Jeno, we will certainly look suspicious if you continue to follow me around like a lost puppy." Jaemin didn't actually want the wolf to leave him. In fact, apart of him needed Jeno beside him, but with the alpha's mother eyeing them the entire night, fear started to creep up on the young vampire. Maybe Jungwoo's scent blocker wasn't working on him? "May I remind you about our fathers and their prominent dislike for each other's kind?"

"And what about it?" Jeno leaned down to the vampire's ear, "you are my mate, Na Jaemin, mine. I am more than willing to face the consequences of our moon goddess decision if it means being with you."

Jaemin hated chivalry. He always did; but in that moment, he quickly discovered that only his alpha could make such an act look so damn attractive. "I loathe you at times." His voice sounded soft and weak, nothing like the Jaemin everyone knew and loved.

"Oh princess," Jeno brushed the vampire's dark hair behind his ear, cupping his cheek while watching the other bare his neck. "If it weren't for my respect towards the royal families, I would have taken you right here. Show everyone who you belong to with no regrets."

"Fuck," Jaemin gulped. He desperately wanted the wolf in every way possible.

"Calm down." Jeno pulled back, sensing the change in his mate's sweet lilac scent. "Sungchan is mind linking me about a matter concerning our family. I'll be right back...stay here, alright?"

"Y-yeah," Jaemin muttered, the air around him finally becoming less suffocating after Jeno left. It took him a few minutes to snap back to reality. His body felt strange as if there was an itch that couldn't be satisfied unless the alpha was near him again.

"What the fuck is happening to me?" The vampire mumbled to himself.

"Prince Jaemin," a calm voice approached the table he was seated at. "May I?"

Jaemin looked up, seeing the very person he was hoping to avoid for reasons he couldn't explain. "Of course, Taeyong," he smiled. Yep, he was definitely acting suspicious all on his own.

"How are you dear?" Taeyong returned his smile, it was almost comforting to the vampire.

"I'm fine and yourself?" Jaemin hated speaking formal, but he'd be damned if he faulted in front of his mate's mother. Although, it's no secret that the vampire prince can be an asshole.

"Much better now that the young fae prince has return to us. We can all finally rest for awhile, especially Queen Doyoung and King Johnny."

"Indeed. My father has hardly seen daylight with how much he has been stuck in his quarters," Jaemin chuckled.

After a few quiet seconds, Taeyong spoke again, his voice soft and filled with cautiousness. "May I question your relationship with my son?"

"I beg your pardon?"

"It's not as if I'm against it, trust me. However, I could not help but notice your scent and Jeno's of course." Jaemin flushed, his palms becoming sweaty as his legs shook beneath the surface of the table. "You two have mated am I right?"

The vampire knew there was no point in trying to lie his way out of the situation because a mother's intuition was never wrong.

"I'm sorry," the prince hung his head, unable to look the omega in his eyes.

"For what?" Taeyong chuckled lightly, "I'm rather relieved to know that my son is exactly like his father while being the complete opposite."

"What do you mean by that?" Jaemin slowly lifted his head, his body slowly relaxing in his seat.
"Nothing for you to worry about, my dear." Taeyong patted the vampire's shoulder.

"My father will never approve..."

Taeyong thought for a moment. He had always secretly watch over Jaemin as if he was his own son knowing that his mother was never in the vampire's life. Of course he did it from a distance because having three alpha pups with strong personalities was quite a lot; but he always made sure to show motherly affection towards Jaemin when he saw him.

"He will," the omega assured.

"How can you be so sure?" Jaemin fiddled with his fingers.

"I know your father and I know that he values you and your happiness over everything."

"Are we speaking of the same King Moon Taeil?" Taeyong couldn't help but let out a small laughter from the vampire's words. He and Doyoung always scolded the vampire king for seeming so heartless around his son. However, being put through the things Taeil was put through would undoubtedly change a being forever. Therefore, they could never blame the latter for his cold emotions.

"I'm afraid I must leave you now," Taeyong said as he got up from his seat. "Jaehyun seems to be looking for me...what a nuisance, the omega continued to say as he chuckled fondly.

"Thank you." Jaemin's voice was so small that Taeyong hardly heard the vampire speak.

"You two have my blessing, of course. Oh, and Jaemin," the wolf paused to look at the other. "Alphas are quite fertile, especially with their mates." And with that, the omega left Jaemin alone once more to join his husband and the celebration.

Jaemin wondered why Taeyong suddenly told him that but brushed it off as he decided to step outside for some fresh air. The palace itself was becoming to crowded and a wave of nausea came over the vampire almost instantly. He hadn't felt like his normal self the past three days, but maybe he just needed to comfort of his mate.

It's not like he knew how mate bonds worked. His father never explained how they would feel in detail so maybe these were some side effects. Hence why his senses kept searching for Jeno. Wanting and needing Jeno every second of the day.

Speaking of Jeno, the vampire suddenly got an odd feeling as he stumbled into the willow forest. It was really odd because said forest always had a feeling of peace, but right now, an eerie was resonating from every tree that he continued to walk by.

"JAEMIN!" The vampire prince immediately turned to face a frightened Chenle. He looked like he had seen a monster. His face puffy with tears streaming down his cheeks.

"Chenle?" Jaemin held onto the warlock arms to stop the male from shaking. "Why—what happened?"

"Creatures came from no where and Jisung—he," Chenle tried to say, his breathing erratic.

"Jisung? Chenle breathe...what happened?"

"Jisung was—he's in d-danger!"

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