Chapter 18

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"You could have told me."

"I did not see the need to do that."

"So, hiding the fact that we are mates...damaging my pride...was okay with you?" Sungchan didn't want to admit it, but he was furious with the elf. He was furious with the idea that this was all a game to the prince.

"Oh? You are not upset with me, no, you're upset about your little alpha pride being hurt!" Shotaro snapped. It didn't see the big deal about prolonging their mating process. They were still young and he knew the nature of wolves once they found their mates. They would want to start a family and tie their mate down...practically locking them away from the world because of their possessive nature. And Shotaro didn't want to deal with that...not now at least.

"Shotaro," Sungchan growled.

"Prince," the elf corrected him. "Address me properly."

"You surely aren't acting like one," the wolf rolled his eyes. He was done playing into the hands of the elf. "I'll take my leave now."

"Wait," Shotaro pulled on the other's sleeve before he was able to move from his bed. "Where are you going?"


"Because our conversation is not over yet."

"It is for me," Sungchan gently removed the elf's hand from his sleeve. Despite him being upset, the beautiful boy was still his mate and he'd be dammed enough if he had hurt him.

"Sungchan," Shotaro whispered. The wolf immediately sensed the change in his flowery if he was afraid. Sungchan cautiously looked down at the prince, his throat running dry at thought of his mate being afraid of him.

"Are you afraid of me?" Sungchan questioned softly.

"N-no...of course not!"

"I can sense it on you, Shotaro. I—," the wolf shook his head, pulling away from the elf completely and making his way to the door.

"It's not you that I am afraid of!" Shotaro quickly defended. "Your kind—"

"My kind?"

"Let me finish," the elf shook his head frantically. "Just listen, okay?" Sungchan didn't answer, but he didn't leave the room either. "You want a family.....I can't give you that."

"Shotaro," Sungchan took a deep breath, "I never implied that I wanted to start a family right away. My brothers and I hardly even discuss such things regularly."

"But you will eventually want a family," Shotaro slowly sat back on his bed. "And I can't give you that."

"This has nothing to do with us being mates—"

"It has everything to do with that, Sungchan! The nature of your kind thrives off of their offspring, but me? I am incapable of bearing your child! I am as useless of a mate as I am for a prince."

Sungchan didn't know what to say, so instead, he moved forward to embrace the elf in his arms. Shotaro was shaking as the tears trickled down his blushed cheeks. He hated admitting his barrenness out loud and the only people aware of this were his brother, parents, and their advisor. But now, his reality had finally arrived after confessing to the only person it would also matter to.

"You are not useless," Sungchan said in a gentle voice. "I do not care if you are unable to have children...that doesn't change the fact that you are my mate. You are my destiny."

"I am not worthy to be the mate of an alpha like yourself," Shotaro argued, but Sungchan held the elf's face with his palms.

"Isn't it I who is unworthy to be mated to royalty?"

"Unlikely. I have no real royal blood running through my veins. As I said...useless."

"If you continue to speak about my mate like that I will have no other choice, but to defend him," Sungchan pulled the other's face close to his. It was no secret that Shotaro was adopted, but the wolf didn't care about that. In his eyes, he was far more than a royal prince.

"And how will you do that?" Shotaro looked up at the wolf. Small sniffles escaped his redden nose and his eyes shimmered with want; and before the elf knew it, the other had pressed his lips against his in a gentle manner. There was no tongue involved, but that didn't make it any less enticing for the two of them. It was something they both needed. Something the wolf constantly dreamed about from the moment he noticed the other's freesia scent.


Sungchan quickly pulled away from the other at the sound of a new voice entering the room. "G-good day your highness," the alpha gave an unsteady bow.

"M-mother," Shotaro stuttered, his cheeks flushed red in embarrassment.

"Sungchan, dear," Sicheng smiled at the wolf. "Does your mother and father know that you are here?" Sungchan shook his head.

"I see," the elf queen chuckled.

"Mother, please don't tell father," Shotaro suddenly started to beg. He knew just how protective his father was over him.

"Tell him what?" Sicheng showed his son a knowing smirk. "Anyway," the queen clapped his hands together, "if this was under any other circumstances I would invite you to join us for dinner. However, I am positive Taeyong would certainly not approve of this."

"I'm sorry," Sungchan apologized.

"It's alright, Sicheng smiled at the wolf. "I am always delighted to see you and with my son at that." Both boys couldn't help the faint blush that appeared on their faces.

"I'll take my leave now, your highnesses."

"No need to be so formal with me! I am your future mother-in-law," Sicheng winked at the wolf, "oh and Sungchan?" The queen caught the male attention, "if I were you, I would use the window to exit our palace," and with that, Sicheng left the two alone once more.

"Should I?" Sungchan turned to his mate.

"You should," Shotaro rolled his eyes before letting out small giggles. "Okay," Sungchan smiled, his heart fluttering at the cute sounds. "May I have one last kiss before I leave?"

"Do you want to die?" Shotaro flicked his mate's forehead but planted a chaste kiss on the other's lips.

"Tomorrow?" Sungchan suggested as they approached the elf's window.

"You must really wish for my father's wrath," Shotaro rolled his eyes. Maybe his mate truly was senseless. "If it's the only way to win your heart then so be it," the alpha grinned before jumping onto the patch of grass below the window.

"You are hopeless, alpha!" Shotaro raised his voice, ignoring the way his heart thumped against his chest after hearing the other's words.

"Dream of me tonight, Prince Shotaro!"


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