Chapter 51

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haechan was surprise to see his father act the way he did just a few moments ago. unlike his mother, who he was by far used to, it was fairly unusual for the king to lose his composure.

nonetheless, he knew his father needed some time to cool down before he went to talk to him because whether he would like to admit it or not, haechan knew within himself that he was prepared to go against his father for mark's well being.

"your highness," one of the guards called out to haechan. he had already delivered the two messages his mother ordered him to do. now, he was only waiting. "we took the hunter's father into the guest room on the third floor. is that alright?"

haechan smiled and said to the guard, "thank you, it is greatly appreciated." without another word, the guard left haechan alone again to dwell on his thoughts and feelings. he wanted so badly to beg the being to keep him company but the words didn't dare to leave his mouth as he knew that this would be the only opportunity he would get to speak to mark's father alone.

his palm was sweaty and he was sure his heartbeat could be heard throughout the decorated hallway as he slowly walked to the guest room.

"may i come in?" haechan softly knocked on the outside of the door. mark's father answered with a soft and shaky 'yes', evoking feelings of sympathy for the man. haechan slowly entered to see him standing by the opened window with unsure expression written on his face.

For a moment silence fell across the room as Haechan watched the older male. Then, just above a whisper, Mark's father rasped out "My son's....they're in trouble aren't they?". Haechan felt a twinge of sympathy course through him once more as he replied "no, they're not." Still looking at the back of Mark's father he continued "you must be confused and have so many questions...I can answer them if you'd like."

Haechan wasn't sure if he was making the right decision with offering to help Mark's father. It was clear his mate and the man before him had some unresolved issues and he was more than certain that his own father couldn't stand to breathe the same air as the older male. But something was urging the fae prince to speak with him anyway. Oblivious to his inner thoughts, Mark's father turned toward Haechan and gave him a confused and incredulous look before he said mostly to himself "you're the youngest prince."

"I am, my name is Haechan. How did you know I was the prince?" Instead of answering the male, Mark's father responded by saying "you shouldn't be here, Your Highness. I've already crossed a line with your parents...I don't think I'll be granted the opportunity to cross another one." The males response had puzzled Haechan. He was sure that he had never seen the man in front of him before today and it was rare to even come across a hunter near the fae kingdom. But instead of voicing his confusion Haechan replied "you don't need to worry, the Queen was the one who sent me to check on you."

"However, given the King's reaction, you might want to ask me any questions you may have before either of them come in to speak with you." Haechan continued. The male took in a shaky breath as he seemingly tried to gather his thoughts. Then when he seemed to have reigned in his nerves, he asked "will I be able to see them? I just need to know if my sons are okay..."

The pain in the older males voice, told Haechan all he needed to know. His heart ached for Mark's father as he read the worry and fear on his crestfallen face. Wanting him to feel some sort of comfort, the fae prince slowly made his way across the room and stood close enough to the older male where he could place a comforting hand against his slumped and quivering shoulder. Then in a soft and soothing tone he told the male "your son's are well and I promise that you'll see them as soon as they arrive for as long as you like." 

Haechan then offered the male a soft smile as he removed his hand to step back and exit the room. However, the male clutch onto his dress shirt to grab his attention as he said "thank you, I-I've been so worried and I didn't know what to expect when coming here."

Haechan went to assure the male that he truly had nothing to worry about when the door suddenly flew open and Mark practically growled "let go of him". Mark's father instantly let go of the piece of shirt he was clutching onto and dashed to the other side to greet his son. But instead of greeting him, Mark sidestepped his father's embraces and seethed out "you have a lot of nerve coming here."

Haechan watched as pain and regret rippled across Mark's father's face as his son's words settled across the room. Yet that very flash of hurt didn't stop Mark's wave of anger. "what were you thinking coming here?! I knew you were incompetent but I didn't think anyone could be this stupid" Mark hissed out.

Swallowing thickly, Mark's father said to the male "I was worried, I didn't know what else to do. You and Hendery were missing-" but Mark cut his father off as he shouted "WORRIED?! You expect me to believe that you somehow managed to pull yourself out of your fucked up self-pity bubble enough to come and look for us?"

"You expect me to believe that very same man who left us to fend for ourselves for years, finally decided to give a shit about us?!" Mark fumed. His father looked on the verge of tears as he said pleased "Mark please...just-just hear me out." The words only seemed to enrage Mark more as he shouted "WHY SHOULD I?! Just because you got up off your ass for once doesn't mean I have to sit and listen to whatever fucked up excuse you made up."

No longer wishing to see the situation escalate further, Haechan stood between Mark and his father as he said "Stop, that's enough. Acting like this won't-" but Mark cut Haechan off as he said "oh don't worry I have no intentions to fix things with the man that not only fucked up me and Hendery's lives but almost yours as well."

"What are you talking about?" Haechan asked but before he could get an answer Hendery had entered the room and said tensely "cut it out Mark, you're making a scene." as he glanced a worried look at his Father. He then sighed out and said "Dad, what are you doing here?"

But instead of the older male answering, Mark replied "apparently he was worried about us. Could you believe it? Kim Jongdae was concerned about someone other than himself." Hendery only shook his head and gritted out "Mark Enough!"

But Mark only scoffed as he said "No, since he's worried how about I fill you in?" Haechan now tried to physically pull Mark out the room before he said anything that would've regretted later. But the hunter only pushed the fae off as he continued "You want to know what's been happening since we've been gone? Well to make a long story short, me and Hendery found out that the creatures you had us hunting for years aren't the fucked up beings you've made them out to be."

"Shut up, Mark!" Hendery had now shouted but Mark continued as he said "I even found out that the whole reason why we went through any of is because you tried to kill the Fae Queen and failed to do it. But that's not the best part." Hendery was now gripping Mark's arm as he seethed "just fucking stop already!" But Mark only chuckled darkly and he said spitefully "the best part is the very creatures you trained us to hate and to kill treated us better than you have for the past 10 years. In fact they treated us so well that Hendery became one of them!"

Hendery let out a chain of inaudible curses as his father looked at him in shock. Mark was now glaring at his father as he said "I hope that eases any of your worries, Jongdae."

"What do you mean by he became one of them?" Jongdae said as he stood motionless with a seemingly immovable shocked expression. Mark replied bitterly "Do I have to spell it out for you?! Hendery's a fucking vampire...and it's all your fault"

Hendery now softly called out to Mark in a pleading manner. But his brother continued his rage filled rant as he said "stop pleading with me to stop when it is all his fault!" He then directed his attention to his father once more as he said "Your the reason why we were trained into becoming natural born killers! It's because of you that we have so much hate and anger towards creatures that didn't deserve it and why Hendery is no longer human."

With each statement Jongdae grimaced as if he was physically in pain as his son shouted at him. And then finally as if he was dealt a fatal blow, Jongdae flinched as Marked gritted out hatefully "you fucked up our lives just like how you fucked up mom's own. The only difference is we're not dead like she is."

Haechan let in a sharp intake of breath as Hendery shouted "Mark!" But the young hunter only continued to glared at his father, whose face was now full of tears. But the young male wasn't moved. In fact, he showed no inch of regret as he said "just go home Jongdae and do us all a favor and stay the fuck out of our lives" as he stormed out the room.

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