Chapter 44

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As if his movements glitched, Jeno continuously paced back and forth between Chanyeol and Baekhyun's living room. The moment his father mind linked him and Sungchan to meet them back at the wolves territory his wolf had been on edge.

Of course, only for a brief moment, did he calm down after seeing his little brother safe and unharmed. But not knowing his mate's condition added fuel to a fire that had spread like a natural forest disaster. "Why am I not allowed to see him yet?" Jeno asked.

"Because he's taking a rest right now, my child." Taeyong got up from the chair and stopped the young wolf from pacing around. He hated seeing his children worry. "Chenle is inside the room with him so you have no need to panic."

"I should be next to him, mother! His scent is faint-"

"Listen to me." Taeyong cupped his son's cheek, "Jaemin is fine. Trust and listen to your omega mother, hmm?"

Jeno wryly nodded before taking a deep sigh and slumping his tensed shoulders. He knew he needed to remain level headed. Not only was he the future alpha of their pack but he was also the Jung Jaehyun's first born. He needed to keep his emotions in check in front of his younger brothers.

At the sound of a door clicking open, Jeno averted his eyes to the room down the hallway. "Jaemin's awake but he's still a bit hazy from earlier. I mixed a small potion for nausea so whoever is coming in now can give it to him."

"You did well, Chenle." Taeyong smiled at the pretty warlock, "how about you go with Jisung and Sungchan to our house and wait for your brother there?" Chenle didn't need to be told twice that this was now a family matter. With a single bow, he bid everyone goodbye along with the other two young alphas and carefully intertwined his fingers with Jisung's as they left.

"Jeno," Jaehyun called. "We have a lot to talk about but right now...whatever happens in that room should be a joined decision. Don't think about us, just you and Jaemin."

"Father-" Jeno shot him an uncertain look but decided to ask more questions once he saw Jaemin. "Okay." Without saying anything else, Jeno quickly went into the room, the persistent headache he had finally decreasing once he got a whiff of his mate's scent.

"Jeno—" Jaemin's voice cracked as he looked at the wolf. His mind—his entire being—ached with yearning to touch his mate that his body trembled in the other's embrace. "Jeno..Jeno..Jeno," he repeated like a mantra as he clung to him tightly.

"I have you, princess." Jeno lowly said as he started to release his pheromones into the air. It was common for wolves to release their pheromones to soothe their mates but Jeno wasn't quite sure if it would work the same for a vampire. "Are you hurt?"

"No-I'm just—" Jaemin felt like his words were stuck in his throat, choking him and pulling him away from Jeno. "I'm sorry— I didn't know-" he felt the guilt churning in his stomach at the thought of losing it without he or Jeno ever finding out. "I thought it would be impossible but it isn't and—"

"Sweetheart," Jeno pulled the vampire's face from his chest. "Breathe...why do you think I'm angry with you? I was only worried."

"No, Jeno, you do not understand." Jaemin sharply inhaled as he turned his head away from the wolf. "It wasn't just me or Chenle I placed in danger.... I'm pregnant...with your pup." He felt like he wanted to throw up every organ in his the moment those words left his lips. He didn't know how Jeno would take the news. Would he tell him get rid of it? Or would he leave him just like his mother did all those years back? Jaemin couldn't even stomach the thought of not having Jeno around him or their child.

"You're doing it again, princess." Jeno cupped Jaemin's face, "do you not trust me?"

"What are you saying, Jeno...this is serious."

"Have the tables turn now?" Jeno chuckled lightly as he thought about Jaemin and his antics before they mated. Planting a small kiss on the other's forehead, the wolf said, "hearing this news brought so much joy to me. There isn't enough words to express my excitement and fondness for our future." Jaemin nearly bursted into tears but held it together as he continued to listen to his mate speak. "I love you, Na Jaemin. I love everything about you. So to know that you are carrying my offspring is truly the biggest gift an alpha could ever ask for."

Tears slowly rolled down the vampire's cheeks as he sniffled and said, "do you really mean that? Will you take care of them with me?"

"Princess." Jeno held the other in his arms as he engulfed his body into a soft hug, "what type of question is that? Of course I'm taking care of our pup with you. Not only would I be a disgrace to my pack if I didn't but I would also fail you as mate. You are my other half now...remember that."

Jaemin sniffled as he shuffled onto his knees and looped his arms around Jeno's neck. "You are such a sap," he softly said as he leaned in and kissed him on his cheek.

"Is that what I am now? A pathetic alpha?"

Jaemin looked offended at Jeno's words. "It was a compliment."

"Then I believe we need to work on that, hmm?" Jeno laughed as he nuzzled the vampire's neck.

"Stop it," Jaemin murmured, putting his head on Jeno's shoulder. His face burned from embarrassment but his body finally relaxed after being stressed for the past few days. "Wait!" Jaemin shot up, his face turning much paler than usual.

"What is it, sweetheart?" Jeno questioned.

"My father— he doesn't even know that we are mates. What the hell will he think? Jeno—"

"Hey, hey," Jeno once again took ahold of the vampire by his waist. Rubbing small circles along Jaemin's sides he said, "one step at a time, okay? You can take your time telling him so whatever you decide to do I will follow."

"I'm afraid," Jaemin sighed. "But I want to tell him. In fact, I want to tell the whole of Paitha that we are mates and I am carrying your offspring. If you'd let me of course," he continued with a faint blush creeping across his cheeks.

"Is this your way of proposing to me?" Jeno smirked.

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