Chapter 41

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Jisung's POV

My heart stopped as I heard the familiar soft voice echo across the silent room. My gaze immediately flickered to the source of the sound. A sharp warning growl emitted from my throat as my wolf took in the sight of Chenle standing wide eye at the bloodied doorway with a vampire clutching his forearm tightly.

Still in full control, my wolf snarled viciously at the action and before I could stop myself I  said grittily to the pale vampire, "let go of him...before I do it for you."
The vampire visibly stiffened at the out right threat he had received. Yet instead of letting go the male only said, "Chenle tell the frenzied pup to put his fangs away." As he nervously glanced at his now dead kind in the room.

My wolf snarled once again in response and this time Chenle spoke up as he said, "Jisung it's's only Prince Jaemin and I." At his words the prince's flowery scent flooded my senses and even though it was masked by something I couldn't quite figure out my wolf could tell it was him. Realizing that the true threat was indeed gone, I released a shaky breathe and found myself rushing over to the still stunned warlock.

Feeling my hands shake with the adrenaline that still was coursing though my body I said to the pretty male "What are you doing here?! Are you hurt?"

Chenle finally freed himself from Jaemin's grasp in order for him to grab my shaking hands and said "I'm fine...Jaemin actually helped speed up the healing process." With a glance at my blood soaked attire he continued, "and I should be asking you that. You're covered in blood."

"This isn't my blood" I said a bit coldly to the boy before me. Chenle began to open his mouth as if to respond but was cut off as Jaemin said "As much as I savour the scent of fear, all of this blood is giving me a fucking headache." Now tip toeing around one of the deceased males Jaemin flickered his eyes to Jisung as he continued in a nonchalant tone "It's time to leave. If whoever was behind this isn't aware that you managed to escape; they will be now once they smell the blood."

"I can't teleport us back to the Fae Kingdom. It's too far and I'm already pushing the limits of my magic." Chenle said worriedly. "Can you try get us to the pack lands? It's closer and the pack members would be able to tend to your wounds and alert my family." I said to the young warlock.

"Wherever we go just make it quick, I don't feel like getting my clothes dirty today with vampire blood" Jaemin said as he wrinkled his nose in disgust at the blood splattered across the room. At that Chenle rolled his eyes, grabbed a hold of the vampire's prince hand and said, "werewolf kingdom it is then." As his magic filled the damp air and the boys vanished.


Author's POV

It wasn't the ideal place to suddenly appear in, but Chenle did warn them about his magic hanging on by a thread due to his low energy. Now the three beings were awkwardly staring at an omega wolf who was furious with them ruining his vegetable patches.

"Please don't tell my mother, Baekhyun." Jisung frantically asked. He knew once his parents got a hold of him, Jaemin, and Chenle the scoldings would never come to an end. And the last thing he wanted was for the warlock and vampire to get in trouble.

"This is completely my fault for lacking coordination with my magic," Chenle continuously bowed as he muttered small apologies to the wolf.

"You kids are always up to no good! Look at this mess!" Baekhyun shook his head as he tried to salvage his squashed tomatoes. "And may I ask why is Prince Jaemin, a vampire, frolicking with you two in wolf
ter— wait, Jisung is that blood on your clothes?"

"If I say no...will you believe me?" Jisung nervously looked up at the omega.

"Of course not!" Baekhyun immediately rushed over to the alpha but his eyes caught sight of Jaemin struggling to stand. "Prince Jaemin are you alright?"

"I just need to lie down," Jaemin softly said. However, the vampire nearly fell to the floor before Chenle reached to grab his waist and hold him up.

"Goodness. Chanyeol!" Baekhyun yelled out. He quickly took Jaemin from the warlock as he carried the vampire into his home. Both Jisung and Chenle worriedly followed him, linking their hands together
without hesitation.

"My love, is everything alright?" Chanyeol emerged from his office.

"I'm not sure, but please boil some water and ensure that Jisung and Chenle are physically well. I will carry prince Jaemin to the guest room and try to contact King Taeil."

"We're okay, just— focus on Jaemin," Chenle quickly said, his eyes wavering with concern. He knew something was off about Jaemin before they went looking for Jisung, yet the vampire insisted that he was fine. "Please?"

"O-okay." Baekhyun answered, sensing the uneasiness coming from the warlock. He quickly took Jaemin to the room and gently placed him onto the bed. The vampire seemed to be unconscious which raised many red flags for the omega. However, Baekhyun's wolf hinted a certain scent coming from the prince, but with him being a different species it was difficult for a lower rank omega to distinguish it properly.

"My love, Taeyong is outside." Chanyeol quietly informed as he opened the door, "with Jaehyun of course. I'm not sure what's happening but I asked Taeyong to help you with Jaemin until King Taeil arrives."

"Are the other two kids alright?" Baekhyun worriedly asked his husband. "I'm sure they must be worried sick with the amount of blood on Jisung's clothes."

"We were but those two insisted that they're okay and begged me to check on Jaemin." Taeyong said as he entered the room with the other omega and delta. "Jaehyun, however, refuses to let them out of his sight. He also wanted to speak with you, Chanyeol."

The delta wolf nodded as he walked out the room, letting Taeyong close the door behind him. "I could smell his scent from the front door," Taeyong quietly told Baekhyun as he walked over to  Jaemin's sleeping figure. "He's pregnant, Baek."

Baekhyun's eyes opened widely as he asked, "are you sure?"

"Certainly," Taeyong shook his head as he brushed the vampire's loose strands of hair away from his eyes.

"How can you tell?"

"Because I can sense my family's blood coursing through his veins."

"But how? It has never been possible—"

"May I remind you that, before Jaehyun, our territories only had alpha heads? It's clear that my son is simply just like his father." Taeyong straightened his shoulders. "We must ensure that his pregnancy is safe."

"Taeyong, I trust your actions, however, we have never dealt with such matters."

"Then, for both King Taeil's and Prince Jaemin's well being, we will make certain that there will be minimal complications."

Baekhyun hesitatingly bowed his head before asking, "will we mention this to the others?"

Taeyong paused for a moment and then turned to the other omega as he smiled and said, "that's for the newly mated couple to decide."

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