Chapter 43

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Rage and something liken to jealousy reverberated throughout the room as Hendery bore his seething gaze onto Xiaojun. Despite its intensity, Xiaojun didn't cower or cringe against it. Instead, he met Hendery's gaze with just as much fire and intensity as he said, "are you going to glare the entire time or are you actually going to say something?"

"What exactly do want me to say?" Hendery said tightly towards the pretty male. He knew within himself that he had no reason to be upset with Xiaojun, especially since neither of them had made any claims on one another or acted on the bond that had mysteriously tethered them together.

But right now he wasn't thinking rationally. No, the only thing Hendery could think of was the predatory look the vampire from earlier had given Xiaojun and how it set something ablaze within him. He had never wanted to kill a supernatural as badly as he wanted to kill Xiaojun's ex-lover. And the claim the bloodsucking fool had said to him had only make Hendery want to tear each limb from his pathetic body until his ancestors heard his fucking screams.

It was these intrusive thoughts that had Hendery asking "would you like me ask how many times he fucked you before and after you met me? Or maybe you want me to ask if you fucking enjoyed it?!"

The bitter words felt like a slap in a face to Xiaojun. He didn't want to get into an argument with his mate over someone as insignificant as Daniel. But he found himself hissing at the male "are you fucking serious right now?" One look at the raging vampire and Xiaojun knew the answer to his question almost instantly.

Snarly lowly, Xiaojun said to Hendery "Get a grip! You're acting jealous over something and someone that doesn't matter! Daniel-" however the male's words were cut off as Hendery hissed loudly at the sound of Daniel's name and in a blink of an eye he was mere inches from Xiaojun's face.

Hendery was so close to the male that he could feel his soft breathe caress his face as chest fell up and down rhythmically at a fast pace. Then ever so slightly, Hendery leaned in closer to Xiaojun so that he could feel the feather light movement of his lips against his as he whispered "so what if am I jealous?"

Hendery found himself dropping his voice an octave lower than he usually would as he continued "you're mine right? Am I not allowed to get jealous over what's mine?" Noticing the trail of goosebumps that ran along Xiaojun's pale skin, Hendery knew he had the male exactly where he wanted him. Where he was meant to be.

With the two males being so close that Hendery could taste Xiaojun's breathe on his tongue, he found himself placing a firm grip on Xiaojun's jaw as he breathed out roughly "Answer me Dejun".

At the command, Xiaojun laced his fingers through Hendery's still damped hair and in a breathy moan he stammered out "Y-yes I'm yours." That's was all Hendery needed to hear as he closed the space between him and his mate.

Xiaojun couldn't think as Hendery collapsed his lips on his. He couldn't breathe as his hands roamed over his tense body searching and gripping onto any area of exposed skin. With each kiss, Xiaojun found himself not remembering who he was. Everything that was him became completely and utterly consumed by Hendery. By his mate.

And as Hendery nipped and pulled Xiaojun's lips into his own, the male found himself whispering between heavy breaths "my room...take me to my room." At the words, Hendery gripped the back of Xiaojun's legs and placed him on his waist as he made a dash for the room. It only took the sound of the door clicking shut in place for Hendery to began assaulting Xiaojun's  bared neck with open neck kisses.

Soon enough, Xiaojun's hands sought out the now wrinkled white tee that was on Hendery and tore it completely it half. The vampire's entire body went into overdrive as his hands eagerly roamed Hendery's chiseled chest. When his hands had their fill of that, Xiaojun found himself tugging the nape of Hendery's hair as he used his fangs to graze across the males erect nipples.

And when he used those same fangs to sink into whichever one he favored more, Xiaojun began to forcefully bite down on his lip to prevent a moan from escaping into the heated air.  Suddenly, Hendery let out a deep growl as he detach himself from Xiaojun and said to the male "let me hear you moan" as he placed rough hand against his mate  throat and his lips on Xiaojun once more.

Xiaojun didn't know how, but in one minute Hendery had him pinned to his bedroom door and in the next he found himself perched upright on Hendery's lap as he fumbled with the buttons of his pants. At this point he was completely naked and was starting to grow impatient with an insatiable need. Hendery only starred up at the male through lust ridden eyes as he made long strokes against his thighs. Purposefully, using his hands to caress every area and inch of skin besides the area that needed his touch.

Finally, getting rid of the last piece of clothing between his mate and himself,  Xiaojun used his hands to gently stroke Hendery's stiff erection. The action had Hendery letting out a blissful moan that almost made the male combust on the spot but instead he whined out "Why won't you touch me?"

Hendery chuckled darkly at the male's words as he shifted his body and said "Because I want you to cum from cock not my hands". As soon as the filthy words left Hendery's lips he removed Xiaojun's hands and replaced them with his own as he pushed himself into Xiaojun's needy and awaiting hole. This time male didn't hold back the moan that escaped his lips and echoed throughout the room.

"Fuck you feel amazing" Hendery groaned out as he dugged his nails into his mate's  hips. Xiaojun was still reeling from the sensation of being filled when Hendery gripped his jaw tightly and said huskily "Move for me."

The first roll of his hips had Xiaojun hissing in a breathe and rolling his eyes all at once. As him and Hendery moved as one, Xiaojun realized just how much he was truly missing out on during his time with Daniel. He didn't want to stop and his body said as much as he increased the thrust and rolls of his hips.

Each high pitch whine or moan that Xiaojun let settle between him and his mate only seemed to push Hendery edge as his thrust became harder and sharper. A familiar sensation began to quickly build in Xiaojun's core and he more or less heard himself say "bite me please".

Never once breaking or slowing his pace, Hendery latch his lips onto Xiaojun's own once more and bite down as hard as he willingly too. The action had Hendery swallowing blood that now beaded Xiaojun's lips and the loud moan he echoed throughout the room. "Fuck!" was all Xiaojun had manage to say as he dragged his nails sharply across Hendery's back that rippled with movement.

Through his lust filled haze Xiaojun managed to grip Hendery's face within his trembling hands and said with a shaky voice "Again...Please Again." Hendery gave the writhing male a wicked grin as he slowed his movements to a torturous slow place and whispered "Will you cum if I do?" the only thing Xiaojun could do was offer his mate a feeble nod as his husky laughter echoed throughout the room. Trying and failing to formulate words as he focused on Hendery's movement.

Instead of putting him out of his misery Xiaojun heard Hendery whisper in his ear  "and where do you want me to bite you this time ?" Xiaojun wasted no time pointing to the area on his neck that was sure to be his ruin. He didn't care that him and Hendery had not too long meet one another. He didn't care that he was once a hunter and he was a vampire. He didn't even care that they never truly discussed what their relationship might be. He just new he needed Hendery and he wasn't going to let any insecurities get in the way of that.

With that thought, Xiaojun looked his mate into his eyes and said as steadily as he could "make me yours". At his words Hendery sank his fangs into the spot of Xiaojun's choosing and as soon as the pleasure and pain filled feeling coursed through him Xiaojun felt the sweet and euphoric tendrils of release engulf his body.

Xioajun came with a cry and a sensual moan as soon as Hendery help ride out his high. And as soon as he was coherent enough, Xiaojun returned the very same favor to his mate as he claimed the spot that made Hendery's breathe hitched drastically whenever his fingers passed over it during their coupling. Hendery found his release with a deafening roar that had Xiaojun arching his back as warm flooded within him.

Long after their joining, Xiaojun and Hendery were still breathing heavily and collapsed on another as they heard commotion echo up through the mansion hall from the foyer area. Soon enough someone shouted out Xiaojun's name with a summons.

Xiaojun felt his heart rate quicken and as he looked at his mate who gave him a reassuring look. The expression alone had Xiaojun no longer worrying about what he might find in the room below. Instead he found himself comforted by the steady sound of his mate's breathing and his familiar scent as they made their way to whatever awaited behind those foyer doors.

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