Chapter 3

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Haechan's Pov

"You look stunning my beautiful prince."

"I do hope my mate adores me as much as you do, father," I smiled at my father. I was rather nervous about my appearance for my mate, fussing and fiddling with the smooth silk of my tunic as if my mother's dressmaker would allow me to leave my room with a single crease.

"This night is about you growing into an even more beautiful and powerful Fae," my father pulled me into a tight hug. His embrace was as warm as the sun cascading onto beautiful wisterias after a snowfall. Next to my brother, my father always understood how I felt without me saying much. He knew I was worried about my mate, yet he declared it should be my mate worrying about finding me because of my mother. A humorous King paired with a minacious Queen was quite entertaining to me.

"I know father," I mumbled against his chest, "but won't our people look forward to my mate and I becoming one tonight."

"That is not how fate works, dear," I heard my mother approach us from behind. "May I, Johnny?" He asked for my father's permission to take me. He nodded, planting a kiss on my forehead and then kissing the Queen on his cheek before joining the crowd below the staircase.

"You see," my mother held out his hand for me to take, "the moon goddess decides who our mate is and when we get to meet them. The concept of it is rather complicated for us beings to understand." I shook my head because he was right. Being destined to truthfully fall in love with one person despite our heart's desires is beyond my comprehension.

"At my ceremony, I did not think your father would have been my mate." I heard him chuckle beside me. They would always tell us about their love story that happened many years ago. A love story I hoped would be just like mine, but instead, Lucas and Renjun seemed to have followed in our parent's footsteps. Quite lucky indeed.

"What if luck forgets me tonight?" My mother turned to look at me. We were at the end of the staircase now and my heart was pounding inside my chest.

"Fate does not rely on luck," he said while tucking a loose strand of hair behind my ear. The tip of my mother's fingers was quite warm, allowing me to feel a calming sensation. "Now straightened your wings," he brushed the pad on my shoulder, "the royal prince mustn't sulk on his night."

"I suppose," I chuckled, my wings fluttering lightly as I took a small bow before joining the crowd that came here for the royal cuisines and fine winery.

"In just a few minutes, prince Haechan," Chenle beamed as he came to my side. One would think it was his ceremony the way he seemed to be so excited for my coming of age.

"Have you seen prince Renjun and prince Lucas?" I asked him as we slowly walked through the swarm of beings. It was not only faes and elves that were present but there were also vampires and werewolves amongst us. All were welcomed to roam freely in the Fae Kingdom as long as there would be no bloodshed.

The werewolves had no problem abiding by that rule. Despite their wolf side, they were overall calm in nature. Considered to be trustworthy people for our family. On the other hand, vampires were much more aggressive and carefree. There were only a few, including King Taeil, that would push their turmoil nature aside and follow the Fae laws during this time. 

"They have already been seated at the family table with King Yuta, Queen Sicheng, and Prince Shotaro," Chenle informed me. "Shall I take you there?" Sometimes he takes the role of my advisor too seriously. I don't expect such a young warlock like himself to stay by my side tonight. He is his own person, my friend, and our family.

"I can handle that much, Chenle," I patted my friend on his back. "You should enjoy tonight as well. Maybe you will find someone of your liking." Chenle blushed at my words. A few years back, he had confessed to both me and Renjun that he believed there was no mate for him. Simply because he was a warlock. There was not much of his kind left, so the idea of a mate came to be like a fever dream to him.

However, my mother explained to us that not all mates are from the same race. Which opened our eyes a lot to the many possibilities.

"Haechan!" Chenle hid his face behind his small fingers which were lathered in silver rings.

"See you later, my lovely friend," I chuckled before walking off. Just a few feet from where I stood, I saw Lucas and Renjun playfully bickering beside each other as Shotaro gave them a disapproving look. Meanwhile, King Yuta and Queen Sicheng were engaging in a conversation with my parents, probably waiting until the other heads and their children arrived.

"I see King Taeil has arrived, but not his son," I heard someone comment behind me. Jeong Jeno was his name. The eldest son of the alpha Jeong's pack. Most times he would be gentle, very condescending to when he was on the field, but when it came to Na Jaemin, that's when it became a different story.

"Not unusual for Prince Jaemin," I replied. It was true. No one has seen the vampire prince for about a year or so now. "Do you perhaps miss him, alpha Jeno?" I started a small conversation with him. I would like to consider us as friends that filled each other in from time to time.

"Hell no," Jeno immediately said, causing me to chuckle at the scorn on his face. "It's just awfully quiet without his nagging."

"So, you miss him," I deadpanned. "The moon goddess sure does work in mysterious ways."

"What are you trying to say?" He looked at me with an arched eyebrow. "Nothing at all," I chuckled, "let us join the others." I could hear a disapproving growl come from Jeno, but I paid him no mind. I loved teasing him.

"May I have everyone's attention," my mother clinked his class as I sat at the center of the table. At the far end of the table, I could see Alpha Jaehyun and his wife, Taeyong, taking a seat with their three sons as well.

"As we gather here today on behalf of my youngest son, let us all welcome his coming of age with great attitudes!" The room was suddenly filled with loud cheers and claps once my mother was finished. I saw everyone seated at the table stand up to look at me. There were bright smiles plastered across their faces as they raised their glasses.

"Would you like to say something, our beautiful prince?" I heard my father ask, ushering for me to stand once everyone else was seated.

"I want to say thank you all for coming here tonight," I started to say. I was nervous, but my mother always taught me not to show it. "I hope to not disappoint any of you in the future and to become someone every one of you can trust." It was not much to say, but nonetheless, there was a positive response that made me feel relieved as I took my seat.

"Happy birthday, Haechan!" My brother's voice echoed through the room, making everyone laugh and cheer once again.

"Thank you," I couldn't help the blush that painted my cheeks. After a while, the others started to disappear into the crowd. I felt a bit tired from greeting and receiving wishes with every step I took, but it kept my mind off the thought of my mate.

But even though I was occupied, I wondered why I still could not feel my mate. When Renjun came of age, he immediately sensed his mate was my brother. Despite Lucas's effort to hide it for a year, Renjun always told me he had a hunch that he was, and my brother courting him did not make it any better.

"I sense you haven't found your mate yet."

"Glad to know you could make it, prince Jaemin."

"I may despise such events," Jaemin chuckled, "but I would have never missed one as important as this. Especially since you stink of despair." I could always count on Jaemin to point out the obvious. He never felt the need to censor his words, which made a lot of people dislike him. I didn't however. Everyone had a way of expressing themselves.

"I supposed that may be a bother to you and others," I tried to hide the hurt in my voice. But it was not the vampire's fault that his words fell true.

"I bet those mutts could sense it from their territories," he taunted in a low voice against my ears.

"Werewolves," I corrected him, "they are werewolves, prince Jaemin."

"If you wish to call them that," Jaemin shrugged. "Anyway, you should cheer up. Not having a mate is sort of a blessing. I mean, just look at me," he winked at me, taking a cherry from the nearby food platter and joining the party.

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